Jack & Nick discuss what's new in iOS 11 for Developers, Xcode 9, refactoring in Swift 4, being lazy about watching WWDC videos, and ARKit experimentation.
Published 07/07/17
Nick Charlton joins Jack as the new co-host of Build Phase to discuss client expectations, hypermedia APIs, Reactive Swift, and the continued existence of FTP.
Published 06/02/17
In this episode, Jack is joined by David Ventura to talk about hackintosh build servers, the hopelessness of the Xcode project file, and Unity3D.
Published 02/09/17
In this episode, Jack stuns Gordon with a true story about a bizarre Swedish Christmas ritual, Gordon talks about his adventures creating a simple web app using Swift, and finally Jack reveals his true feelings about the new MacBook Pro.
Published 01/19/17
Mark & Jack discuss beards, politics, Swift 2.3 deprecation, and day to day Swit 3.0 development.
Published 12/07/16
Big week! Jack and Gordon sit down to talk about the new Macbook Pros and explain why it's totally OK for you not to buy one, as well as a possible solution to the missing escape key. They then move on into discussing CoreData, Swift bugs, and missing features in Swift Package Manager. They wrap up by discussing performance issues in Argo and the problems with benchmarks.
Published 11/24/16
This week, Gordon and Mark sit down to talk about a wide array of topics such as Ride Sharing services in Austin, Venmo's new architecture for managing URL and user activity routing alongside authentication, the pain caused by forced Swift updates, and spooky spiders! It's like a Halloween special just in time for Thanksgiving!
Published 11/17/16
In this episode, Jack and Mark are visited by Chris Eidhof, and together they talk about book publishing, Apple's frameworks, the Swift language, and how to be a good team player.
Published 11/10/16
This week, Mark and Gordon talk politics! Or at least fake political websites. They go on to chat about using a mono-repo for large applications and Gordon proposes a potential CoreData wrapper lib that he'd very much like someone to make for him (he will not do it himself).
Published 11/03/16
In this episode, Gordon and Jack commiserate about doing unpaid tech support, and then talked about Cloud Kit and Apple Watch development issues. Some of Jack's guesswork about Cloud Kit is right, and some of it is wrong. That's why they pay him the big bucks.
Published 10/27/16
Jack and Mark start off talking about startups, safety nets, free universities, and apartment rentals. Eventually they remember that this is a tech podcast, and discuss implications of updating a project to Swift 3, the nature of Foundation, how TVMLKit works, and the "new mac smell".
Published 10/20/16
This week, Mark and Gordon discuss the physics behind jumping into a pool from the fourth floor of an apartment complex. They also talk about working with xcconfig files and other nerdy stuff, but we know everyone is really here to know more about this pool situation.
Published 10/13/16
This week, Mark and Gordon discuss the recent spate of App Store rejections for use of "private" API (spoiler: it's not private API), Gordon's new obsession with project templating, and the decline of Skype.
Published 10/06/16
Gordon got a new mic for the office! It only kinda helped. Sorry, we're working on it. Disappointed emoji don't spell disappointed emoji just use the emoji.
After chatting about unique facial hair choices and Swift on the server, Gordon and Jack get dangerously close to being Yet Another Tech Podcast as they discuss missing headphone jacks, being angry about missing headphone jacks, AirPods, and being angry about AirPods.
Published 09/23/16
This week Mark and Gordon chat about their respective git workflows, Swift operator precedence groups, and a general uneasiness around the tooling in the iOS ecosystem (but what else is new?).
Published 09/17/16
This week, Mark and Jack talk about job hunting and what to look for when pursuing new opportunities. They also discuss the pros and cons to sticking with Apple dependencies (of course talking about CoreData) and Swift 3 adoption.
Published 09/09/16
This week, Mark and Gordon complete their transition to Salty Old Developers™ live on air after a discussion on the state of dependency management with Xcode betas. Come for the talk about operators in Swift 3 and the exciting possibility of higher-kinded types in Swift 4 but stay for the analysis of a tumbleweed's nasty knuckle-curve.
Published 09/01/16
This week, Jack and Mark talk about everything going wrong in the world of technology. From Swedish cable boxes to XVim and Xcode 8. Come for that, stay for the discussion about the pitfalls of developing iOS extensions and the impending Swift 3 migration.
Published 08/18/16
Gordon and Jack (or is it Reda?) sit down to chat about "good" and "bad" architecture decisions and how early adoption with Swift has framed interactions with the language and tools today.
Published 08/04/16
On their 100th episode, which they definitely did not forget about while recording, Mark and Gordon hold their first ever live call in giveaway! Unfortunately nobody participated, so they move on to talk about Gordon's Xcode plugin for Vim and how he works in Vim for day to day iOS development. Gordon's audio still sucks and he's incredibly sorry about that.
Published 07/28/16
This week Mark is joined by special guest and host of Tentative, Reda Lemeden. Having a designer-slash-developer on the show allows Mark to not shut up about UIKit, best practices for bridging Swift and Objective-C frameworks, and fancy new features in iOS 10.
Published 07/21/16
After claiming (incorrectly) to have fixed the audio issues in the Austin office (sorry, working on it), Jack lures Gordon into ranting about UIPageViewController. We're almost certain we recorded this episode before, but it's still horrible, so here we are. They then take a quick detour into discussing how their bodies are falling apart as they get older before chatting about Jack's journeys into game development and improvements in watchOS 3.
Published 07/14/16
After establishing that Gordon lacks an internal monologue, Mark and Gordon discuss obscure CoreAnimation APIs, their favorite sessions from WWDC 2016 and some best practices for crafting code that walks the line between being a mess and needlessly abstract.
Published 07/07/16
In this episode, Gordon and Jack discuss pipe dreams about enhancements to the Cocoa frameworks, commiserate about fear of public speaking, and lament the fickle nature of space-time which prevents them from knowing the future.
Published 06/24/16