“When I saw this pod cast, I immediately subscribed. I listened, and then I cancelled. The New American Bible is simply not a good translation. It is, of course, "Gender SENSITIVE" and that means that some of the words were changed to satisfy the intense need of the American Bishops to be politically correct. For example, nowhere in any of the New Testament readings form the epistles, can you find the words "Brothers and Sisters." Those words are simply not there. That's the American Bishops' translation of the Greek, "adelphoi" which has that collective meaning, but a natural and literal translation is simply, "Brothers." What else have the Bishops changed?
Here is another example. In the New Order of Mass, in the Consecration of the Wine, the priest says, " … for you and for ALL." The word "all" is not found in any of the three Gospel narrations, nor in 1Corinthians, nor in ANY of the Eastern or Western Canons of the Mass. Each and every narration reads “ … for you and for MANY.” So I am left wondering what else the American Bishops have "changed." No, thank you. I'll pass on this one.”Read full review »
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