Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história. Em abril, a entrevistada é Patrícia Elizium, sacerdotisa Hekateana que desenvolve uma série de projetos para viabilizar o acesso a informações confiáveis a respeito da  grande Rainha das Bruxas. Hekate é muito amada e adorada, e merece ter gente muito boa oferecendo caminhos para chegarmos até Ela. Acompanhe essa conversa para saber mais sobre...
Published 04/27/24
Fur, Fin and Feather: Pagan music about our friends, the animals, with whom we share the world. Featuring music by SJ Tucker, Lou Garou, Spiral Rhythm, and others. 
Published 04/27/24
Why should Fridays have all the fun? Go crazy on Mondays with Laura González on 'Lunatic Mondays'..... Anything can happen!!! On this episode author Tudorbeth, will be chatting with Laura González about her book “The Hedgewitch's Little Book of Crystal Spells”
Published 04/23/24
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. Evans-Pritchard, los Azande y la brujería. Uno de los primeros trabajos antropológicos sobre la brujería fue el realizado por Evans-Pritchard sobre la brujería en los Azande. Su estudio sobre esta tribu remota cambió para siempre la imagen que se tenía de la brujería y de su práctica, abriendo el camino para un estudio serio y académico. Acompáñanos en un viaje por la...
Published 04/20/24
Blue Marble podcast.  Join Rev. Char Bear and guests for motivation and education about how to put your green faith into action for the planet and for each other.  This time we'll be discussing the intersection between disability justice and environmental justice with special guest Pamela “Kelly” McAfee.  Our changing climate is creating new challenges for us all. Please don’t let the disabled community remain an afterthought.
Published 04/20/24
Deepening connections with Planet Earth locally and globally through Nature walks, Nature awareness, and Nature communion at Earth Day and year round. Replay from 2022
Published 04/18/24
Whether you're a Reiki student or seasoned healer, join us on Circle Talk as Dawn McLaughlin, as author of Everyday Reiki shows us how to cultivate a personal relationship with healing energy itself.  Dawn, who is a Reiki Master-Teacher, will discuss how to strengthen intuition, improve mindfulness, reduce stress, and promote healing on all levels.
Published 04/17/24
Paganos del mundo con Carolina Amor desde Estados Unidos nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. Desde los archivos de Paganos del Mundo the invitamos a disfrutar una vez mas de: Rueda del Año. Ideas y Pautas para los Solsticios. Solsticio de Verano para Hemisferio Norte y el de Invierno para el Hemisferio Sur. Transmitido originalmente el 13 de Junio del 2020.
Published 04/13/24
Mother Earth. Pagan music about Mother Earth and the importance of eco-spirituality inspiring us to take care of the Mother of us all.   
Published 04/13/24
Why should Fridays have all the fun? Go crazy on Mondays with Laura González on 'Lunatic Mondays'..... Anything can happen!!! On this episode author Chanda Parkinson, will be chatting with Laura González about her book  “Meditation and Tarot: Connect with the Cards to Develop Your Inner Vision”
Published 04/09/24
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.  Christian Ortíz y Laura González charlan sobre el libro "Madre Mundo: Espiritualidad de la Diosa". Esta edición aborda a la tradición de la Diosa como camino espiritual, ecológico y político nutrido de múltiples visiones y saberes.
Published 04/06/24
Have you always been drawn to Dragons but not sure how to begin to work with Dragon energy. Join us on Circle talk as we talk with author Virginia Chandler, author of the new book, Year of the Magickal Dragon. This hands-on book also features journaling prompts, altar work, and extensive dragon lore, making it a must-have resource for your practice. Virginia will show us how to connect to dragons and practice Magick with them throughout the year. Our magickal practice will soar to new heights...
