As many of you might know, my first love was bodybuilding. Answering the age old question --"How do I get JACKEDDDDDDD AND SHREDDED?"
That said, at least for bodybuilding, that answer is basically.... Tren.
And so... as a natural lifter, I've been cast adrift FOR YEARS. Trying EVERY diet and workout plan. And I've figured out how to get lean. But never how to stay lean.
As soon as the diet would end, I'd become a blimp. I'd make solid gains in the gym, but I'd immediately get covered...
Published 10/06/24
(From his book "Super Psychic Readings")
Have you ever been in a situation where you had LITERALLY NO IDEA what to say or do?
Maybe you're called on in class and you didn't do your homework
Maybe you're in a job interview and someone says "tell me about the research you did for this interview" and "NONE" isn't an option
Perhaps you get captured by Ed Gein and don't want to be made into a lamp
The skill to navigate those situations are a basic human right.
Today, Ian kindly...
Published 09/16/24
Everybody wanna be a bodybuilder, but nobody want to lift no heavy ass weight! That quote, from The King, Ronnie Coleman, epitomizes the world of fitness. Everyone wants to have that beach body, but nobody wants to SUFFER.
The business version of this is...
Everybody wanna be rich, but nobody wanna do no horrible ass prospecting.
Good news heifers....
Today is the last day of our ignorance.
Today is the day that Alex Hormozi teaches us everything we ever...
Published 08/22/24
3 of 3
Have you ever gone DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE and found yourself watching hours and hours of police interrogation videos? Channels like JCS Criminal Psychology and Active Self Protection are some of the most popular on YouTube...
Because we all want to know...
How would we do?
Could we beat the police? Could we beat a lie detector?
And UNTIL NOW... we didn't know the answer. Maybe? Maybe not.
That all changes with this series.
Everything you could ever want to know...
Published 08/09/24
2 of 3!
Have you ever gone DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE and found yourself watching hours and hours of police interrogation videos? Channels like JCS Criminal Psychology and Active Self Protection are some of the most popular on YouTube...
Because we all want to know...
How would we do?
Could we beat the police? Could we beat a lie detector?
And UNTIL NOW... we didn't know the answer. Maybe? Maybe not.
That all changes with this series.
Everything you could ever want to know...
Published 08/02/24
1 of 3
Have you ever gone DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE and found yourself watching hours and hours of police interrogation videos? Channels like JCS Criminal Psychology and Active Self Protection are some of the most popular on YouTube...
Because we all want to know...
How would we do?
Could we beat the police? Could we beat a lie detector?
And UNTIL NOW... we didn't know the answer. Maybe? Maybe not.
That all changes with this series.
Everything you could ever want to know about
Published 07/26/24
You know those books you can read over and over and every time you read them you GET SMARTER?
The Book of 5 Rings is one of those.
Miyamoto Musashi - the greatest samurai to ever live, victor in over 60 duels TO THE DEATH, and philosopher of The Way of Strategy writes his exact method to master ANYTHING.
Want to get better at sales? Fighting? Math? Poetry?
Just apply.....
The Way of The Sword.
And for this episode, we have the great honor of having a translation written by OUR BOY...
Published 07/08/24
What do you do when you've been WRONGED?
Do you eat bon bons and watch the Great British Baking Show?
Do you cry for hours?
Get your tattoos removed and go back to school for accounting?
You return to the wellspring known as Colonel Jeff Cooper for guidance. Colonel Cooper is the world's most famous firearms trainer, coach, author, and all around MAN.
This book - Fireworks, is like if Henry David Thoreau rewrote his book Walden,...
Published 06/05/24
What if I told you that there was a SKELETON KEY to get anyone to do anything you wanted?
A secret language of the snake gods that would give those who know it.... ultimate POWER.
That said..... there's no way that this power could really exist... right?
Oren Klaff believes it can exist, does exist, and he's here to teach us that sweet sweet dialect of the serpents.
How to pitch anything. Oren's complete and coherent method to
Make more sales
get rich as f**k
Published 05/24/24
In the martial arts there are rumors of secret techniques. DEATH TOUCHES.
Techniques by which those in possession of can DOMINATE their environment and ascend to godhood.
In sales...
There is "The Gap."
A mythical ideal. Oft searched for, rarely ever found.
Bad and good sales managers alike preach "find the gap" and "build value" to their salespeople.
But NOBODY ACTUALLY KNOWS WTF that shit means.
Until now.
Gap Selling.
The Dark Arts.
Behold. Immortality.
Published 05/10/24
What is the secret to sales?
Product knowledge?
Good looks?
small talk skills?
Reading sales books?
According to Alex Hormozi.... NONE OF THE ABOVE.
He tells us to skip the entire concept of sales, make an offer SO GOOD people feel stupid saying no....
And sell you company for 46M and be richer, more jacked, and better in all ways than all of us.
This is his blueprint.
Published 04/26/24
There's a magical thing that happens when one knows how to go OUT INTO THE WORLD and come back with closed sales. Net New Business Development.
Here are a few things that might be associated with said skill
owning a 25 acre compound
ability to eat at Chipotle for every meal FOREVER and never run out of money
and the achievement of all your worldly desires
It's not magic. It's prospecting.
and prospecting for sales, just like prospecting for gold.... is a skill.
