This is an episode to examine what Churchill really did for the West after witnessing the emotional & ahistorical outbursts by the usual suspects after Darryl Cooper from the Martyrmade Podcast appeared on Tucker Carlson on 2 SEP 2024. I am simply addressing the claims of Churchill as "the chief villain" which I think was hyperbolic (Cooper accedes to this) because I think Churchill was one of many villains during WWII. I am a reluctant Anglophile and I think historical revisionism is a...
Published 09/16/24
This is an episode to examine what cell structures look like and the methodologies of guerrillas and insurgents use to conduct clandestine or covert action. I further discuss traditional, subversive, critical cell and mass-oriented and unconventional cell structures. We visit some historical parallels and why the US and the West may not catch the next wave of terror in America (not cooked up by the clownish FBI like the Whitmer disaster). References: How They Hunt AQ Training Manual The IRA...
Published 09/02/24
This is an episode to examine what you can do about the coming civil unrest in America. I discuss some of the tactics, techniques and procedures (TTP) the free range human can employ to prepare and protect themselves for the coming unpleasantness. I further discuss weapons, kit, preps and training to prepare for what I consider the inevitable conflict emerging in the West. One morning we will all wake up to simultaneous attacks by bad actors across the country on soft targets, if you agree...
Published 08/26/24
This is an episode to examine what you can do about the coming civil unrest in America. I discuss some of the tactics, techniques and procedures (TTP) the free range human can employ to prepare and protect themselves for the coming unpleasantness. I wanted to add a great note from one of my listeners [H/T to MG] that is a great addition to the recommendations for an entry price point Stoner platform. Be sure to get a red dot. I would like to bring one thing to your attention. Garand Thumb did...
Published 08/12/24
***Apologies; this episode appears to have some technical issues that I will address on return to my home studio; I am on the road right now.*** Fires synchronization is the effective coordination of sensors and effectors in near-real time or real time in a hostile non-permissive combat environment. The West has no working system to coordinate its artillery, air and Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) assets in a peer or near-peer fight that works. The Russians do. The Russian Strike...
Published 07/29/24
I discuss the Fall 2020 war between Armenia and Azerbaijan in the tiny sliver of Nagorno-Karabakh and why I would suggest that it was a glimpse into the future of warfare for the remainder of this century. the Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) for the following reasons: Robotics and drones are the new "low tech" answer to the First World's exquisite military platform that are over priced and have the same provenance of battleships planet-wide in January 1942. The electronic emissions...
Published 07/15/24
I discuss the slaughter of over 500 unarmed men, women and children in My Lai in March 1968 by American soldiers. In concert with the Tet Offensive in 1968, this was the end of American arms in Vietnam. The collision of barbarism, toxic leadership and moral injury make everyone of these pages bleed. One of the most searing indictments of American arms you will read. This book is an acquired taste because it may crush your soul. I caution you before you listen to this that the telling of this...
Published 07/01/24
I continue a rather technical treatment of developing and using Concepts of Operations (CONOPS). This episode examines the finer points of getting baselines and expectations right for small and large projects alike. If you take these simple concepts for building a CONOPS to include how to do decomposition in Product Breakdown Structures (PBS) and Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) as described in MILSTD 881F and apply it wherever you happen to work at a small or large company, everybody will be...
Published 06/17/24
I discuss a rather technical treatment of developing and using Concepts of Operations (CONOPS). This episode examines the timeless and tedious process of getting baselines and expectations right for small and large projects alike. References: Special Forces Detachment Mission Planning Guide GTA 31-01-003 January 2020 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE STANDARD PRACTICE WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURES FOR DEFENSE MATERIEL ITEMS MILSTD 881F 13 May 2022 NASA Systems Engineering Handbook Rev 2 Cost of 13 NASA...
Published 06/03/24
I discuss the outcome of the probable jihadist invasion of America. America is in a unique position in history in which it has facilitated the unfettered invasion of its borders and a large swath of military age males have been granted asylum or gone undetected to link up with legacy underground Islamist and terrorist groups across the country. This episodes examines the smoking ruins and speculate what the next stage of American civilization will look like. References: Howard Jones My Lai:...
Published 05/27/24
In this episode I discuss what the attack looks like in America. This is not if, this is when. The country is poised to experience this through a combination of neglect and the sheer hubris of meddling in the world without realize the unintended consequences. I wish I had better news but you have been warned, it's on the horizon. I talk about William Forstchen's "Day of Wrath" and Kurt Schlichter's "The Attack". References: William Forstchen Day of Wrath Kurt Schlichter The Attack Matt...
