Before diving into the goals for the coming year, I always like to take a moment to reflect on the previous year. It's time to evaluate what worked, what didn't, and relive the best memories. In this episode, I want to take you along on this journey, sharing TWO very practical business lessons I learned in 2023 and tips for taking what I learned to help you grow your business in the new year.  On top of that, I'll be sharing two specific things I'll be focusing on in 2024. 2023 was such an...
Published 12/19/23
This week, I'm thrilled to share with you one of our all-time favorite episodes that originally aired as episode 23 back in July 2019. This episode has consistently been one of the most downloaded, and if you're like me and don't often revisit the early episodes of your favorite podcasts, you might have missed it so as my team and I take a little break this holiday season, I thought it would be the perfect time to share it with you again!   Whether you are an avid journaler like me or not,...
Published 12/12/23
  In this episode, I’m sharing all about having a word of the year for your business! I've alluded to having a word of the year (I actually had THREE words of the year) on the show many times so if you're a regular listener, you've heard me talk about this already but today I’m sharing WHAT those words are, why I picked them, why this matters, and how you can do the same!    In this short episode, I’m covering: Why your business word of the year and personal word of the year should be...
Published 12/05/23
This episode is a recast from 2022, aired at the same time of year last year. You guys loved it then, and I loved it too! It was such a fun episode to record. I just finished listening to the whole thing on a walk before I re-recorded the intro. I decided to re-air it because it's as relevant now as it was a year ago. Let's talk about what this episode is and then dive right into it. Today’s episode is a fun friend-to-friend chat about Christmas, and I am certainly bringing the Christmas...
Published 11/28/23
Now, are you ready to get your new website up fast? Today, I’m sharing my TOP tips to getting yourself a new website my new years instead of letting that website template you bought sit on your virtual shelf. After 5 years of selling Showit templates - there have been some recurring themes between those that get their website up FAST (like within days!) and those who take many months to make their site live.  While either scenario is completely OK, if you DO want a new website by New Years,...
Published 11/21/23
YAY! Who doesn’t love a Black Friday sale, right? In this episode, I’m sharing all of the exciting details about my BIGGEST Black Friday sale ever. Tune in to hear all about how you can win big (and score bonuses with every purchase). Whether you're in the market for a new website template (or add on) or are looking to join me inside Booked Out Designer, this Black Friday sale has something for everyone!   Head to https://elizabethmccravy.com/bf for all the details, but I have the...
Published 11/19/23
As a designer, I absolutely love talking about SEO, and I incorporate SEO strategy into every template and website I design. It might surprise you, but before you even input your own information, a website template can already be SEO-friendly or be a disaster that you'll have to fix later. While most SEO strategies are implemented after you customize the template with your own content, images, and SEO settings, there are certain things you can look for in templates to ensure they're...
Published 11/14/23
Today, I have an amazing guest, Colie James. I've known her online for years, and we finally got to meet in person at a conference in January. She's absolutely wonderful, inspiring, and incredibly knowledgeable about systems and all things business. I can’t wait to share her brilliance on the podcast today! In our conversation, we’re diving deep into topics like: - What most people MISS when starting to put more formal systems together in their business - What to do first if you find...
Published 11/07/23
We all have those days where we reach the end and think, "Wow, that was an awesome day!" Or maybe it's more like, "Wow, that day really sucked. I'm ready for a fresh start tomorrow." Often, we just move on without asking ourselves what made the day good or bad. We might acknowledge it if something big happened, but we often miss the opportunity to appreciate the small but amazing days.  I believe that It's important to take note of what makes it good or bad, especially on those mundane days....
Published 10/31/23
If you're reading this live, my new course Podcast Success Blueprint is now open for enrollment! Join now as a founding member and get exclusive limited-time discounts and bonuses. Get all the details at https://elizabethmccravy.com/psb As you think about starting a podcast, you might have hesitations and questions like: do I have time for it? Who am I to start a podcast? Do I have anything to say that people would actually want to hear? Is the tech going to overwhelm me too much? Will I...
Published 10/23/23
First, I want to tell you… I officially have a NAME FOR MY NEW COURSE! If you didn’t know… I’m launching a new course on podcasting next week and today, I’m going to share the name (and the very long journey to get to it!). If you’ve ever named a course before, you know how challenging it is. I nearly drove my husband Adam crazy with every single bump in the road as I came up with a name that I truly believe reflects what you’ll get inside the course.   In this episode, I’m sharing: What...
Published 10/18/23
Most podcasters don't earn as much as they could from their show. In fact, many smaller podcasts don't make any money at all, which is one reason why so many podcasters quit. Today, I’m talking about how making money from podcasting goes beyond just getting sponsors for ads. For smaller podcasts with less than a thousand downloads per episode, you likely won’t make enough on sponsorships for running a show to be “worth it” which is one of the reasons so many podcasters quit.  Today, I’m...
Published 10/17/23
This episode is a 2 for 1! I’m interviewing Brooke Jefferson on how to share more boldly in your business as a Christian business owner AND picked her brain on starting a podcast (she has two shows - with one of them almost at half a million views!)   In this episode, we talk about: Why we should infuse our faith in our business instead of keeping them separate How we can invite God into our businesses more intentionally What to do if you are nervous about sharing your faith boldly (but...
