Published 02/18/21
Published 02/18/21
Published 01/27/21
Welcome to Celestial Sex, hosted by Chris Duce and produced by Colin Hatch, where we have frank conversations about sex and religion. This week we speak with Barak Hardley, an actor and comedian who has appeared on shows like Community and The Office and currently stars in the movie "Spell". He is also the co-host of "We're Starting a Cult" with Alexis Novack. We talk to Barak about going to Bible college and his experience church planting in Utah. We also discuss his exit from the ministry,...
Published 09/27/18
Welcome to Celestial Sex, hosted by Chris Duce and produced by Colin Hatch, where we have open conversations about sex and religion. This week we sit down with Kim Reed to discuss her Mormon upbringing, physically developing early and dealing with negative attention from people. Kim talks about her breast reduction and the events that led to making that decision. We also discuss the important differences between LDS doctrine, the gospel, and LDS culture. We need your help! Send us your...
Published 09/20/18
Welcome to Celestial Sex, hosted by Chris Duce and produced by Colin Hatch, where we have frank conversations about sex in the context of a religious upbringing. In this episode we talk with Sara Hanks about her experience growing up Mormon, puberty, dealing with pain during sex, and her perspective on the law of chastity. If you'd like to get in touch with us, you can email [email protected] or call us at (YES) 6969-LDS
Published 09/12/18
Welcome to Celestial Sex, hosted by Chris Duce and produced by Colin Hatch, where we have frank and open discussions about sex and religion! On this episode, we speak with Rachel Favero about her relationship to and history with Mormonism, being a mother, and her perspective on sex positivity, masturbation, body image, and more. Lots to look forward to in her episode! If you'd like to follow her on social media you can find her at @momishness on Instagram. If you'd like to reach out to us,...
Published 08/29/18
Welcome to Celestial Sex, hosted by Chris Duce and produced by Colin Hatch, where we have frank and open conversations about sex. This week we speak with Conor Hilton about being ace- or asexual- and an active Mormon. What is it like for someone who doesn't experience sexual attraction? How do they make sense of that in a religion that emphasizes procreation as a step toward Godhood? We cover all of that, and we catch up with Conor one year after we recorded the first part of his interview to...
Published 08/01/18
Welcome to Celestial Sex, hosted by Chris Duce, where we have frank conversations about sex and religion. In this episode, we speak with Kaisha Medford, the current president of Provo Pride- an LGBTQIA organization that hosts the annual Provo Pride parade as well as other LGBTQIA activities in Provo, UT and the surrounding area. We discuss the recent Freedom Festival in Provo and the attempted exclusion of queer organizations in their parade on the 4th of July. Discrimination against queer...
Published 07/19/18
Welcome to Celestial Sex, hosted by Chris Duce and produced by Colin Hatch, where we have frank and open conversations about sex. This week we have the hosts of the podcast Sex Talk With My Mom on the show, and we discuss their dynamic as a mother and son who talk about sex together every week as a job. We talk about their Jewish faith and the reformed movement that has changed the sexual landscape of Judaism. Their podcast is fascinating and you can listen to it here- ...
Published 07/04/18
Welcome to Celestial Sex, hosted by Chris Duce and produced by Colin Hatch, where we have open conversations about sex with people who grew up religious. This week we speak with Ally Beardsley. Ally is a comedian and actor and is currently a cast member on College Humor. Go watch their videos! We talk to Ally about growing up gay as an evangelical Christian, going to bible college in the closet, and now freely exploring their sexuality and gender. Ally is the best and we had an excellent...
Published 06/20/18
Welcome back to Celestial Sex! This week we have the pleasure of speaking with Derrick Clements. He's the former host of The Pixar Podcast, currently the host of the podcast Mosaic, and recently released an episode titled #MormonMeToo Part 1: The First Law of Heaven which we discuss in depth on this week's episode. Specifically, we tackle the overarching theme of his episode which is obedience- to church leaders, commandments like the law of chastity, and men in general- and how that relates...
Published 06/13/18
Welcome to Celestial Sex, hosted by Chris Duce and produced by Colin Hatch, where we have frank and open conversations about sex in the context of a religious upbringing. In this episode we talk to Janely Martinez about her childhood in LA, having a great mom who taught her about sex and body positivity, being an active Mormon with progressive views on sex, being a newlywed, and her outlook on the future of Mormonism.  If you'd like to support the show please become a patron at...
Published 11/22/17
Welcome to Celestial Sex, hosted by Chris Duce and produced by Colin Hatch, where we have frank and open conversations about sex in the context of a Mormon upbringing. This week, we bring you part two of a two-part interview with Jake Bernhardt. Jake is a father of seven and in a mixed orientation marriage- he is gay and his wife is straight. In this episode we discuss his marriage and coming out story. In part one, we discussed his upbringing and childhood. Our thanks to Jake for sharing his...
