“What’s so confusing about that? March 11th episode
This pod cast is becoming less and less about what you need to know about Coronavirus, less about what facts are known about about Coronavirus, less about how to protect and prepare our selves against Coronavirus. And all about blaming the President.
What was he supposed say be prepared and start getting hysterical? This is the crap that is only going make me support him. Instead of pointing fingers your know what would be more beneficial?
Sticking to the facts. I did t ask for your opinion. So in return I’ll give you mine; grow up, start looking at this as how you can help? Not how can you get ahead? No one knows how to deal with this. You think you could do better? Than do something real. Because all your doing is putting people like me in his court by your petty and self serving actions.”
DamnItDallas via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·