Published 10/10/23
Have you ever wanted to start a podcast? I believe that podcasting can be a powerful way to grow your business AND it can be enjoyable too. However, in my experience, too many podcasters struggle to achieve their business growth goals because they lack effective marketing strategies and systems. But I believe with the right podcast systems in place, it CAN be done well. And that’s what I’m here to talk about today!   Podcasting is the #1 lead generation source for my business. Seriously -...
Published 10/03/23
In today’s episode, I share 3 very awkward client asks (that you WILL be asked as a designer) and how to respond to them. These are ones that people truly don't talk about enough, but you've probably wondered about. I'm sharing my own experience of course, but I’m also sharing advice and scripts on how to respond to these situations. If this feels helpful to you, I cover this extensively in Booked Out Designer, so check that out below if you are interested!    Fun News! It's Booked Out...
Published 09/26/23
This is a bit of a unique episode, because it's actually a masterclass I taught for Showit Designers inside of Showit's new Designer Hub! I did the video training version of this class last week, and I asked Showit's team "Hey! Do you mind if I share this with my podcast community too?" and they said "Heck yes!" So, here we are… with you getting to learn from this awesome training while on the go!  This is a JAM PACKED episode/training all about pricing yourself as a designer. And, these...
Published 09/19/23
Exciting News! Booked Out Week is happening soon (Starting September 25, 2023). Get info here: https://elizabethmccravy.com/BOD-week  In today’s episode, I'm chatting with Amanda Scott, an incredibly talented and inspiring designer friend who signed up for Booked Out Designer in the beta round! She's been honing her skills as a website designer for over 10 years now, working with both billion-dollar businesses and one-woman shows. It’s been so fun to see her business absolutely skyrocket...
Published 09/12/23
This short little (not regularly scheduled episode) comes to you with a huge announcement. An announcement that I am so thrilled to share that I had to just make a random episode about it! I am creating my next online course, and DUH DUH… as the title says it’s for PODCASTERS. Whether you’ve been at the podcasting thing a while or you are a brand new podcaster who wants to start a show but you don’t know where to start, this is for you.    In this short episode, I’m sharing: - Why I’m...
Published 09/08/23
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to just work ONE day per week? And run a successful 6-figure business? Courtney Lazar (our go to systems expert in episode 226 - make sure to listen to that one if you haven’t yet!), is back on the podcast but this time she’s coming to us as a mom to a toddler with another baby boy on the way, sharing exactly how she built her business as an agency model that allows her to work just ONE day a week (and completely unplugs from work the other 6...
Published 09/05/23
Hey everyone! So, as you can tell from the title, I'm super excited to announce that I'm pregnant with baby number two. I have so much to share with you all! While I am sharing the 4 things I’m doing differently with baby #2 below, this is one conversation you’ll want to grab your earbuds for!  I’m sharing: How we found out (and how I shared the news with Adam) The timeline we are looking at with our due date and the age gap with Colin! An update for how this first trimester has been (it’s...
Published 08/29/23
If you're a new business owner or still in the season where you prefer to call what you do a side hustle, freelance work, or a hobby, this is for you. I’m sharing 5 strategies to help you step into a CEO role, even if that term feels silly to you now. It's okay to feel new and uncertain but to grow your business, you need to act like a business owner. That means letting go of the freelancer and hobbyist mentality and taking things more seriously. Don’t worry - I’m going to help you do just...
Published 08/22/23
In this episode, we're diving into the topic of working with a team and the importance of effective communication - especially when things are not going well! If the thought of growing, managing, and leading a team sounds overwhelming to you, let me just say this: I had the vision of being a solopreneur when I first started out, but over time, I came to realize that having a team is a game-changer for any business. However, I also know that managing people, whether they are contractors or...
Published 08/15/23
I switched my business workspace manager to ClickUp last fall, and it was a big decision. A lot went into the switch, but ultimately, it was the best thing for my business.  In today's episode, we dive into the world of business productivity and systems with special guest Courtney Lazar, the CEO and founder of SystemsUp. Courtney shares her expertise in systems solutions, helping six and seven-figure online business owners transform their operations. In our conversation, we discussed: ...
Published 08/08/23
In this episode, I got to sit down with Amanda Warfield of Chasing Simple, a simplicity-focused content marketing expert and launch strategist. Amanda helps her clients and students simplify their marketing efforts, allowing them to find the time to market their businesses without being overwhelmed. I was thrilled to have her on the podcast today!  In this episode, we dive deep into the concept of "Feast or Famine Marketing" and how content marketing plays a crucial role in breaking free...
Published 08/01/23
On Thursday, August 3rd, at 11 am CST/ 9 am PST, I'm hosting a pretty cool flash sale. I've never done anything like this before! I'll be sending an email to my email community with 5 different coupon codes to use on my Showit templates.Each code will have a limited amount of uses available, and then it will expire once it's used up. The highest code will be 50% off and there will be just ONE code at that amount. Yep, 50% off a template = HUGE SAVINGS.  Then from there we'll have a 40% off...
Published 07/31/23