Published 04/03/24
Paganos del mundo con Mónica Gobbin desde Argentina nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. Astrología Austral: Sincronizando el Cielo y la Tierra. La comunidad pagana del Hemisferio Sur, invierte la Rueda del Año, siguiendo los ciclos de la Madre Sol. Sin embargo, la Astrología Occidental, no lo hace…Les presentamos a Daniel Serra, astrólogo e investigador quien nos introducirá en la Teoría Astrológica del Hemisferio Sur.
Published 03/30/24
Why should Fridays have all the fun? Go crazy on Mondays with Laura González on 'Lunatic Mondays'.... Anything can happen!!! On this episode author Fiona Cook, will be chatting with Laura González about her book “The Wheel of the Year: An Illustrated Guide to Nature's Rhythms”
Published 03/26/24
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história. Samuel Souza de Paula. Em março, nosso entrevistado será Samuel Souza de Paula, educador, escritor e condutor xamânico. Samuel tem uma vasta estrada e experiência com pesquisa e práticas espiritualistas que ele busca partilhar e disseminar para os buscadores. Ele é organizador do XamãsConet - Congresso Internacional de Xamanismo na Internet e também é...
Published 03/23/24
The Goddess as Maiden. Exploring the essence and excitement of the young Goddess as she comes into her power. Featuring songs by Kellianna, Faun, Cloud the Rapper, and more.
Published 03/23/24
Circle of Nature ~ Eggs in Myth, Magic, and Meditation Explore Egg lore & sacred ways of working with Egg imagery in meditation & ritual. Encore Presentation 
Published 03/21/24
Hades is one of the most recognizable yet misunderstood Greek gods. Join us on Circle Talk as we explore through myth, storytelling, and practical exercises how Hades is more than just the keeper of souls and the land of the dead. Author Jamie Waggoner will be discussing her new book-Hades, Myth, Magic and Devotion which will reveal his true nature and provide everything needed to create your own Hades devotional practice.
Published 03/20/24
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. El Tir Na nÓg o país de la eterna juventud irlandés. ¿Qué es el Tir Na nÓg en la mitología irlandesa? ¿Qué influencias ha tenido en el Neopaganismo contemporáneo? Incluso los cristianos han querido apuntarse a esta leyenda antigua, añadiendo al famoso San Patricio a la leyenda original. ¿Qué se cuenta de este mundo mitológico y por qué es tan importante? Te lo explicamos...
Published 03/16/24
Join Rev. Char Bear and guests for motivation and education about how to put your green faith into action for the planet and for each other.  In this episode, healthcare chaplains Rev. Char Bear and Rev. Andrew Bear discuss the restorative power of belonging in nature for overcoming climate grief, existential dread and cognitive fatigue.  
Published 03/16/24
Why should Fridays have all the fun? Go crazy on Mondays with Laura González on 'Lunatic Mondays'..... Anything can happen!!! On this episode author Jhenah Telyndru, will be chatting with Laura González about her book  “The Ninefold Way of Avalon: Walking the Path of the Priestess” About Jhenah Telyndru: https://ynysafallon.com/ https://sisterhoodofavalon.org/
Published 03/12/24
Paganos del mundo con Laura González desde Estados Unidos nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. Tlakaxipehualiztli, Izayo Mazehuali y Laura González comparten reflexiones acerca de las costumbre e importancia del segundo mes del calendario náhuatl, Tlakaxipehualiztli. Mes conocido también como “el desollamiento de los hombres”
Published 03/10/24
A Spiritual Sisterhood. Celebrating songs about the magical connection that arises when women unite.  In honor of International Women’s Day (03/08/2024). Featuring songs by Crow Women, Mama Gina, Beltana Spellsinger, and more.
Published 03/09/24
Would you like to nurture your love of plants or get gardening guidance for flowers, herbs, vegetables, trees, to grow your most plentiful garden yet? Join us on Circle Talk as we chat with Monica Crosson about her new book, A Year in the Enchanted Garden. Featuring dozens of spells, charms, and activities, this hands-on book helps you select, grow, and harvest the best plants for your region and shows you how to use them in your magickal practice.
Published 03/06/24