There is an enormous amount of pressure on young girls to be sexy and thin. The source of those pressures are ubiquitous and the implications are pretty profound. In this segment we explore how the pressure to be sexy and thin is impact young girls, and stressing out many parents. We close with concrete tips for parents.
Published 02/08/11
The sexual revolution is alive and well and has gone to whole new level. According to our guest, dating as we've known it is out and "hooking up" is in. Social life on campus typically means random sex with unknown partners and brings with it a host of physical, emotional and psychological trauma. Our guess give parents visibility into the side of campus life many simply don't know.
Published 01/24/11
Setting some boundaries for your teen around dating is critical. Some specific areas include curfews, use of alcohol and drugs, driving in cars with friends, spending money and physical contact are just a few. This segment discusses how to go about discussing and setting boundaries with your teen and ideally, getting their buy in.
Published 12/14/10
If your teen hasn't started thinking about dating you can be sure it won't be long. Our guests suggests that the time for parents to start thinking about teen dating is when your child is somewhere around 2 years old. If you missed the memo don't worry. This segment covers the basics you need to consider before your son or daughter discovers the opposite sex and pops the question.
Published 12/14/10
It's every parent's nightmare. You're cleaning up your daughter's room, stumble across her back pack and surprise! Inside you find a package of condoms. Pardon the cliche, but what's a mother to do? Hopefully you never need listen to this segment but if you do, our guests offer clear and helpful guidance on what to say and do next.
Published 11/19/10
Fifty percent of college students have had oral sex in the last 30 days. Our guest explains that one driver is the belief that that oral sex is safe. There are 20 million new sexual infections each year and half are those infections are among 15 to 24 year olds. Despite the facts, increasing numbers of teens are playing sexual Russian roulette. What's a mother to do? Tune in...
Published 11/08/10
There is evidence that overexposure to sexual imagery is blurring the line between intimacy and sex. What will be the practical impact on the lives of children who grow up with no distinction between love and lust, sex and intimacy, being physically connected versus making genuine emotional connections. Is your child's ability to love and be loved at risk?
Published 10/16/10
Today's children are exposed to more sexual images and sexual messages than any other generation in history. They are consuming sexual messages on television, the radio, movies, billboards and on line at increasingly younger ages. What is the impact? How will this affect their sexual lives and ability to experience intimacy as they grow up? Many parents are deeply concerned. But do they really need to be?
Published 10/05/10
So when are you planning to have "the talk?" You know the one where you finally begin to let your child in on the big secret we adults have been keeping from them. Some say earlier is better, while others worry about prematurely exposing innocent children to inappropriate discussions. So when is the best time and how will you know when your child is ready? Most importantly, when the moment is right will you be ready?/
Published 10/05/10
The experts all say if you are not talking to your children about sex, someone else is and you may not like what they are hearing. But what's the best way to talk to a child or teen about sex? How should you start the conversation? What should you say? What does the discussion sound like at different ages? Is it different with boys and girls? Should you share your personal sexual experiences? This segment is a quick primer for parents.
Published 10/05/10
Is it naive, in this day and age, to attempt to persuade your child to delay sexual activity? Can parents really influence their child's sexual behavior in a climate of hyper-sexuality? Our guests say the answer is absolutely yes and offer specific strategies for influencing and guiding your child's sexual choices.
Published 10/05/10