How we got here and what needs to happen next with Russia and Ukraine. In the years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, a cohort of young Westerners flocked to Moscow, including many idealists who were eager to support the evolution of a democratic Russia.  Today, Russia is on the other side of the looking-glass, nearing the one-year anniversary of the unprovoked invasion of its neighbor, Ukraine. Russian citizens now find themselves conscripted into a military accused of human rights...
Published 02/14/23
Published 02/14/23
In June, President Biden signed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act into law. While full of good news for gun-reform advocates, this law—which was inspired by mass shootings—has been criticized for not actually doing much to address them. In this episode, a closer look at gun-death statistics suggests that’s not exactly the case. Importantly, the new law does at least begin to close gaps in protections against domestic homicides, which are the lion’s share of mass killings in this country.  ...
Published 02/07/23
There’s been a lot of anxiety lately about AI replacing workers. But what many economists are really worried about is not mass unemployment, but polarization. Emerging technology, they say, isn’t coming for all our jobs—it’s shrinking the middle class, specifically. Experts warn that we’ve seen this movie before with globalization a generation ago. Without a smart policy response, the coming shifts in the labor market could not only heighten economic hardship, but also sow even more division...
Published 01/31/23
Gee wiz, ever wonder why the 1950s were so swell for the economy? Technological advancements in things like telecommunications, transportation, and consumer electronics helped ignite the most expansive period of growth and productivity we’ve ever seen. For some time, economists have been watching AI and other tech-industry wonders of the present, and wondering: Could a new boom be on the horizon? What policies could help usher in a new era of economic prosperity? CMU’s Lee Branstetter and...
Published 01/24/23
This season on Consequential, we’ll ask experts about a range of pressing issues that are top of mind as policymakers get down to business: How to reboot our economy for the better; workforce polarization in the age of AI; next steps for gun reform; and how to think about Russia policy as Putin’s invasion of Ukraine nears its first anniversary. Season 5 premiers Tuesday, January 24. For more info or to subscribe, visit https://hnz.cm/consequential.
Published 01/13/23
After a bill as significant as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is signed into law, both regulators and the general public have important roles to play. In our season finale, we're discussing regulatory policymaking and the future of infrastructure investment, with guests Ramayya Krishnan and Susan Webb Yackee.
Published 02/16/22
The pandemic may have accelerated the future of work, but it is certainly not the only factor necessitating targeted investment in the workforce. This week's episode looks at legislation aimed at reskilling and workforce development, with guests Jose-Marie Griffiths and Joe Trotter.
Published 02/02/22
Care is one of the most integral aspects of our society, and one of the most contentious aspects of infrastructure legislation. This week's episode looks at the role the care sector plays our workforce and economy, as well as the long-term effects of investing in care as infrastructure, with guests Maria Cancian, Brigid Schulte, and Jodi Sandfort.
Published 01/19/22
Public transportation is one of the most critical aspects of our infrastructure, but it is also one of the most imperiled and underfunded. This week's episode looks at how the Bipartisan Infrastructure Plan's historic investment in public transit and other targeted policymaking can build the transportation systems of the future, with guests Stan Caldwell, Eric Goldwyn, Anthony Foxx, and Corey Harper.
Published 12/22/21
Our electrical grid has been called the world's largest machine, but it's in need of some serious updates. This week's episode looks at a few areas of investment in our energy infrastructure that could make a strong, long-term impact, featuring Jennifer Hiller, Lori Bennear, Akshaya Jha, and John Graham.
Published 12/08/21
While infrastructure may have taken center stage in this year's policy discussions, the United States has been trying to figure out what to do about our infrastructure for a long time. This week's episode looks at the current state of our infrastructure, as well as past and future infrastructure reform, with guests Price V. Fishback, Jodi Sandfort, and Ramayya Krishnan.
