Have you ever just known that it was time for something brand new? Join Heather on her final solo episode for this podcast where she shares an exciting new podcast adventure and where you can still find Creation of Living events all around the World. Mentioned In This EpisodeHeather's NEW Podcast - The Entrepreneurial Biome Podcast: heathernichols.com/podcast Heather's Links &...
Published 09/09/23
Published 09/09/23
Join Heather Nichols and her son Jaden Nichols in an open conversation about their journey with each other and as a family through the challenges of the teenage years. What if there was something far greater, easier, and more honoring for everybody when it comes to family? Heather's Links &...
Published 04/11/23
With some new tools and conversations in Access Consciousness lately about presumptive realities and need of reactive realities, there are possibilities available with bodies (and everything!) that have never been available before! Join Heather Nichols and Dain Heer in a conversation about creating your body beyond the presumptions of how it is and has to be. What else is truly possible with bodies now? Mentioned In This EpisodeBody Whispering Class with Dr. Dain HeerBody Whispering Book by...
Published 03/28/23
What would you truly like to have as your life and future? Is your ask big enough? And what are you willing to be, do, and receive in order for that to show up? Join Heather Nichols in a solo podcast where she dives in to the art of creation and how to create anything and everything you would like to have as your life! Mentioned In This Episode5 Days of Creation - Creation of Living: heathernichols.com/5days Heather's Links &...
Published 12/23/22
Have you ever imagined a place in absolute harmony with nature? A hidden place where time stopped more than 100 years ago. That’s El Lugar... a place located at the heart of the rainforest in Costa Rica. Join Heather & Simone on this beautiful podcast talking about El Lugar being it’s own entity with it’s own consciousness and being one of the most dynamic business done different facilitators over the last couple of years turning obstacles & problems into greater possibilities. They...
Published 11/16/22
How different are you that you have not yet acknowledged?  As energetic creatures, money does not always make sense to us nor do all the ways of creating, managing, and being with it. What if you know something different? What if money itself is not what we think it is? Often we choose to disengage with money because we don't want to do what is required in this reality to have it and be powerful with it. When you engage with it in a completely different way - that makes sense to you and comes...
Published 11/01/22
Bodies love to move!   What is your body asking for? What if you could relish in the pleasure of movement all day long - in everything you do? What would it be like to be more present with your body, listening more, and receiving the beautiful invitation and energies that your body is, and knows? What if the world of movement could be a huge gift to more in every area of your life? Join Heather Nichols and Kalpana Raghuraman in a dynamic, juicy conversation about bodies, presence, and...
Published 09/23/22
There is so much magic in choice! Listen in to a dynamic conversation between Heather Nichols and Ava Pandit as they chat about Heather's adventures in becoming an Access Consciousness 3-Day Body Class Facilitator in 6 months, a certification with pre requisites that can be daunting... or magic inducing... depending on your point of view! About Ava Pandit Ava Pandit is an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator and works on Heather's team, and was a major contributor to this...
Published 08/31/22
Trying to build a relationship with other people when you don't have a sense of what is true for you is what most people do... and why most relationships fail!  What if you knew you and what brings you joy?  What if you could choose for you rather than against others?  Join Heather Nichols and Simone Milasas for a quick potent dive into the Access Consciousness 5 elements of intimacy and a different way of being with yourself & the world.
Published 06/04/22
Join Heather Nichols and Katarina Wallentin for a beautiful & inspiring conversation about one of the most powerful tools in Access Consciousness:  the body processes. The Access body processes are an energetic, hands-on tool that create miraculous change, possibilities, and space in our bodies.  What magic is your body capable of that you have never chosen? 
Published 05/22/22
What if adding to your life was about receiving, rather than having a bigger to-do list?  When you realize that your business is your life, and your life is your business, everything that you add can expand everything else. Join Heather for a dynamic conversation about this incredibly powerful joy of business tool!
Published 03/07/22
Join Heather Nichols in a beautiful interview with John Ashford, an Access Consciousness facilitator and adolescent probation officer who has used a very different - and successful - approach to teen rehabilitation for decades.   John shares inspiring stories of change and an invitation to a totally different world where healing, change, and transformation are far more about what we are being than what we are doing or saying.