Mike Weinberg is...
Published 04/12/24
Have you ever dreaded attending a formal business dinner?
You sit in your car, not wanting to walk in, knowing the event starts in 10 minutes... 9 minutes... 3 min... shit, MUST WALK IN. WHY GOD WHY?!?!?
And... if you truly ask yourself.... why do you feel that way?
Because you don't know how to do small talk.
Nobody is born with the knowledge of how to talk to strangers.
Some of us learn small talk growing up..
But other of us are STILL BABOONS.
If you're a baboon, LISTEN UP.
Published 03/22/24
"If you could only read 5 sales books.. what would they be?"
I asked that question to my OLD MAN FRIEND and this book was one of his 5.
After reading it... I think I know why.
A perfect mix of strategic and tactical, philosophy and practice, and art and science... this book stands in a category of its own.
Most importantly, it teaches us how to TIE A DOLLAR AMOUNT to the PROBLEM the prospect is experiencing.
Those in possession of this skill will increase their results (commission)...
Published 03/08/24
In the world of sales training, there are certain sales trainers who you can tell have SLUNG HELLY DEALS.
Tom Freese is one of those.
His method, Question Based Selling, teaches exactly what to say, how to say it, and provides a framework for effective selling.
Those in possession of this knowledge will be reborn in the image of Dave Sandler himself.
Only tune in if you want to triple your sales results and become the best salesperson to ever live.
Published 02/23/24
Cold reading - the art of giving psychic readings... is one of the oldest skills known to man.
How to take a random person you have never met, and within a few minutes convince them that YOU ARE PSYCHIC.
Accurately predict events, facts, and names you have no way of knowing
Share things about their past that nobody else knows
Make correct predictions about future events
There's no way that could be real.... right?
Psychics don't exist... right?
Published 02/09/24
It's amazing how far one can get in this life on pure, unadulterated ANIMAL MAGNETISM.
Christopher Columbus sucked at sailing but the queen loved him. Rich.
Wim Hof has convinced millions of people to take ice baths every day... mostly because he's COOL AF
Gandalf... a total, ice cold, slayer of men who is always late... but gets away with everythinggggggggg
Imagine.. if you could harness this power. If you could make everyone like you... right away.
What would you be able to do?...
Published 01/26/24
You are only as strong as your weakest link. We've all heard this before. So what?
What if i told you that THIS IDEA is actually one of the secrets to process improvement of all kinds?
Again.... what cares about boring things like "process improvement?"
Well... let's think about that.
If you improve your process for:
sales -- you make MORE MONEY
hunting -- you get MORE MEAT
Finding a wife -- MORE WIVES
You get the idea.
Journey with myself and Eli the golden Rat, to steal the...
Published 12/29/23
What is a value investment?
It's an investment that the majority of the world looks at and thinks "This is a waste of time and money."
However... true self actualized MEN, are always on the lookout for a value investment. An area of arbitrage.
Buying an unlocked 2 year old phone on Ebay for $200
Purchasing a foreclosure with snakes in it because it has 25 acres
Dating the hot foreign exchange student with broken english
and moreee
What is the common...
Published 12/08/23
2 of 3!!!
What is a value investment?
It's an investment that the majority of the world looks at and thinks "This is a waste of time and money."
However... true self actualized MEN, are always on the lookout for a value investment. An area of arbitrage.
Buying an unlocked 2 year old phone on Ebay for $200
Purchasing a foreclosure with snakes in it because it has 25 acres
Dating the hot foreign exchange student with broken english
and moreee
What is the common denominator in...
Published 12/01/23
What is a value investment?
It's an investment that the majority of the world looks at and thinks "This is a waste of time and money."
However... true self actualized MEN, are always on the lookout for a value investment. An area of arbitrage.
Buying an unlocked 2 year old phone on Ebay for $200
Purchasing a foreclosure with snakes in it because it has 25 acres
Dating the hot foreign exchange student with broken english
and moreee
What is the common denominator in all of...
Published 11/24/23
3 of 3:
If you had to pick ONE THING that sets great communicators apart from the masses... what would it be?
Empathy? Charisma? Brevity?
While all of those are important and valuable, I will go on record and state that those PALE in comparison....
To Humor.
Those in possession of humor are more effective in ALL things. Better at sales, better at conversations, able to get out of speeding tickets and more.
Join me on this series as I'm shepherded along by Peter McGraw and Joel Warner...
Published 11/17/23
2 of 3!
If you had to pick ONE THING that sets great communicators apart from the masses... what would it be?
Empathy? Charisma? Brevity?
While all of those are important and valuable, I will go on record and state that those PALE in comparison....
To Humor.
Those in possession of humor are more effective in ALL things. Better at sales, better at conversations, able to get out of speeding tickets and more.
Join me on this series as I'm shepherded along by Peter McGraw and Joel Warner...
Published 11/10/23
1 of 3.
If you had to pick ONE THING that sets great communicators apart from the masses... what would it be?
Empathy? Charisma? Brevity?
While all of those are important and valuable, I will go on record and state that those PALE in comparison....
To Humor.
Those in possession of humor are more effective in ALL things. Better at sales, better at conversations, able to get out of speeding tickets and more.
Join me on this series as I'm shepherded along by Peter McGraw and Joel Warner...
Published 11/03/23