Published 11/24/21
What are the long-term impacts of targeted investments in our physical and human infrastructure? Beginning November 24, Season 4 of the Consequential Podcast will examine how policymaking in such areas as public transportation, energy, and workforce development will affect our future.
Published 11/10/21
In the age of the Internet, a lot of information is at our fingertips. But is it accessible, reliable and up-to-date? In the season finale of Consequential, we're discussing information inequality with guests Asia Biega, Stephen Caines, and Myeong Lee.
Published 02/17/21
Natural language processing is the branch of AI that allows computers to recognize, analyze and replicate human language. But when it’s hard enough for humans to say what they mean most of the time, it’s even harder for computers to get it right. In this week’s episode looks at sentiment analysis, search engine prediction, and what AI and human language can teach us about each other, with guests Alvin Grissom II of Haverford College and Alexandra Olteanu of Microsoft Research.
Published 02/03/21
Open source software is the infrastructure of the Internet, but it is less diverse than the tech industry overall. In this deep-dive on gender in open source, we speak to CMU’s Laura Dabbish and Anita Williams Woolley about what’s keeping women from participating in open source software development and how increased participation benefits society as a whole.
Published 01/20/21
From helping to identify tumors to guiding trading decisions on Wall Street, artificial intelligence has begun to inform important decision-making, but always with the input of a human. However, not all humans respond the same way to algorithmic advice. This episode of Consequential looks at human-in-the-loop AI, with guests Sumeet Chabria, David Danks, and Maria De-Arteaga.
Published 12/30/20
The Enron emails helped give us spam filters, and many natural language processing and fact-checking algorithms rely on data from Wikipedia. While these data resources are plentiful and easily accessible, they are also highly biased. This week, we speak to guests Amanda Levendowski and Katie Willingham about how low-friction data sources contribute to algorithmic bias and the role of copyright law in accessing less troublesome sources of knowledge and data.
Published 12/16/20
Peer review is the backbone of research, upholding the standards of accuracy, relevance and originality. However, as innovation in the fields of AI and machine learning has reached new heights of productivity, it has become more difficult to perform peer review in a fast and fair manner. Our hosts are joined by Nihar Shah to unpack the question of automation in the scientific publication process: could it help, is it happening already, and what does it have in common with the job application...
Published 12/02/20
We're taking a day off today from our episode and will be back in December. Have a great holiday weekend!
Published 11/25/20
Traditional scientific research has a data diversity problem. Online platforms, such as Mechanical Turk, give researchers access to a wider variety and greater volume of subjects, but they are not without their issues. Our hosts are joined by experts David S. Jones, Ilka Gleibs, and Jeffrey Bigham to discuss the pros and cons of knowledge production using crowdsourced data.
Published 11/11/20
Disinformation is as old as the printing press, if not older. So what has accelerated its spread now, and what can be done to stop it? On this special bonus episode of Consequential, we speak to the experts about disinformation, the election, and COVID-19.
Published 10/28/20
In the first episode of Season 3 of Consequential, hosts Eugene and Lauren look at how underlying biases in the development of the EEG have impacted healthcare, medical technology, and scientific research, with guests Ben Amaba, Arnelle Etienne, Pulkit Grover, and Shawn Kelly.
Published 10/21/20
In Season 3 of Consequential, hosts Eugene and Lauren will be exploring knowledge production in the Information Age. Beginning on October 21, this season will examine how AI and machine learning will impact research practices and data collection, as well as the development and dissemination of knowledge. Topics will include combatting disinformation, the ethics of crowdsourced research, and representation in open source software development.
Published 10/08/20
Today we're asking our experts: how do you coordinate a crisis response to an issue like COVID-19, where every public health decision has economic ramifications, and every economic decision has a direct impact on public health? To answer these questions, we speak to Dean Ramayya Krishnan of Heinz College; Professor of Machine Learning and Public Policy, Rayid Ghani; and Distinguished Service Professor Richard Stafford.
Published 06/11/20