As many of you might know, my first love was bodybuilding. Answering the age old question --"How do I get JACKEDDDDDDD AND SHREDDED?"
That said, at least for bodybuilding, that answer is basically.... Tren.
And so... as a natural lifter, I've been cast adrift FOR YEARS. Trying EVERY diet and workout plan. And I've figured out how to get lean. But never how to stay lean.
As soon as the diet would end, I'd become a blimp. I'd make solid gains in the gym, but I'd immediately get covered in a DISGUSTING layer of fat, get moon face, and generally look like grain fattened livestock.
My dream of "gaining muscle and losing fat" long since discarded, I would bulk, then cut, then bulk, then cut.. forever....
Until this book.
If you've ever wanted to:
Eat more calories and get leaner
Stop being INSANE when you're hungry
Swoleshame all the fat soccer dads merely by your glorious physique
Become the fever dream of all the soccer MILFs
Martin Berkan is the City Manager of SHRED CITY and here to slap our feeble little minds with Truth.
Buy his book or die.
(From his book "Super Psychic Readings")
Have you ever been in a situation where you had LITERALLY NO IDEA what to say or do?
Maybe you're called on in class and you didn't do your homework
Maybe you're in a job interview and someone says "tell me about the research you did for this...
Published 09/16/24
Everybody wanna be a bodybuilder, but nobody want to lift no heavy ass weight! That quote, from The King, Ronnie Coleman, epitomizes the world of fitness. Everyone wants to have that beach body, but nobody wants to SUFFER.
The business version of this is...
Everybody wanna be rich, but nobody...
Published 08/22/24