Published 11/08/17
Welcome to Celestial Sex, hosted by Chris Duce and produced by Colin Hatch, where we have frank and open conversations about sex in the context of a Mormon upbringing. This week, we bring you part one of a two part interview with Jake Bernhardt. Jake is a father of seven and in a mixed orientation marriage- he is gay and his wife is straight. We discuss his LDS upbringing, early sexual feelings and experiences, and mission. In part two, we'll discuss his marriage and coming out story. Jake's...
Published 10/25/17
Welcome to Celestial Sex, hosted by Chris Duce and produced by Colin Hatch, where we have frank and open conversations about sex. In this episode we speak with Scott and Mitzi Cannon (our first couple!) about each of their Mormon upbringings, marriage, differing libidos, porn, shame, and their faith journey. Make sure you listen to Scott Cannon's testimony that we just released to get a sense of what Scott went through while he was struggling with shame surrounding his porn use.  If you'd...
Published 10/11/17
Welcome to Celestial Sex, hosted by Chris Duce and produced by Colin Hatch, where we have frank and open conversations about sex in the context of a Mormon upbringing. In this episode we bring you Scott Cannon's powerful testimony that he bore to his Mormon congregation before stepping away from the church. This is a re-release of the testimony since sharing it on our Listener Stories episode. The testimony touches on the common feeling of shame after looking at pornography, and Scott shares...
Published 10/09/17
Welcome to Celestial Sex, hosted by Chris Duce and produced by Colin Hatch, where we have frank and open conversations about sex in the context of a Mormon upbringing. In this episode, we speak with James  Curran, or James The Mormon as he is known, about his unique childhood overseas as the son of a diplomat, his struggles with the law of chastity, first sexual experiences, black identity, coming into fame, and feelings about the church's stance on LGBT issues.  You can find us on Twitter...
Published 09/27/17
Welcome to Celestial Sex, hosted by Chris Duce and Produced by Colin Hatch, where we have open conversations about sex in the context of a Mormon upbringing. In this episode we interview actress and musician Lola Blanc! We discuss her childhood in Utah where her mother was trafficked by a false prophet, her father was in the CIA, and she wanted to become a pop star. Lola opens up about her early sexual experiences, dating in Los Angeles, and being assertive about her needs. She can be found...
Published 09/13/17
Welcome to Celestial Sex, hosted by Chris Duce and Produced by Colin Hatch, where we have open conversations about sex in the context of a Mormon upbringing. We are coming to Utah September 16-17th to do interviews! If you'd like to be on the show, please email us at [email protected] or call us at (YES) 6969-LDS. Let us know the date and time you'd like to do your interview. We are also now on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/celestialsex is where you can become a member and...
Published 09/07/17
Welcome to Celestial Sex, hosted by Chris Duce and produced by Colin Hatch, where we have frank and open conversations about sex in the context of a Mormon upbringing. In this episode we have a conversation with Robbie Pierce about growing up in a multicultural family of converts with a father who was addicted to drugs, realizing at a young age that he was gay, early romantic feelings for a best friend, and trying to remain an active Mormon after coming out to his community. Robbie is a...
Published 08/02/17
Welcome to Celestial Sex, hosted by Chris Duce produced by Colin Hatch, where we have frank and open conversations about sex through lens of a Mormon upbringing and work to normalize talking about sex. In this episode we play some of our favorite voicemails from our listeners where we hear the best advice they ever got about sex from parents and church leaders. We also asked a few people to read an email they've sent us- its nice putting a voice to a letter. At the end we hear one of our...
Published 07/20/17
Welcome to Celestial Sex, hosted by Chris Duce and produced by Colin Hatch, where we have frank and open conversations about sex in the context of Mormon upbringing. In this episode, we continue Colin's Mormon sex story and discuss his experiences in college trying to reconcile his true feelings about sex with the LDS idea of morality. We talk about bad habits, LDS jealousy, dry humping, confessing to bishops, and the easiest way to ruin a relationship. We also hear about his outlook on...
Published 07/13/17
Welcome to Celestial Sex, hosted by Chris Duce and produced by Colin Hatch, where we have frank conversations about our sexuality and Mormonism. In this episode, Chris interviews Colin about his childhood in Chicago and his early sexual development. We discuss masturbation and serious talks with parents when you get caught, whether or not you should confess sexual sins to your bishop, and what its like when your brothers tattle on you for ripping out the JCPenny catalog bra section. We also...
Published 07/06/17
Welcome to Celestial Sex, hosted by Chris Duce and produced by Colin Hatch, where we have frank and open conversations about sex in the context of Mormon upbringing. In this episode, we talk with Ashley (name changed) about her difficult childhood in Utah. We discussed some of the abusive situations she was in, her parent's off and on relationship to the church, and the ways that she coped with these incredible stressors. Ashley opens up about her first sexual experiences with a returned...
Published 06/15/17