Where do you go to find peace when life gets overwhelming? This episode explores the idea of creating your own personal sanctuary - a place of calm you can access anytime. Inspired by my new song "Sanctuary," I talk about simple ways to build an inner refuge, even in the midst of chaos. Learn how small acts of self-care and compassion can help you find tranquility, no matter what's happening around you. Join me as we discover the power of having a quiet place within ourselves to recharge...
Published 07/23/24
Published 07/23/24
Ever feel like life is throwing you a curveball, leaving you unsure which way to turn? This episode is all about those moments when you're faced with big decisions and no clear answers. We'll talk about how to handle life's crossroads, trust your gut, and find the courage to choose your own path. Along the way, we'll discover why those unexpected detours might just be the best part of your journey. Join me as we explore how to navigate life's twists and turns with confidence and a spirit...
Published 07/16/24
Ready to get colorful with your feelings? I want to show you how to think of your emotions as a palette, filled with blues of sadness, reds of passion, and every hue in between. Listen in to this Summer Short as we dig into how to mix and balance these colors to paint a picture of a life truly felt. Get your brushes ready; we're about to create an emotional masterpiece!
Published 07/09/24
Life can be a real rollercoaster, right? When everything feels like it's spinning out of control, it's tough to stay positive. You might wonder if there's any light at the end of the tunnel. But here's the thing: what if hope isn't something we stumble upon, but something we actively create? In this episode, we're diving into the idea that hope is a choice we make, a way we look at things, and the story we tell ourselves about what's possible. Come along for the ride as we explore how to hang...
Published 07/02/24
It's easy to get caught up in chasing expectations and seeking approval from others. But what if true happiness comes from loving ourselves more, not doing more? In this episode, we'll dive into the idea of putting self-love first and see how accepting ourselves can really change our lives. Let's clear away the pressure from outside demands and focus on creating a life filled with compassion, kindness, and unapologetic self-love. Join me on this summer road trip in making self-love our top...
Published 06/25/24
Ah, the camera we carry around everywhere and MAYBE use as a phone once in a while. But in the age of digital photography, it's easy to take for granted the power of a single image to capture a moment, a memory, a story.  So what about the pictures we have yet to take - the future memories waiting to be framed and cherished?  In this episode, I'll reflect on the significance of the photographs we hold dear and explore how being present and mindful in our everyday lives can help us create new...
Published 06/18/24
Have you ever felt drained after hanging out with certain people? It's like they somehow managed to suck the energy right out of you! Well, it turns out that the company we keep can seriously impact our well-being. In this Summer Shorts episode, we're going to talk about "mindful companionship" - a fancy way of saying "choose your friends wisely." We'll explore how setting healthy boundaries and letting go of toxic relationships can help you create a personal ecosystem that's all about...
Published 06/11/24
The world we live in often pushes us to focus on the big picture! It's easy to overlook the small, everyday moments that bring joy and meaning to our lives. But what if these seemingly insignificant details are actually the key to unlocking greater presence, gratitude, and fulfillment?  In this first episode of the Summer Shorts Series, we'll explore the art of noticing the little things and discover how shifting our perspective can transform our experience of life.  Join me as we challenge...
Published 06/04/24
Have you ever felt like you're constantly racing through life, chasing one milestone after another, without ever feeling like you've truly "arrived"? In a world that glorifies hustle and grind, it's easy to get caught up in the endless pursuit of some imaginary finish line. But what if the most meaningful parts of our lives aren't meant to be rushed through, but savored? In this episode, we'll explore the transformative power of pressing pause - and how slowing down can actually be the key to...
Published 05/28/24
Have you ever felt like a fraud, despite all evidence of your success? Do you doubt your abilities and fear being exposed as an impostor? In this episode, I dive deep into the world of impostor syndrome. We'll explore the idea behind this common experience and uncover some easy tips to silence your inner critic and step into your OWN authentic powered self. Join me as we break free from impostor syndrome's grip and learn to embrace our true, deserving selves as we Calm it Down in...
Published 05/21/24
Have you ever felt like you're seeing yourself through a funhouse mirror, distorted by others' perceptions? In this episode, we'll explore how our self-image can get warped when we focus too much on how we think others see us.  I'll share insights on navigating this "funhouse mirror effect" and learning to let go of external expectations. Join me as we uncover the path to embracing your authentic self and finding true self-love.  Let's shatter those mirrors together and see ourselves through...
Published 05/14/24
When's the last time you felt truly present in your life? Like R-E-A-L-L-Y taking each moment in instead of just racing to the next thing. In a society that glorifies busyness, it's easy (and often) to lose sight of what really matters.  Join me as we explore how to reclaim our time and energy by aligning our days with our deepest values. I share some practical thoughts for saying no to draining obligations and yes to the things that give us life. If you're ready to hop off the hamster wheel...
