Have you been desiring something different with your body yet not knowing how to achieve it?  What if change with your body becomes available more than ever when you start to have communion with it?  So many of us judge and try to force our bodies into being different.  What if there is a totally different possibility - and your body knows way more about that than you have recognized?   Join Heather Nichols and Dr. Dain Heer in a totally different conversation about bodies!  What if your body...
Published 05/17/21
Where in your life have you not been willing to choose More, because it would not be fair? Functioning for a reality of fairness for all, is actually NOT a contribution or an act of kindness to you or anyone else. You cannot escape being judged for your willingness to have more in life, so you might as well turn it UP! Notice where in your life are you making choices based on this reality's fairness scale, let yourself know "It's not fair" and laugh it off - ha ha ha
Published 05/15/21
Magic is when something shows up that isn't supposed to. How do we create that in our lives? Join Heather Nichols and Sylvia Puentes in a conversation on the pragmatics of magic - that shows up when you go beyond the definitions you have of you and the world - and choose to BE more.
Published 04/05/21
¿Cuál es tu historia con el dinero? ¿Y está funcionando para ti? ¿Es tiempo para algo diferente?Únete a Heather Nichols para un clavado a una conversación diferente acerca de hacer, tener, y crear - con el dinero.   MIRA AQUÍ: https://youtu.be/YEGnepYMpn8   SUBSCRÍBETE Si disfrutaste este show Inscríbete para inspiraciones Gratutias, herramientas pragmáticas, preguntas y recetas de cócteles you enjoyed this show sign up for free inspirations, para crear más allá de esta realidad...
Published 02/05/20
Qual é a sua história com dinheiro? E está funcionando para você? É hora de algo diferente? Junte-se à Heather Nichols para um mergulho numa conversa definitivamente diferente sobre fazer, ter e criar com - dinheiro.   WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/YEGnepYMpn8   If you enjoyed this video, subscribe to our channel and sign up for podcast news plus free inspirations, pragmatic tools and questions for creating beyond this reality at https://heathernichols.com/podcast What is possible to see you...
Published 01/26/20
What is your money story? And is it working for you? Time for something different? Join me, Heather Nichols for a dive into a definitely different conversation about making, having, and creating with - money on the Creating Beyond Reality Podcast show.  WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/YEGnepYMpn8   If you enjoyed this video, subscribe to our channel and sign up for podcast news plus free inspirations, pragmatic tools and questions for creating beyond this reality at...
Published 01/22/20
What capacities do you have for change & creation that you have misidentified as something that is wrong about you? You might look normal... but are you?? Join Heather for an exploration into the world of X-Men and the capacities they have to create phenomenal things in the world! WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/TQRmDhMVKd8   If you enjoyed this video, subscribe to our channel and sign up for podcast news plus free inspirations, pragmatic tools and questions for creating beyond this reality...
Published 12/17/19
What if you don't have to do what everybody else - including your family - does during the holidays? What if you could create a holiday reality that actually works for you? What if you could keep creating your life, business, body, and reality this time of year - with more joy than ever? Join me, Heather Nichols for this live-streamed Creating Beyond Reality Podcast show.  WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/sx824D-nUV0   If you enjoyed this video, subscribe to our channel and sign up for podcast...
Published 11/30/19
What if your body was a creative possibility that you have not yet accessed? Join me, Heather Nichols for this live-streamed Creating Beyond Reality Podcast show.  WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/H2PU9k4LqXU   If you enjoyed this video, subscribe to our channel and sign up for podcast news plus free inspirations, pragmatic tools and questions for creating beyond this reality at https://heathernichols.com/podcast What is possible to see you somewhere in the world soon? ~ Heather
Published 10/30/19
Who is looking for you and your business that can't find you? What fantasies do you have about creating your classes, sessions, and offerings that are keeping your business tiny - and keeping the world from finding you?  Time to change that - and get out into the world in a much bigger way? Join me, Heather Nichols for this live-streamed Creating Beyond Reality Podcast show.  WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/snbxbecgj4o   If you enjoyed this video, subscribe to our channel and sign up for podcast...
