A daily television program featuring Pat Robertson, Terry Meeuwsen, and Gordon Robertson. On the air continuously since 1966, the 700 Club is one of the longest-running programs in broadcast history.
A victim of Agent Orange exposure has a giant tumor on his hip. See how it vanishes before his eyes. Plus, China is posing a threat to its neighbors. Could their endgame be a war with the U.S.? CBN News has the story on today's 700 Club.
Published 07/26/21
A husband is rushed to the ER after experiencing partial paralysis and the doctors don't know why. Witness an impossible turnaround on today's 700 Club.
Published 07/23/21
A husband is rushed to the ER after experiencing partial paralysis and the doctors don't know why. Witness an impossible turnaround on today's 700 Club.
Published 07/23/21