Dr. Gray speaks to the graduating seniors on how nothing can surprise God and how nothing is impossible for Him.
Published 12/10/12
Published 12/10/12
 Mrs. Kullberg speaks on truth, abiding, and rising.
Published 12/05/12
Anna gives her testimony on God's goodness and trust.
Published 12/05/12
Dr. Brown discusses The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien, and C.S. Lewis.
Published 11/26/12
Audrey McElveen of Vapor Sports speaks about being recognized, released, and redeemed.
Published 11/19/12
Reverend Smith talks about holiness, selflessness, and Lordship.
Published 11/16/12
Professor Kerr shares about tolerance, maturity, and discipline.
Published 11/14/12
Dr. Bauckham speaks to Asbury about God as a farmer and our care of the Earth.
Published 11/12/12
Student chapel about faith, fear, and healing.
Published 11/09/12
Acts of Renewal speak about Thanksgiving, brokenness, and family.
Published 11/07/12
Dr. Bilderback shares his testimony and Professor Smith shares about God's plan through the analogy of a potter and clay.
Published 11/06/12
Commissioner Kay Rader addresses the Asbury community about light, hope, and salvation.
Published 11/02/12
Mrs. Ledoux speaks during the Great Commission Congress.
Published 10/31/12
Todd Ahrend talks about nations, missions, and evangelism.
Published 10/29/12
Jonathan Powers speaks at the Sunday service during homecoming weekend.
Published 10/28/12
Mr. Shelly speaks to the Asbury community.
Published 10/26/12
Pastor Davis speaks to Asbury about the salvation and reconciliation of Israel.
Published 10/24/12
Mr. Daniel Alexander shares with his fellow students about a thin place, the Word, and creation.
Published 10/22/12
Dr. Begley shares about faith, overcoming, and how life's challenges can be deceiving.
Published 10/17/12
Mr. Paul Petrie discusses relationship, love and faithfulness.
Published 10/15/12
Faculty, staff, and students remember the life of Jeff McMillan.
Published 10/08/12
Mrs. Kim Meeder talks about stewardship, hope, and giving.
Published 10/05/12
Rev. Linda Adams discusses hospitality and children at the Wesleyan Heritage Conference.
Published 10/03/12