If, while playing Daemon X Machina, you recall Mobile Suit Gundam, Super Dimension Fortress Macross, or other classic mecha anime franchises, don't be surprised. The mecha-action game wears its inspirations on its metal-coated sleeve. The brainchild of former Armored Core developers, Daemon X Machina features blistering action and ridiculous amounts of weapons and upgrades. The nearly unintelligible narrative is groan-worthy at best, skip-worthy at worst, but the game's positives outweigh its faults. Genre fans should consider the title an essential purchase
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If, while playing Daemon X Machina, you recall Mobile Suit Gundam, Super Dimension Fortress Macross, or other classic mecha anime franchises, don't be surprised. The mecha-action game wears its inspirations on its metal-coated sleeve. The brainchild of former Armored Core developers, Daemon X...
Published 07/31/21