A speech given by His Excellency Charles H. Rivkin, United States Ambassador to France and Monaco, to open the first annual American Week at HEC-Paris, on October 15, 2012. The event was organized by Prof. Christopher Robinson and his students in the BEST program with the support of the French-American Foundation in France. The first part of the speech, given in French, celebrates the current and historical bonds that unite France and the U.S. In the second part, given in English, Mr. Rivkin...
Published 10/15/12
On 2 March 2011 HEC Paris had the honor of welcoming Samuel J. Palmisano, Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer of IBM. Celebrating IBM's centennial, Mr. Palmisano visited the campus to give a conference on 'A business and its ideas: Shaping a company and a century'.During the ceremony Bernard Ramanantsoa, Dean of HEC Paris, awarded Samuel J. Palmisano with the HEC Honorary Degree. M. Ramanantsoa said 'It is an honor for HEC Paris to welcome Sam Palmisano and to award...
Published 03/20/11
Innovation in Marketing à HEC - Roundtable Discussion
Published 09/16/10
Chaire énergie Delloite à HEC - session 2
Published 09/09/10
Chaire énergie Delloite à HEC - session 1
Published 09/02/10
L'université du Coton : Faisons nos affaires nous-mêmes - 2008
Published 08/26/10
Bill Gates - Bill Gates comes to HEC - 2007
Published 08/19/10
Intervention de Bernard DUBOIS aux interactive marketing en 2000
Published 08/12/10
Extrait du débat organisé par le journal le Monde avec: De Villepin, Fabius, Zeldin, Glucksmann, Todorov, animé par Edwy Plen - 2004
Published 08/05/10
Interview de personnalités françaises et asiatiques pour le 15ème anniversaire de Eurasia- 2003
Published 07/29/10
HEC Europe Symposium - 2008
Published 07/15/10
Conférence du Dr Fernando Cepeda Ulloa Ambassadeur de Colombie The role of Political Entrepreneurship in the construction of good governance in emerging markets
Published 07/08/10
Pascal Baudry, ancien MBA donne une conférence sur le théme: Understanding the Americans, Understanding the French 2004
Published 07/01/10
Roundtable : Brands within economic crisis - 2009 - Moderated by Jean-Noël Kapferer, Nathalie Rastain (CEO Ogilvy France), Cyrille Vigneron (CEO Cartier), Vincent Warnery (Managing director L'Oréal Paris, France), Pierre-Emmanuel Angeloglou (Managing Dire)
Published 06/24/10
Où va la CHINE ? - Jacques GRAVEREAU 2005
Published 06/17/10
David Warren - Management consulting as a career
Published 06/10/10
Innovation in Marketing - Nathalie Rastoin, General Director, Ogilvy Group
Published 06/03/10
Michael E. Porter, Professeur à la Harvard University, Professeur Honoris Causa du Groupe HEC, redéfinit les principes fondamentaux de la stratégie d'entreprise.
Published 03/04/10
Yann Arthus-Bertrand, photographe et président de GoodPlanet, donne la conférence inaugurale de la rentrée 2009, sur le thème : Le courage du développement durable.
Published 12/11/09
Yann Arthus-Bertrand, photographe et président de GoodPlanet, donne la conférence inaugurale de la rentrée 2009, sur le thème : Le courage du développement durable.
Published 12/10/09
HEC débats reçoit Valéry Giscard d'Estaing : -Si j'étais président- - 2008
Published 12/09/09
Interview de Michel Dupuis, comédien - 2004
Published 12/09/09
Conférence animé par HEC Débats entre HEC & Capgemini lors de l'entrée de Capgemini a la Fondation HEC - 2006
Published 12/09/09