Last week's story was about my first travel abroad and how it changed my perspective about traveling. Tonight's episode is also about travel, but to a different location and with different sets of people. It's a short story highlighting two stories that I still treasure to this very day. Good night and sweet dreams! ^^
Published 09/16/21
I really miss traveling and meeting people. Though a lot of countries are now slowly opening their borders, some of us are still unable to travel. So for the remaining Thursdays of September, I decided to go back to some of my travel memories. For this episode, my voice got really hoarse because I spoke a lot before my recording schedule. I hope you don't mind my hoarse voice and just let me lull you to sleep. Good night and sweet dreams ^^
Published 09/09/21
Early this week, I just had an idea to make the first episode of every month be a check-in episode. It's where I tell you what's going on with the podcast and what's going on with me. If there are stories from listeners, I'll also make sure to share them here. But today there are none, so it's all about what I'm up to these days. Listen and I hope y'all have a good night and wonderful dreams ^^
Published 09/02/21
It's the final Thursday of the month and this is also the last rainy day story I am sharing with you. What could this story be about? If the episode art doesn't give it away, I don't know what does. Anyway, I'd still be looking for inspiration on what to talk about next month. Let me know if you have suggestions. But for the mean time, good night and sweet dreams ^^
Published 08/26/21
Have you ever been drenched in the rain while away from home? I did. It was bad. And there are worse things that happened, but I still smiled at the end of the day because... reasons. Find out more by listening to this episode. And as usual, good night and sweet dreams!
Published 08/19/21
I always wake up early when it rains and there's a reason for that. Let me tell you. But first, how are you liking the podcast? Do you like the sound of rain? Let me know what you think by sending me messages wherever LOL And for now, good night and sweet dreams!
Published 08/12/21
It's the beginning of Year 2 for this podcast! Yay! Also, the rainy season has come and I thought it would be nice to share some personal stories I have which are either related to rain or just the idea of rain. Here's the first story about my favorite rain "thing". I'm sure you have your favorite rain "things". Tell us about it, too. But for now, good night and sweet dreams!
Published 08/05/21
If you found my "walk" story last week as something interesting, I'd try to keep your interest in this next story. This is the longest unintentional walk I have ever experienced. Do I want to experience it again? No, but I am somehow glad that I experienced it. Need I say more? Just listen. And then get some sleep. You deserve it. Good night and sweet dreams ^^
Published 07/22/21
I was originally thinking of sharing about the longest walk I've ever had, but then I changed my mind while preparing for this episode. I decided I'd just share about some of my most memorable walks ever. This ain't a romantic walk or anything, but it's memorable. I'd probably share more walk stories probably in the next two weeks. Good night and sweet dreams ^^
Published 07/15/21
I have always loved singing because... Well, you have to listen to this episode for you to find out about that. Also, I'll let you know what my favorite music genre is toward the end of the episode. So don't dose off until you reach the end. Good night and sweet dreams ^^
Published 07/08/21
It has been raining a lot in the past few days so I thought I'd talk about the clouds in the sky. Tonight's story is not about the weather or the undeniable beauty of the clouds in the sky, but rather some recent significant changes about my perception about them. I'm not trying to be too deep tonight, but this is something best shared before we sleep. Good night and sweet dreams! ;)
Published 07/01/21
It's not a weird time to bring up Pokémon, is it? I don't know, I just thought of those cute pocket monsters while preparing for this week's episode. So, I'll let you in on a secret. I'll tell you my favorite Pokémon of all and my favorite starter.
Published 06/24/21
I have been practicing meditation for quite a while now and in the past few weeks I have noticed a recurring theme - impermanence. And I thought I'd share a few things about impermanence with you. Before you sleep, remember to embrace whatever changes are occurring to you or are happening around you. Embrace yourself or someone you love tonight. Good night!
Published 06/17/21
Did I tell you that there was a time when I was so fascinated with poetry I only mostly read poetry books for months? No? Well, I am telling you now. I love poetry. I write poetry. I am poetry. For now, listen and I hope you'll have a restful sleep :) Good night :)))
Published 06/10/21
The idea of solitude just crossed my mind when I talked to a friend about lone superheroes during the weekend. Focusing on the word solitude, here are my thoughts and some more info about me. I'd be interested to hear your stories too, send in your story via email or via DM on Twitter and I'll share them in Korean in future episodes.
Published 06/03/21
Tonight's episode is called silence, but don't worry I won't be silent throughout the entire episode. I'll just speak softly about some of my musings regarding the idea of silence. There's also a very short story about one experience I had many years ago. It's also about silence :) I hope you all have a peaceful and relaxing evening ^^ Good night and sweet dreams :)))
Published 05/27/21
Do you have this? I don't have it during an exam, but I sometimes experience it before and/or after an exam. How do I calm myself down? Let me whisper the answer to you. Good night and sweet dreams! ^^
Published 05/20/21
I don't have a habit of getting lost. I think there are just moments when we get lost so we can learn a lesson or two. Sometimes there are no lessons, but it's still okay too. Getting lost can just be part of our grand adventure. Here's another story of me getting lost in Korea. And for now, good night and sweet dreams ^^
Published 05/13/21
This is a story I shared last year in my first podcast. I shared it in English and with my usual voice, and I thought it'd be nice to share it in Korean ASMR format as well, and so here's this episode. There's another story about me getting lost in Korea and I'm considering sharing it again next week. Let me know if you want to hear about it. And as usual, good night and sweet dreams ^^
Published 05/06/21
I am in no way an expert when it comes to writing or anything therapeutic. I just find writing as a therapeutic way to process my thoughts, ease my mind, and find clarity. And I thought why not share a few words about this to you. My neighbor's dogs were barking and a baby is crying in the background, I hope you don't find it so distracting. ^^ Anyway, good night and may you have the sweetest dreams ever!!!
Published 04/29/21
Do you keep diaries? When did you start? Have you been consistently doing it 'til now? What about me? Listen and you'll know why I started keeping diaries and how I'm journaling at present. And as usual, good night and sweet dreams!!! ^^
Published 04/22/21
Tonight's episode is rather a bit different from the previous episodes. Instead of yours truly sharing my stories, tonight I invite you to whisper whatever you're thinking about to me. How does that work? Listen and you'll know ^^ And as usual, good night and sweet dreams :))
Published 04/15/21
Tonight let me share with you my fresh ideas about dating and romance. I'm sharing both my present and past thoughts about this so this episode might be a little too personal and vulnerable. But that's fine as long as we all have a good night sleep ^^ Sweet dreams!
Published 04/08/21
It's April Fools!!! Don't worry, I'm not going to pull a prank on you. Instead, I'd just try to tell you an interesting story from my childhood. It's up to you whether you'd believe it or not. As always, good night and sweet dreams! :)
Published 04/01/21
This is not related to that famous American TV Show. I just wanted to talk about a few points regarding friendship or relationships in general. Do you think it's hard to make friends as we grow older?
Published 03/25/21