Fast täglich auf Unternehmenswebseiten, Produkten oder beim Einkauf im Supermarkt, begegnen uns Sticker, Siegel und Logos von NGOs. Diese Logos von Non-Governmental-Organizations sind Teil von Kooperationen mit Unternehmen. Ein bekanntestes Beispiel dafür, ist die Kooperation zwischen der EDEKA und dem WWF. Aber habt ihr euch dabei schonmal gefragt, warum Unternehmen und NGOs eigentlich zusammenarbeiten? Was bringt ihnen das? Wer hat hier eigentlich Vor- oder Nachteile von wem? Was bedeutet d...
Published 10/01/24
Oft werden der Generation Z Eigenschaften wie faul, unmotiviert oder unzuverlässig zugeschrieben und Anhänger dieser Generation hätten horrende, unrealistischeForderungen an ihren Arbeitgeber und Arbeitsalltag. Manche Menschen mögen sogar behaupten, die Generation Z zeichnet eine Generation voller Low-Performer. Doch was steckt wirklich hinter den wachsenden Ansprüchen dieser Generation? Sind diese gerechtfertigt oder nicht? Wie wirkt sich das auf den Arbeitsmarkt aus? Und nicht zuletzt:...
Published 09/20/24
Published 09/20/24
In dieser Folge von „Kommunikationsraum: Wirtschaft der Zukunft“ beleuchten wir den Einfluss von Künstlicher Intelligenz auf den Journalismus und vor allem auf das kritische Denken des Menschen. Host Eric Nestler diskutiert mit den Gästen Anja Guder, Sina Thäsler- Kordonouri und Tim Horlacher die Auswirkungen und Probleme von KI und die Zukunftsaussichten für uns als Internet-Nutzer. Zusammen schenken sie den Hörern Einblicke in die aktuelle Situation und Meinung von Journalisten und Experten...
Published 09/02/24
In this thought-provoking episode of Communications Room Talk, hosts Mark Derbacher and Hartmut Hübner are joined by Christoph Lautenbach, Managing Partner of Lautenbach Sass. They delve into the increasingly discussed topic of corporate attitudes towards societal and geopolitical issues. The discussion explores the implications of expressing or withholding corporate stances, the role of company values, and how these decisions impact trust and stakeholder relations.Key Takeaways:Businesses re...
Published 04/14/24
In this special edition, hosts Mark Derbacher and Hartmut Hübner delve into the profound impact of reading on communication, moderation, and personal development. They explore the significance of reading across genres and disciplines, highlighting how it fosters learning, self-reflection, and a deeper understanding of diverse perspectives. Through their personal reading journeys, Mark and Hartmut inspire listeners to embrace reading as a tool for personal and professional growth, offering ins...
Published 01/30/24
In this enlightening discussion, hosts Hartmut Hübner and Mark Derbacher dive deep into the role of critical thinking and communication in shaping the future of businesses. They explore how established companies can adapt and innovate by rethinking their assumptions and embracing new methodologies.Main InsightsThe Danger of Complacency: Companies like Kodak, which once led the market in film photography, failed to adapt because they stuck to their established business models. They didn't crit...
Published 10/07/23
Welcome to the next special edition of the Communications Room Talk podcast! Today, the hosts Mark and Hartmut are summarizing the second part of the Purpose Dialog, an event that brought together Gen Z members and the business world to exchange concepts for a purposeful economy. The event featured panelists Eva Pomeroy from the Presencing Institute, Joep Cornelissen from Erasmus University, Allan Moelholm from kaerly, Thimo Kühner from Stabilo, Frank Thiele from Meet Your Purpose, Franz Allm...
Published 08/23/23
Welcome to a special edition of the Communications Room Talk podcast! Today, the hosts Mark and Hartmut are introducing the first part of the Purpose Dialog, an event that brought together Gen Z members and the business world to exchange concepts for a purposeful economy. The event featured panelists Eva Pomeroy from the Presencing Institute, Joep Cornelissen from Erasmus University, Allan Moelholm from kaerly, Thimo Kühner from Stabilo, Frank Thiele from Meet Your Purpose, Franz Allmayer fro...
Published 07/15/23
In this podcast episode, Kimmo Järvinen, Director Operational Excellence at Kaizen Institute, highlights the importance of effective strategy execution and communication within organizations. In an optimistic and inspiring dialog with Hartmut and Mark, he introduces the key concepts of KAIZEN™ and emphasizes the need for balance between strategy, process improvement, and daily operational management. Direct communication between managers and team members is also crucial for success. Implement...
Published 06/12/23
In this podcast, we discuss the importance of addressing challenges in organizations and how to get stakeholders to understand and act accordingly. They emphasize the need to create a culture of seeing and addressing challenges, develop a structured approach, and involve everyone in conversations.Here are the main facts and hypotheses discussed in the podcast:Addressing challenges is necessary for any company that wants to remain successful.Human psychology often causes people to resist chang...
Published 03/24/23
In this episode, we discuss the importance of taking responsibility and avoiding ideological thinking in decision-making. We emphasize the need to consider the complexities of a situation and evaluate it on a case-by-case basis. We also stress the importance of communication and collaboration among stakeholders, including customers, in order to make progress and avoid wrong decisions.Main Points:Decisions should be experience-based and made in teams, considering the challenges faced by the co...
Published 03/15/23
This episode is an all-time classic: We discuss how to communicate in an impactful way, if the speed of business life turns faster and faster. Driven by the urge to permanently contribute more, many business people put themselves under too much pressure. We recommend focusing on impact through simplicity: Reduce to the max. Less is often more. Tune in and join the discussion!1:32. Many people try to prove that they are employed properly. And this is already very close to actionism.2:50. Makin...
Published 03/01/23
In this episode, we elaborate on the question how a company can keep it's purpose alive in the long run. Responsible, honest and open communication, based on ongoing reflection, plays a key role:Business leaders play an active role in communicating purpose: A clear vision combines with a clear purpose and the associated value.Beyond «purpose washing», the question is how to really make purpose meaningful and effective. Our point is: It happens when individual purpose matches the business purp...
Published 02/14/23
In 2023 more than ever before, the ability to communicate effectively will be crucial in addressing some of the major challenges facing Europe:1️⃣ Economic challenges: In 2023, the ongoing energy crisis and inflation are likely to reduce consumption. These challenges require collaboration among companies and between businesses and customers to find sustainable and innovative solutions. Effective communication plays a critical role in fostering this collaboration and co-creation.2️⃣ Political ...
Published 02/03/23