Experience the enchanting tale of Chandrakanta, a timeless masterpiece by Devaki Nandan Khatri. Immerse yourself in a world of love, bravery, and intrigue as you follow the captivating narration by Geeta Agarwal. This classic Hindi novel, published in 1888, weaves a tapestry of relationships, societal culture, and fiction drama, transporting you to a realm of princesses, brave princes, cunning villains, and magical adventures.
Discover the rich tapestry of Khatri's storytelling, rooted in the Persian-Arabic dastan tradition but uniquely Indianized. Encountering the mysterious aiyaars,...
Experience the enchanting tale of Chandrakanta, a timeless masterpiece by Devaki Nandan Khatri. Immerse yourself in a world of love, bravery, and intrigue as you follow the captivating narration by Geeta Agarwal. This classic Hindi novel, published in 1888, weaves a tapestry of relationships,...
Published 12/20/23
Experience the enchanting tale of Chandrakanta, a timeless masterpiece by Devaki Nandan Khatri. Immerse yourself in a world of love, bravery, and intrigue as you follow the captivating narration by Geeta Agarwal. This classic Hindi novel, published in 1888, weaves a tapestry of relationships,...
Published 12/20/23