Published 09/27/19
There are 3 things that are essential to the true & lasting success of any business.  If even one of these elements is missing, your business will not be able to thrive. Join me, Heather Nichols for this live-streamed Creating Beyond Reality Podcast show. What if you could always know what your business requires for that next phase of growth that you are asking for?    WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/Fyk0x-thNd8 If you enjoyed this video, subscribe to our channel and sign up for podcast news...
Published 08/30/19
What if sex could be nurturing, fun, expansive, and a contribution to you and your body? What do you know about what is possible with sex that you have never seen in this reality? Join Heather Nichols for this live-streamed cocktail chat and mega celebration of the creation of living that takes you beyond the mediocre into phenomenally different daily living that most people are not willing to have. What gift is your body that you have never considered?   WATCH...
Published 08/16/19
Is it time to truly live? From bodies to business to wealth to creation to hedonism, joy, pragmatics, and more… Living is a dynamic, ever-unfolding expression of being alive with every day, every moment, every choice. Join Heather Nichols from the beginning of the Creation of Living Extravaganza in Paris for the official first live-streamed Creating Beyond Reality Podcast show. A cocktail chat and mega celebration of the creation of living that takes you beyond the mediocre into phenomenally...
Published 08/05/19
How would you like to create your life and living? Would you like to have and be surrounded by beauty, luxury, wealth, delicious things and experiences? Did you know that was even an option or a possibility for you? Join Heather and Desiree Dumonde for a deep dive into happiness as a choice, having 10 second increments of choice, and the joy of being you - Whatever is going on in your world!   THE CONVERSATION What if you can have all of you everywhere? What if having choice is better than...
Published 07/04/19
How would you like to create your life and living? Would you like to have and be surrounded by beauty, luxury, wealth, delicious things and experiences? Did you know that was even an option or a possibility for you? Join Heather with her great friend Doris Schachenhofer in dynamic conversation with wealth, caring and creation.   THE CONVERSATION Have you created not having money so you have problems to over coming? What if money isn’t even significant? What shift can you create by not...
Published 06/17/19
Do you know something different is possible? Are you interested in creating a life beyond this reality? Welcome to Creating Beyond Reality; a brand new podcast with the dynamic creator of magnitude, Heather Nichols.   THE CONVERSATION In this show Heather explores what it is to be creating beyond this reality from your own awareness rather than the rules and regulations of the world, everything you have decided is and is not possible, must be, can’t be, has to be, could never be. Creating...
Published 06/17/19
Are you doing life - or are you living? Life is an end game, where results and outcomes are the name of the game. Living is a dynamic space of change and creation - where you get to flow with what is, use everything to your advantage, and have way more fun and ease with the creation of everything than you are allowed. Are you living? Or are you doing life?
Published 06/03/19
How do you feel about marketing? What else is possible that you have always known - but perhaps never been wiling to choose with how you promote your products and services? Ready for a different reality that is way more ease - and way more YOU?
Published 05/20/19
What have you always desired that you think you cannot have? Do you have to give yourself up to have what and who you desire? Can you be all you are, once you have it? Whether you are a woman or a man, single or not - this conversation just might be relevant to you!
Published 05/06/19
Do you love the tools of Access Consciousness? Have they changed your life? Have you tossed out everything you did, were, used, created with before you found Access that was a contribution? What else is possible that you have never considered?
Published 04/29/19
Centuries ago we were willing to receive a lot of support from the Earth. The Earth was a vital part of our survival back then. It was a inseparable part of our lives. What is it today? What is it that the Earth is asking us to contribute to that we might have forgotten to be for ourselves?
Published 04/22/19
Money is for your body. So wouldn't it make sense that your body knows a thing or two about creating it? Are you playing the game of money with your body? Or losing it with your being?
Published 04/15/19
What if everything you decided was wrong about your body is actually brilliant? What capacities does your body have that you have never seen in the world before - and therefore made wrong? Join Heather and Diva for a definitely different conversation about bodies and more!
Published 04/08/19
Squirrel! Sometimes distraction is creative, sometimes it’s destructive. Do you know when to follow it and when to not?
Published 04/01/19
What if you were so embarrassed to not have money that you actually chose to have money because you didn't want to be embarrassed anymore? What if you became so embarrassed and so frustrated with not having the money you desire, that it inspired the demand to never allow that again? Explore what choices you have to inspire yourself to money, and to give up the shame of no money.
Published 03/25/19