This week on Call Me Hopeful, comedian Kenny Sebastian talks to us about therapy, people-pleasing and what he did to get better at setting his boundaries. Because what he was trying to avoid by saying yes, happened anyway. Now on level 27 of setting boundaries, Kenny reflects on the dynamic...
Published 07/21/24
Where is the line between fatigue, exhaustion and burnout? How can we spot the signs of an oncoming burnout? This week, the internet's favourite neurologist Dr. Sid Warrier joins us to discuss what burnout actually is, can it kill you, and how can we build our mental resilience.
00:00 - 01:01:...
Published 07/07/24
This week on Call Me Hopeful, comedian and actor, Mallika Dua talks to us about the barriers to asking for help despite being related to a psychologist, how it's a journey she continues to walk everyday and finding herself coming up with practical solutions to emotional problems, much like that...
Published 06/23/24