This is the final episode of Breaching Extinction (for now). This has been an amazing journey. Thank you to everyone who's been a part of it!
Published 07/19/23
In this episode, Erica chatted with Anaïs Remili researcher and founder of Whale Scientist about her recent publication New killer whale research: North Atlantic killer whale diets revealed in unprecedented detail
Published 06/23/23
Published 06/23/23
This week Erica chatted with the one and only Orca Man aka Fred Denisco about his obsession with the movie Free Willy and some behind-the-scenes details about the film
Published 05/20/23
This week Erica chatted with researcher, José Ángel Ortega Borchardt about his recent publication Microplastics in scats of California sea lions on the Gulf of California.
Published 05/12/23
Lolita and other rants
Published 05/12/23
This week Erica chatted with biologist Helena Costa about her recent publication Using a consumer drone for the collection of humpback whale blow samples during the Arctic polar . Helena compares the uses of different commercial drones for the analysis of cetacean blows.
Published 04/28/23
In this week's episode, Erica chatted with researcher Jaclyn Aubin from the Department of Integrative Biology, Windsor, Ontario, Canada about her recent publication Fly with care: belugas show evasive responses to low altitude drone flights. Protection, energetic assistance, or social perks: How do beluga offspring benefit from allocare? Prospective evolutionary drivers of allocare in wild belugas
Published 04/21/23
This week Erica chatted with researchers Heidi Pearson from the University of Alaska SE about her recent publication Whales in the carbon cycle: can recovery remove carbon dioxide?
Published 04/14/23
This is the first episode of season 5! Erica and Madi sit down and chat about the future of the podcast and the southern residents using the full extent of their home range. If you are interested working with Breaching Extinction please send us an instagram DM or email Erica at [email protected]
Published 04/07/23
In this week's porpisode Liam, Madi and Erica discuss Lolita a captive Southern Resident Killer Whale
Published 02/20/23
In this week's porpisode Madi, Liam and Erica talk about the history of wind farms and their current impact on cetaceans  Sources: Climate Change Impacting Right Whales Episode  Blue Whale Mom Calf Pair Response to Vessel Episode 
Published 02/06/23
This week Erica chatted with Aricia Duarte-Benvenuto, a PhD student at the Patologia Experimental e Comparada graduate Program of the School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science – University of São Paulo, Brazil about emerging infections diseases in the amazon river dolphin.  Sources: Hemotropic Mycoplasma spp. in Aquatic Mammals, Amazon Basin, Brazil 
Published 01/27/23
In this week's porpisode Madi educates intoxicated Erica and Liam about a variety of animals that get high ;)
Published 01/23/23
This week Erica chatted with Fin Whale Researcher Sacha Viquerat about his recent publication Identifying seasonal distribution patterns of fin whales across the Scotia Sea and the Antarctic Peninsula region using a novel approach combining habitat suitability models and ensemble learning methods.  References:  Branch, T. A., & Butterworth, D. S. (2001). Estimates of abundance south of 60°S for cetacean species sighted frequently on the 1978/79 to 1997/98 IWC/IDCR-SOWER sighting...
Published 01/22/23
In this week's episode Erica chatted with biologist Josephine Schulze about her recent publication, Humpback whale song revolutions continue to spread from the central into the eastern South Pacific.
Published 01/13/23
In this week's propside Erica, Madi, and Liam discuss Madi's recent trip to French Polynesia among other things.  Sources  https://www.int-res.com/articles/meps2007/330/m330p257.pdf http://seaturtle.org/library/GannierA_2004_AquatMamm.pdf
Published 01/13/23
In this week's episode, Erica chatted with Mari Smultea about her recent publication Blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) mother-calf pair behavioral response to vessel in the Southern California Bight. Aquatic Mammals.  Resources:  Smuleta Sciences  Mother Calf Whale Nursing and Other Behavior Sperm Whale Ramming a Vessel in the Pacific First Recordings of Humpback Whale Sounds, Hawaii First Video of Wild Beluga Socio-sexual Behavior in Cook Inlet, AK
Published 12/30/22
In this week's episode Madi, Liam, and Erica discuss genetic disorders that could impact the pigmentation of cetacean skin  Sources:  Fifty Shades of Gray: The First Leucistic Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) Sighting off the Cedar Keys, Florida, Gulf of Mexico
Published 12/16/22
Salmon and Mola hats? Could this possibly be a trend for whales? Madi, Liam and Erica dive into potential orca trends in porpsiode! 
Published 12/13/22
This week Erica chatted with Italian researcher Giovanni Bearzi at Dolphin Biology and Conservation, Italy about his recent publication Marine mammals foraging around fishing gear or preying upon fishing catch and bait: it may not be “depredation”. They discuss the true meaning of the word "depredation" and how it has been used in a scientific context.  Resources: Marine biology on a violated planet: from science to conscience
Published 12/02/22
This week Erica chatted with Assistant Professor at the University of South Carolina Erin Meyer-Gutbrod about her recent publication Redefining North Atlantic right whale habitat-use patterns under climate change.
Published 11/25/22
This week Madi and Erica did a porpisode briefly discussing the Ocean Sunfish 
Published 11/21/22
In this week's episode, Erica chatted with William Carome, researcher at the New Zeland Whale and Dolphin Trust about his recent publication A long-term shift in the summer distribution of Hector’sdolphins is correlated with an increase in cruise ship tourism.  Sources:  New Zeland Whale and Dolphin Trust: Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook
Published 11/18/22
In this episode Erica, Liam and Madi discuss what credible science looks like and how to find legit sources for information.  Resources:  Science Council  What Makes Science Science (NPR) Live Science  Understanding Science UC Berkley 
Published 11/11/22