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The Shenzhou XIX spacecraft, China's next manned mission, is scheduled to be launched in the coming days to transport three astronauts to the Tiangong space station, according to plans announced by the China Manned Space Agency. 据中国载人航天工程办公室消息,中国下一次载人飞行任务——神舟十九号载人飞船计划在近日择机实施发射,将三名航天员送往天宫空间站。 The mission crew's spacecraft and its carrier, a Long March 2F rocket, were moved to the service tower on Tuesday afternoon at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern China's Gobi Desert, the agency said in a brief news release, adding that the launch equipment at the spaceport "is in good condition". 中国载人航天工程办公室一条简短的新闻消息称,10月22日下午,神舟十九号载人飞船与长征二号F遥十九运载火箭组合体已转运至位于中国西北部戈壁滩的酒泉卫星发射中心发射区。目前,发射场设施设备“状态良好”。 The release noted that the spacecraft and rocket will undergo final functional checks over the next several days. It said the launch will take place in due course. 该消息称,载人飞船和运载火箭后续将按计划开展发射前的各项功能检查、联合测试等工作,计划近日择机实施发射。 The Shenzhou XIX crew will carry out China's 14th manned spaceflight and will become the eighth group of inhabitants of the Tiangong. 神舟十九号载人飞船航天员乘组将执行中国第14次载人航天飞行任务,并将成为天宫的第八批居住者。 The crew members, whose names have yet to be disclosed, will take over the massive orbital outpost from their peers — mission commander Senior Colonel Ye Guangfu and crew members Lieutenant Colonel Li Guangsu and Lieutenant Colonel Li Cong — who arrived on April 26 with the Shenzhou XVIII mission. By the end of October, Ye's team will have been in orbit for six months. 飞行乘组航天员的姓名尚未公布,他们将从4月26日随神舟十八号任务抵达的同伴手中接管这个巨大的轨道前哨站。神舟十八号飞行乘组由指令长叶光富大校、乘员李广苏中校和李聪中校组成。到10月底,该团队已在轨道上工作六个月。 Wang Yanan, chief editor of Aerospace Magazine, said the Shenzhou XIX astronauts will likely be tasked with conducting scientific experiments and technological tests that will be more sophisticated and challenging than those performed by their peers in previous missions.   《航空知识》杂志主编王亚男表示,神舟十九号航天员很可能要组织进行科学实验和技术测试,这些实验和测试将比他们的同伴以前执行的任务更复杂、更具挑战性。 "In the first two years since the Tiangong started formal operation, astronauts would not be given very complex science and technology assignments because their primary tasks were to explore living and work patterns that most fit them and to check whether the massive station could function well," he said. 王亚男解释:“在天宫开始正式运行的头两年,航天员不会被赋予非常复杂的科技任务,因为他们的主要任务是探索最适合他们的生活和工作模式,以及检查这个庞大的空间站是否能够良好地运转。” "Now, as Chinese astronauts have gotten used to living inside the station and well understand its long-term orbital flight pattern, the newcomers will be given more challenging tasks, namely to conduct difficult science and technology operations," he said. “现在,中国航天员已经习惯了在空间站内的生活,也非常了解空间站的长期轨道飞行模式,新来的航天员将被赋予更具挑战性的任务,即进行高难度的科技操作。”王亚男说。 Completed in late 2022, Tiangong is one of the largest and most complex structures ever established in space by humankind. 天宫空间
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