Published 02/03/22
Are you aggressively seeking possibilities - or simply hoping that things will change someday?   Join Heather Nichols and Brendon Watt in a dynamic conversation about choice, change, and playing the long game with your life - where you are creating a different future every day even with the seemingly "smallest" of choices.   Australian anomaly, Brendon Watt, lives with an outrageous demand for an ever-expanding life and a tenacious desire to change the world. He is known worldwide for...
Published 01/20/22
What if you could un-define everything that you thought business was, so you can have what business actually is for you? What if your business can grow as you step in to creating the future that you know as possible? And what if business was way more about receiving that about doing?   Join Heather Nichols and Rachael O’Brien for a dynamic, spacious, inspiring conversation about what is actually possible.   Rachael O’Brien, CFMW, is a Transformational Life Coach, Certified Facilitator...
Published 01/07/22
Our bodies can be a burden, a chore, a problem - or a treasure trove of joy, possibility, and pleasure.  It all depends on your points of view and what it is that you would like to create!    What if you could have the gift of embodiment that your unique body is?  Join Heather Nichols and Amy Shine for a conversation on movement, pleasure, judgment of bodies, and the willingness to let our bodies lead the way in the creation of so much more in every aspect of our lives.   Amy Shine is...
Published 12/27/21
Silence is a gift. Will you receive it?     Paul's Website: https://www.iampaulkearney.com/ Paul's Bio: https://www.iampaulkearney.com/about-me Upcoming Events: https://www.iampaulkearney.com/events
Published 10/03/21
X-Men are people that are often labeled or diagnosed with 'disabilities' that are actually abilities that don't have a context in our linear world.  Whether you have been diagnosed as different, work with others who have, or just know you don't fit into this world - what do you know and what are you capable of that you have never considered?   Join Heather Nichols and Mary Case for a dynamic & inspiring conversation - and energetic adventure - into the world of energy that is more a...
Published 09/22/21
What if your body is far more brilliant & capable of handling stress than you have ever considered?  What would happen if we stopped trying to control our bodies, and instead tapped in to the natural, evolutionary wisdom that they carry?   Join Heather Nichols and her body for an energetic adventure into a totally different space and possibility with your body. Would your body like more?  Join Heather for her next Body Show Me series, starting September 21:...
Published 09/16/21
In a world where beauty is primarily based on positive judgments and definitions, what if true beauty were way more about who you BE than how you look?  Join Heather Nichols and her guest, Sarah Grandinetti, in an inspiring conversation about beauty as difference, beauty as being, and the beauty that is unique to each one of us if we are willing to be ourselves. For more information, go to https://www.beingyoubeauty.com
Published 09/02/21
When you don't need to define yourself by your points of view, you can be, have, and choose anything.  That makes you a very different creature in a world full of needy people.  Join Heather Nichols and Christopher Hughes in a spacious and boom-y conversation about being MORE. Christopher Hughes is a Right Voice For You Facilitator, Joy of Business Facilitator, and manager of the Antique Guild who lives in Australia and travels the world facilitating Access Consciousness.   For more, go...
Published 08/13/21
In a time where the brilliance of bodies is being disregarded more and more every day, what would it be like if you actually listened to your body?  What if it not only had wisdom - but could contribute to you and your life?   Join Heather Nichols in an interview with Suzy Godsey, Access Consciousness facilitator, creator of ESSE bodywork, and body- and animal- whisperer extraordinaire as they discuss totally different possibilities with the creation of your body and your life.  For more...
Published 07/28/21
How can you apply the same tenacity in your business? What if you were willing to have the same level of dedication to your business that an athlete has to accomplishing their goals in sport?   Join Heather Nichols for an epic conversation with former NFL player Mark Pattison who recently returned from his climb to the top of Mount Everest. Inspired by Emelia, his daughter will Epilepsy, to never give up, never give in, and never quit, he tells his story of the climb and what lessons we...
Published 07/02/21
Did you know that money has a consciousness of it’s own? That it desires to go where it would create greater? We think we must do things the way the rest of the world does, even though a lot of times that does not make sense to us.   What if you function really different with money?   You can actually ask your money where it would like to go, what it would like to be used for, and what would create the most.   What if you could start to trust you with money? What if you could...
Published 06/27/21
What if much like sex, creating wealth isn’t a sprint but a marathon? If you would be willing to relax into it, instead of trying to control it and dictate the way it shows up, it would be so much more fun!   What if the elegance of living could be the invitation for the energies of wealth and abundance and could be the same play of having sex?   If you could experience everything for the joy of it without looking for a result, what difference could that be for your life and...
Published 06/20/21