The Allure of Vintage Radio Dramas: A Look at "Dangerously Yours"The golden age of radio is a fascinating era that brought forth a unique form of entertainment, captivating audiences with nothing but sound. One such program that epitomized this period was "Dangerously Yours," a half-hour show sponsored by Vicks. Broadcast in 1944, it featured a total of sixteen episodes, with eleven surviving the test of time and remaining treasures for collectors."Dangerously Yours" was distinguished by its focus on romance, a theme that resonated deeply with its audience during the...
Dangerously Yours was a half hour show sponsored by Vicks. There were sixteen episodes broadcast in 1944, with eleven of them available to collectors today. Each episode seemed to star Victor Jory as the leading man, and concentrated heavily on romance, with much airtime being devoted to lovers...
Published 11/07/22
Dangerously Yours was a half hour show sponsored by Vicks. There were sixteen episodes broadcast in 1944, with eleven of them available to collectors today. Each episode seemed to star Victor Jory as the leading man, and concentrated heavily on romance, with much airtime being devoted to lovers...
Published 11/07/22