Join us on a thought-provoking journey through the 10 Commandments alongside esteemed guest, Bruce Fine, a distinguished Washington D.C. lawyer.  As we navigate through the intricacies of interpreting the Torah and the law, I explain that it's not even possible to fathom the full reasoning behind commandments. The conversation takes an introspective turn as we ponder over the concept of G-d's justice, the idea of existence beyond the physical realm, and our purpose of inspiring others. Bruce...
Published 09/27/23
Published 09/27/23
Fighting Israel's actions without denying the driving ideology behind them is futile. That ideology is Zionism, which claims that Israel is not the country of its citizens but of all Jews. Thus, any association between Jews and Israel strengthens Zionism, including when Jews feel obligated to protest Israel as Jews .  The only effective way to defeat Zionism is for Jews to say - like Jacob Blaustein and the WJC once did - that Israel has nothing to do with the Jews and has no business being...
Published 05/21/23
Israel: Jewish and democratic state 1953 Education law and etc. ADL "deeply disappointed" in John Kerry's statement
Published 03/27/23
Also important on this topic: https://www.committinghighreason.com/why-israel-has-so-many-elections/
Published 03/19/23
Published 11/08/22
At this week's gala WZO 125th Anniversary soiree in Basel, Switzerland, Israel's "Minister of Diaspora Affairs" made mentioned a "deal" between Ben Gurion and Jacob Blaustein regarding the relationship between American Jewry and Israel. He called for a renewed such "agreement" to be made today. But the way the story was described is fiction. American Jews complained to Ben Gurion that Israel was putting American Jews in danger. Ben Gurion promised to change Israel's presentation of itself as...
Published 09/02/22
SInce 1996, Israel has had elections more often than any democratic country in the world, according to a report by the Israel Democracy Institute. What is ti about the state of Israel that makes its government so unstable? Episode Photo by Laliv g - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=77887884
Published 07/29/22
Why the terrorists will not win, and how Zionism prevents Israelis from stopping it. Links: Officials expect terror wave to last all year Killing Sinwar is not a solution
Published 05/10/22
"It's worse than the McCarthy era". Veteran Ambassador Chas Freeman discusses the astounding and unprecedented level of disinformation and propaganda produced today by our politicians and the media, especially as it relates to what he learned in his many years as a US diplomat. 
Published 04/27/22
Boruch Mordechai was an Orthodox Jewish USAF airman who was constantly asked why he is serving in his own country's military and not Israel's. That is, until he served in Qatar.
Published 03/25/22
Journalist Lee Stranahan posted this on Twitter: Dear @yaakov_shapiro  Do you think it's fair to call the state of Israel a "Psuedo theocracy?"It seems to use The APPEARANCE of being a religious government, but in reality it only has all the authoritarian bigotry and none of the actual reverence of religion. Great question, Lee. The answer is no. Here's why.
Published 02/16/22
Zionist lore says Herzl became a Zionist after witnessing the Dreyfus Affair and hearing the crowd chant "Kill the Jews." But historical evidence shows that's not what made Herzl into a Zionist, (and also the crowd did not chant "Death to the Jews"). Links to Sources Cited The Jews' state, Theodor Herzl; translated, and with an introduction by Henk OverbergThe Diaries of Theodor Herzl, Edited by Marvin LowenthalHerzl's Vision: Theodor Herzl and the Foundation of the Jewish State by Shlomo...
Published 01/09/22
Many Judaic Studies instructors have been found to harbor a disdain for ultra-Orthodox Jews, which skews their academic portrayals of them and their ideology. Prof. Norton Mezvinsky explains. Episode photo: In the 18th century, as interest in the "curiosities" of the Jewish religion rose, some non-Jews had models of synagogues erected, furnished with a full array of Jewish books and ceremonial objects, and accessible to a broad public, constituting the world's first "Jewish museums." This...
Published 09/09/21
In denigrating the Rebitzen of the ultra-Orthodox Satmar chasidim, a professor writes of a story involving a wedding that took place 40 years ago. That was Rabbi Shapiro's wedding. In this podcast, he sets the record straight. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-does-time-seem-to-speed-up-with-age/
Published 09/03/21
One of the country's foremost experts on missile defense systems evaluates the Iron DOme's capabilities against the claims of the Israeli government. The results are surprising.
Published 06/18/21
In 1967, in order to garner US support for their attack on Egypt, Israel falsely claimed to have been under existential threat by Egypt, who was planning on attacking Israel, perpetrating another Holocaust. The truth was quite different. Miko Peled, son of IDF General Matityahu Peled, is my guest.
Published 06/11/21
Portraying Jews as if they are nationals of the state of Israel puts Jews in danger, as the enemies of Israel will automatically become the enemies of all Jews. The state of Israel itself has been doing this since its inception, and Zionists have been doing it for over a century. But history - and the data - shows that this anti-semitism can be reduced. And it is in our hands to do it. This podcast shows us how,
Published 06/04/21
During and after the Gaza war,  Jews in America have been subject to anti-Semitic attacks by pro-Palestinian activists who think of all Jews as connected to the state of Israel. Astoundingly,  Zionists are responding by flaunting their Zionism, which just provokes more anti-Semitism.  
Published 05/26/21
Eli Davis was a young man from a liberal American family in Seattle who had an appreciation for his Jewish heritage, but a distaste for religious observance, because he figured it invovled Israel. Then he heard of Orthodox Jews in New York who publicly protest Zionism. 
Published 05/19/21
The students of Rabbi Abraham and Zvi Yehuda Kook incorporated into their Judaism large doses of organic nationalism, pagan land worship, militarism, and end-of-days Messianism, combining them into a new, autonomous philosophy that they call Dati Leumi ("National Religious") Judaism. Photo by SoWhAt249 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=64048771
Published 05/12/21
https://www.jstor.org/stable/43301996?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents (Note: Wolfson is incorrect about the argument from design not being used in Jewish philosophy as an independent proof to the existence of G-d. It certainly is.) https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/cosmological-argument/ Photo by Alex Andrews from Pexels
Published 05/06/21