Character Building Experience is an improvised, comedy, roleplaying game show. Join GM Sasha Ellen and players, Vicky Hawley and Bennet Kavanagh, as Gwain and Spud travel to the small town of Daring Yore to meet a creepy little boy.Email:...
Published 11/21/20
Published 11/21/20
Character Building Experience is an improvised, comedy, roleplaying game show. Join gamesmaster Sasha Ellen and players, Vicky Hawley and Bennet Kavanagh, as their characters Gwain and Spud travel to the small town of Doughy Organd and meet an eccentric...
Published 10/30/20
Character Building Experience is an improvised, comedy, roleplaying game show. Join GM Sasha Ellen and players, Vicky Hawley and Bennet Kavanagh, as their characters - Gwain and Spud - travel to the Village of Salvers Top, to a nifty little place called...
Published 10/09/20
Character Building Experience is an improvised, comedy, roleplaying game show recorded in front of a live audience. Join GM Sasha Ellen and players, Vicky Hawley and Bennet Kavanagh, for the finale of the first season where everything one of the...
Published 09/25/20
Character Building Experience is an improvised, comedy, role playing game show recorded in front of a live audience. In this episode, join GM Sasha Ellen and players, Vicky Hawley and Bennet Kavanagh, where Spud follows Gwain into a dangerous gigging...
Published 09/11/20
Character Building Experience is an improvised, comedy, role playing game show recorded in front of a live audience. In this episode, join GM Sasha Ellen and players, Vicky Hawley and Bennet Kavanagh, as they yet again find themselves on the high seas,...
Published 08/27/20
Character Building Experience is an improvised, comedy, role playing game show recorded in front of a live audience. In this episode, join GM Sasha Ellen and players, Vicky Hawley and Bennet Kavanagh, as they do some things they regret. Again.Email:...
Published 08/14/20
Character Building Experience is an improvised, comedy, role playing game show recorded in front of a live audience. In this episode, join GM Sasha Ellen and players, Vicky Hawley and Bennet Kavanagh, as they travel to the village of Gibe Hist and meet...
Published 07/31/20
Character Building Experience is an improvised, comedy, role playing game show recorded in front of a live audience. In this episode, join GM Sasha Ellen and players, Vicky Hawley and Bennet Kavanagh, travel to the village of Ditty Hyde at exactly the...
Published 07/17/20
Character Building Experience is an improvised, comedy, role playing game show recorded in front of a live audience. In this episode, join GM Sasha Ellen and players, Vicky Hawley and Bennet Kavanagh, as well as special guest, comedian James Loveridge,...
Published 07/03/20
Character Building Experience is an improvised, role playing game show recorded in front of a live audience. In this episode, join GM Sasha Ellen and players, Vicky Hawley and Bennet Kavanagh, as well as special guest, comedian Paul Duncan McGarrity, as...
Published 06/19/20
Character Building Experience is an improvised, role playing game show recorded in front of a live audience. In this episode, join GM Sasha Ellen and players, Vicky Hawley and Bennet Kavanagh, as they travel to the small town of Hacked Rising to find...
Published 06/05/20
Character Building Experience is an improvised, role playing game show recorded in front of a live audience. In this episode, join GM Sasha Ellen and players, Vicky Hawley and Bennet Kavanagh, and special guest, poet Dan Simpson, to explore a strangely...
Published 05/22/20
Character Building Experience is an improvised, role playing game show recorded in front of a live audience. In this episode, join GM Sasha Ellen and players, Vicky Hawley and Bennet Kavanagh, as well as special guest, comedian Alasdair Becket-King, to...
Published 05/08/20
Character Building Experience is an improvised, role playing game show recorded in front of a live audience. In this episode, join GM Sasha Ellen and players, Vicky Hawley and Bennet Kavanagh, as they travel to the town of Floppy Reaches for a very...
Published 04/22/20
Character Building Experience is an improvised, role playing game show recorded in front of a live audience. In this episode, join GM Sasha Ellen and players, Vicky Hawley and Bennet Kavanagh, as they travel to the town of Flattening Heme to hunt a...
Published 04/07/20
Character Building Experience is an improvised, role playing game show recorded in front of a live audience. In this episode, join GM Sasha Ellen and players, Vicky Hawley and Bennet Kavanagh, as they travel to the town of Loosen Vault to ruin a very...
Published 03/26/20
Character Building Experience is an improvised, role playing game show recorded in front of a live audience. In this episode, join GM Sasha Ellen and players, Vicky Hawley, Bennet Kavanagh and special guest, Dean Threadgold, as the adventurers do some...
Published 03/10/20
Character Building Experience is an improvised, role playing game show recorded in front of a live audience. In this episode, join GM Sasha Ellen and players, Vicky Hawley and Bennet Kavanagh, as they travel to the realm of Fezacherec Helm to ruin a...
Published 02/27/20
Character Building Experience is an improvised, role playing game show recorded in front of a live audience. In this episode, join GM Sasha Ellen and players, Vicky Hawley, Bennet Kavanagh and special guest, Jon Gracey, as the adventurers get on the wro...
Published 02/12/20
Character Building Experience is an improvised, role playing game show recorded in front of a live audience. In this episode, join GM Sasha Ellen and players, Vicky Hawley and Bennet Kavanagh, as the adventurers head to Spud Butlin's home town after receiving a worrying letter.
Published 01/27/20
Join GM Sasha Ellen, Vicky Hawley, Bennet Kavanagh and special guest James Ross, as the gang wake up after a heavy night in the mansion of Lord Heed-Irkrill, where not everything is as it seems...
Published 01/13/20
Join Sasha Ellen, Vicky Hawley and Bennet Kavanagh, on this live comedy RPG show as they navigate the choppy seas on the ominously empty ship...
Published 01/13/20
Join Sasha Ellen, Vicky Hawley and Bennet Kavanagh, on this live comedy RPG show as they try to break their cavorting companion out of medieval prison.
Published 01/13/20