Published 01/09/23
Published 01/03/23
Published 12/26/22
Published 12/05/22
Published 10/24/22
Published 10/17/22
Published 10/10/22
What does God require of us? Justice. Justice that looks like fairness, consideration for the powerless, the suffering, those who have been mistreated. Justice that is making right judgments, doing the right thing even when it is hard. It is not prejudging or misjudging people. It is always seeking to do what is right. It is not simply something we believe in, but what each of us are called to be and to do. We are to be just. And this is something that every Republican, every Democrat, every...
Published 10/03/22
Today’s theme from Luke winds its way throughout the letter, and it has to do with the “great reversal” that comes from the gospel. He speaks of pride and humility, of favoritism or partiality in the church, and he speaks of judging others, of the rich and the poor and of what constitutes true religion and the worthless substitute. Take a listen as Pastor Adam Hamilton invites us to consider how James calls us not to judge a book by its cover, not to make assumptions about others but to value...
Published 09/20/22
“Even the demons believe…and shudder” is so powerful – it is not enough simply to believe, we’re meant to act. You can be an “armchair quarterback” and you’ll only be a fan. Or you can give your time, do what makes you a little uncomfortable, give something of yourself, volunteer and serve others, and you’ll actually be on Jesus’ team and in the game. So, let’s not be practical atheists – it is not enough simply to believe in God, we’re meant to do something about it. And in doing something...
Published 09/12/22
What does it mean to consider it “joy” when we face hardship in life? Our love, faith, and character are tested in and by both trials and temptations. It's not God administering a test - it is life that administers the test. Life is a test, every day a test, and James knows that as we remain steadfast in trials, and resist the temptations, our fiath grows and is found to be tried and true. Tap play and take a listen as we explore how God works through trials, temptations, and the testing of...
Published 08/29/22
The United Methodist Church is at a defining moment in the history of our denomination, and as we kick off the fall here at Resurrection, now is an important time to remember who we are, who God has called us to be and what God has called us to do - as a church, and as individual Christians. Take a listen as we explore how we can remember who we are and come together to change lives, strengthen churches, and transform the world.
Published 08/22/22
Published 08/15/22
Published 08/01/22