Published 05/13/24
This is a continuation of my "Storming America Series" where I will tease out and describe why the inevitable internal attack on America by external forces will be made real. In this episode, I will examine what intelligence looks like from a professional perspective and why America and the West consistently engage in existential chaos avalanches that make the world a worse place. The bureaucratic impulse in the West has been a significant factor in making the intelligence community (IC),...
Published 04/29/24
This episode will be an addendum to my initial coverage in October 2023 of the Gaza-Israel conflict in Episode 027 and riffing off the domestic implications in Episode 037 of a similar attack on CONUS. If you wish to listen to those before you do this one, you may but I have crafted this so that isn’t necessary. The clock is closer to midnight than it was in October 2023. References: William Forstchen Day of Wrath Kurt Schlichter The Attack Matt Bracken: Enemies Foreign and Domestic. Foreign...
Published 04/15/24
I am reusing a previous episode I used in the now moribund Stoicism podcast I started, The Dash, which I ran out of steam on. Applying Stoic values and discipline to the vocation and avocations we practice in life may be the hardest part outside of making a Stoic life a lived lifestyle. I find the management industry is a giant cargo cult that publishes books whose pages number in the hundreds but could simply be a page or two. References: James Clear Atomic Habits Marcus Aurelius...
Published 04/01/24
The concept of moral injuries for soldiers and non-soldiers alike, the gift of fear and being a dead man walking and how to handle regret and shame. My Substack Email at [email protected].
Published 03/18/24
The hybrid and gray zone fight will come to America in the next war. Once the declining American colossus shuffles into the next near-peer and peer conflict, the 21st century will see the continental US come under a unified attack by external forces for the first time since the War of 1812 and the Mexican border issues in 1916. How the 9/11/2001 events have not been replicated is a cipher to me. We need to war-game all the possibilities once a war is initiated with a near-peer or peer...
Published 03/04/24
The direct action concentration of US Army Special Forces (SF) in the conduct of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan at the expense of the specialized and storied legend of what SF could do in non-permissive environments raising partisan forces behind enemy lines. The Army SF concentrated on perfecting a craft that numerous other combat organizations like the USMC 0311, .Army 11Bs and the exquisitely talented Ranger Regiment could do handily not to mention the legendary prowess of the Tier One...
Published 02/19/24
Everyone and everything has an origin story, while I had a sneaking suspicion early on in my modest career in special operations and irregular warfare (IW) that something was fundamentally wrong with the western way of war in these endeavors, it was Douglas Porch who probably set my course straight. In this book, he makes a compelling historical and logical case for why the IW efforts planet-wide have not only been a failure but ones that repeat themselves again and again. My...
Published 02/05/24
The aircraft carrier has been a signature component of US naval power and prestige for more than a century. The utility has continued to diminish since the end of WWII. The tremendous disadvantage of putting so much manpower and treasure into these single use leviathan systems in the modern world of distributed missile and PGM systems, emerging near-peer & peer adversaries and concentration of power in vulnerable systems is a recipe for future disaster. My...
Published 01/22/24
Excursions will be a new addition to the CG universe to cover adjacent conflict issues to the irregular warfare fight. In the future near-peer and peer fight, salvo competition will be the preeminent means by which one country will kinetically overwhelm the other in a fight. I discuss the way the West is in an existential hazard of being woefully under-prepared to meet the threat if Western forces go toe toe with regional hegemons in the East or West. The Russian Reconnaissance Fire Complex...
Published 01/08/24
The emerging anti-fragile forces of indigenous irregular warfare forces in concert or independent of near-peer and peer competitors challenging US and western global hegemony are on the march and will in the end succeed. My Substack: https://t.co/7a8jn2Mmnx Email at [email protected].
Published 12/26/23
In this episode, I will be a heretic to the current military establishment in America and the west. They can't do unconventional warfare and I must be very specific in the conditional problem I propose: the western military has no capability to conduct long term partisan warfare in concert with indigenous forces fighting an insurgency in a non-permissive environment. It doesn't have the language skills, cultural IQ, sophisticated intelligence/communications infrastructure to support...
Published 12/18/23
Here we do a deep dive in US Army Special Forces (SF) and why a complete overhaul is needed to resurrect the original charter to save SF from itself. Over two decades of fighting neo-colonial conflicts throughout the Middle East and Africa has decimated the original construct and mission of what made SF so special. Email at [email protected].
Published 12/04/23
Today, I'll do a deep dive into the US Army vanilla SOF organziations and get acquainted with the capabilities and opportunities for US Army special operations.
Published 11/20/23