Published 05/07/24
Have you ever felt like you're drowning in a sea of never-ending bad news? In the age of everything in front of us with a screen, we're constantly bombarded with content across the emotional spectrum, from cute puppy pics to devastating tragedies, often without warning. As I explore how to stay engaged and empathetic in this 24/7 news cycle world while still making space for the joyful, "G-rated" moments that make life worth living, I invite you to join me on this journey of finding balance....
Published 04/30/24
Have you ever found yourself chasing happiness, only to feel like it's always just out of reach? I used to believe that joy was like a rare unicorn, attainable only through grand adventures and major milestones. But what if true, lasting happiness is closer than we think? In this episode, we'll bust some common myths about what brings joy and explore how to cultivate contentment in the here and now. Join me as we discover that the magic of happiness lives within us, waiting to be...
Published 04/23/24
Have you ever found yourself caught in the gap between what you intend to do and what you actually end up doing? I know I have, and it's a pretty universal human experience. In this episode, we'll get real about what's really driving our choices and start taking small, consistent steps towards our goals. We explore this gap with curiosity and kindness, and discover what awesome things could happen when we start matching our actions with our dreams, one tiny choice at a time. Join me as we...
Published 04/16/24
Have you ever felt like a stranger in your own skin, constantly at war with the reflection staring back at you in the mirror? Yup, raising my own hand.  In a world that bombards us with unrealistic beauty standards and perpetuates the toxic notion that our worth is tied to our appearance, is it any wonder so many of us struggle to make peace with our bodies? Join me as we explore the roots of body image issues and discover powerful strategies for cultivating radical self-acceptance, one baby...
Published 04/09/24
Have you ever felt like a part of you is stuck in the past, holding onto old wounds and patterns? In this episode, we'll explore the transformative power of inner child healing. Join me as I share personal stories and practical tools for reconnecting with your younger self, honoring your past hurts, and reclaiming the joy and wholeness that can be truly your's. Together, we'll discover how tending to your inner child can help you release old baggage, heal deep-seated wounds, and shine your...
Published 04/02/24
Have you ever poured your heart into a dream, only to watch it crumble before your eyes? In those gut-wrenching moments, it's easy to believe that failure is a reflection of our worth - that we're simply not good enough. But what if we could rewrite that story and learn to see failure in a new light? In this episode, we'll explore how to make friends with failure, reframing our setbacks as powerful teachers and discovering the hidden gifts within our most humbling moments. Listen in as I...
Published 03/26/24
Have you ever wondered who the person is behind the roles we see every day? In this episode, we wander through the metaphorical market of life, exploring the stories behind the faces of bakers, artists, and even those we pass by without a second thought. I'm Chad Lawson, and I invite you to join me in discovering what it truly means to be "Simply Human." Let's peel back the layers together, looking beyond the labels to connect, understand, and celebrate the shared journey of humanity. This...
Published 03/19/24
Ever felt lonely, even when you're not alone? This episode dives into why we all feel lonely sometimes and what we can do about it. I talk about the challenge of making friends as adults and share ideas on how to connect with others more easily. Let's find out together how one new friend could change everything as we Calm it Down in 3...2...1. Episode Sponsors: In this episode, I've teamed up with Wild Health, a revolutionary approach to personalized healthcare. Using precision medicine,...
Published 03/12/24
Have you ever noticed how waiting, something we often see as just an annoying pause, can actually be filled with wonder and purpose? In this episode, I dive into the magical moments of waiting, exploring how these pauses are meant to enrich our lives. With the new collaboration release with Endel Music and my song "In the Waiting," we'll explore a simple yet profound breathing exercise to help us embrace these moments. Join me, and let's discover the beauty and peace waiting can bring into...
Published 03/05/24
Ever found an old t-shirt you just can't throw away? In this episode, "From Worn-Out Tees to Inner Peace: Letting Go of Emotional Baggage," I talk about why we hold onto stuff and feelings we don't need. We'll see how letting go helps clear our minds and makes room for new things. Listen in as we learn how getting rid of the old can bring us peace as we Calm it Down in 3...2...1. This episode is sponsored by Honeylove Check out Honeylove for comfy bras and shapewear that boost your...
Published 02/27/24
Ever felt alone even when you're around lots of people? In this episode, we talk about feeling lonely and how to make real friends. Let's dive in and find ways to feel more connected and part of a group. Let's figure out how to turn feeling alone into feeling supported and connected together as we Calm it Down in 3...2...1. This episode is sponsored by Factor. Check out Factor Meals for easy, tasty, and healthy eating. Get chef-crafted meals delivered to your door, ready in minutes. Perfect...
Published 02/20/24
Have you ever thought about where our grief goes when we're trying to feel happy again? In this episode, I'm going to talk about a special place in our minds called "The Whispering Garden." It's a place where grief and hope meet. We'll walk through areas that help us accept our grief, reflect on our memories, and find ways to heal and grow stronger. How can understanding our grief help us find strength and hope? Join me as we search for answers and learn how to grow from our grief as we Calm...
Published 02/13/24