The energy of G-d within the soul of man, would be completely subsumed by the Eternal light, if not for it's garments.
Published 11/11/24
The laws of the Oral Torah, are called the "Crown". As a woman is called the "crown" to her husband, so is the Oral Law to the Written Law.
Published 11/11/24
A Tzaddik's life is replete with love and fear of G-d. The soul of the Tzaddik continues to nourish those of his disciples after his life even more than during his lifetime.
Published 11/11/24
This is a letter of condolence to the Chassidim of Reb Mendel of Vitebsk
Published 11/11/24
Illuminating a puzzling statement of the Zohar regarding the revealed/outer dimension of Torah being termed "The Tree of Good and Evil" versus the esoteric/inner dimension being termed "The Tree of Life"
Published 11/05/24
How can we say that a part of Torah, namely, the laws, is on the level of the Tree of Knowledge
Published 11/05/24
The Alter Rebbe admonishes those who engage in idle talk (not words of Torah) before or after prayer
Published 10/28/24
SImilarly, one who desecrates the name of Hashem in public, in which Hashem's name is humiliated, the humilitation is so much greater.
Published 10/21/24
If one is studying alone, the light that is coming down is finite and within his abilites, however, when one studies Torah among a multitude, the light is far greater and limitless.
Published 10/21/24
Should one ask the Rebbe advice about materialistic things.?
Published 10/15/24
If one pledged the money for tzedaka, it is suggested to divide the payments into monthly payments, both gaining the benefit of swiftness in doing a Mitzvah, and the continuous act, which creates a refinement of the soul.
Published 10/15/24
On every level of creation, you have the transcendent light of G-d that is equal, and the beam of light that radiates within, comes forth within letters, allowing for finite and diverse creation. This is how the infinite creates finite diversity.
Published 10/09/24
We have four levels of spiritual worlds. Atzilus is the closest to Hashem. The three lower worlds follow. The union in these worlds exist between the emotive attributes with sovereignty, the feminine dynamic, from which creation emerges. Their power to create, comes from Hashem.
Published 10/08/24
Only the lower four Supernal Sefirot can extend to the lower worlds. Letters include both unique life force from Hashem as well as the physical sound that they make, combining to create words and meaning. Words, similarly, are rooted in thought, and physically evolve into words that are made of sounds.
Published 10/02/24
Infinity of G-d's will, becomes finite, when the Seminal Wisdom becomes vested in all of the vessels. Similar to how our soul becomes limited, yet expressed, by the garments of the soul; thought speech and action. While it emanates from the vastness of the soul, small action is the most distant emanation possible of itself. Torah, as it relates to the physicality of the world is the manifestation of G-d's Will on earth.
Published 10/01/24
All levels of G-d have both an inner dimension, and then the way that we can relate with it intellectually.
Published 10/01/24
What is the reward in the world To Come? This is explained, and more
Published 09/26/24
Letter 17. When we pull out passion from our hearts to those who need it, G-d awakens His own compassion towards the compassionate. The world to come, not Garden of Eden, rather it is a spiritual reality that transcends human intellect.
Published 09/26/24
The sublime nature of the G-dly souls found within every Jew emanates from the "breath" of G-d. Even the lowest soul is emanating from a manifestation of the highest levels of G-dly attributes.
Published 09/15/24
There are ten Divine Attributes within which G-d invested His Infinity, G-d's light in a vessel, which colors and flavors the light in a certain energy stream. These are the structure of creation. Each vessel or attribute are found on all four spiritual realms of creation They are found within the person themselves. By accessing these attributes within me, I can touch the source, within G-d. From understanding my own soul, I can extrapolate to touch upon an understanding of G-d.
Published 09/15/24
Studying Torah brings about peace. Acts of charity, too, helps not only bring world peace, but also a peace within ourselves, aiding us in the ability of refining our animal soul, bringing peace between body and soul.
Published 09/15/24
The peace made between the two opposing angels is made because of a high supernal light that causes the differences between the two to fade in His countenance. Giving charity with a kind countenance, arouses an intense illumination from above.
Published 09/15/24
Torah comes from lofty reallity, yet can only be actualized with physicality.
Published 09/03/24
The Kindness of G-d is endless. This section deals with the questions on the verse. When we let the kindness flow, it elicits G-ds kindness.
Published 09/03/24