This conversation was the first interview I did in a while and it was such a beautiful way to drop back into conversation! I spoke to the wonderful fellow Venus in Scorpio Joelle of Butch Yoga. Their practice and way of being in the world is so joyous, I really hope you'll love listening as much as I did. Here is some of what we talked about: Sitting with big spiritual questions Not finding a home in mainstream yoga spaces Embodying butch identities beyond stereotypes Integrating...
Published 02/13/23
What a beautiful start to the podcast year! I am delighted to send a conversation with the insightful and generous Gabriela De Golia your way, which I hope will offer you some comfort on a cold January day. This was truly balm for my soul. Here us some of what we talked about: Finding out what spirit and spirituality means to us Liminal space, dreamwork and divination Daily prayers, making time and finding spaciousness Gabriela De Golia is a spiritual care provider, writer, multi-media...
Published 01/03/23
I'm sending this episode from my little winter cave to yours! It's been such a joy to speak to A.J. Bond again, who was also my guest on episode #137. We covered a lot of tender ground and there was so much there that really touched and delighted me. I'm wishing you a gentle transition into 2023 and hope you'll enjoy listening to our reflections on: Earnestly looking for deep meaning in life Shame, belonging and wanting to please Holding messy parts together Self-expression and...
Published 12/29/22
Hey friends, deepest exhale. Winter is here! I am sending this from a snowy Scottish landscape on a sleepy Monday evening. My guest Monique Francis is so dear to me, I love the way she embodies creativity and all the care and intention she brings to community. I hope this conversation will bring some joy you too. Here is some of what we talked about: Creativity as a refuge Exploring different arts & crafts with childlike wonder Building community online and offline DIY monastic life and...
Published 12/12/22
Hey friends, welcome to Sagittarius season. I can't believe we're here, but what even is time anymore? To celebrate I am sending you an episode with one of the literally dreamiest Sagittariuses your way. We covered a lot of fertile ground and, amongst other things, talked about the following:  The intersection of queerness, creativity and spirituality  Daydreams as portals Keeping a dream journal Creative community building & healing Jess is an expressive eco-arts therapist and...
Published 11/23/22
Hey friends, this episode is not a long waffle - just a little reminder that now is the time to put some nourishing and creative winter wellbeing resources in place. If you're nesting and thinking about time to rest and dream I am right there with you.  Here is the creative retreat I mentioned: https://www.yarrowmagdalena.com/creative-winter-retreat/ I would love to see you as we bring in the new year
Published 11/09/22
Hey friends, I am thinking of you and am sending you some love from my deep chill Sunday sofa. Also, a wonderful episode with Caroline Scruggs, whose creative energy is nothing less than otherworldly and delightful! Here is some of what we talked about: Crafting a sustainable, inspired creative practice Tuning into the landscape and the seasons The joy of doing things slowly and valuing the process Building confidence and self-trust Caroline Scruggs is a professional songbird, thereminist,...
Published 10/30/22
Hey friends, in this solo episode I am taking you along today's stream of consciousness about just wanting to play - exploring how I relate to responsibility, curiosity and adaptation through deeply uncertain times and wondering why we often make playfulness and responsibility another useless binary. What I've come to feels simple and beautiful, like something tangle to orient towards that can guide me through winter and beyond.  Enjoy! 
Published 10/19/22
Hey friends, happy belated full moon! I hope this new episode finds you well, safe and warm. I interviewed the wonderful, generous and wise Daphne Cohn earlier this year and loved listening back to our conversation just now. Daphne weaves community, lives in such devotion to creative practice and has a lot to say about being in the world. Here is some of what we talked about: Exploring what it is to live a life devoted to creativity Deepening through daily practice Being in the world while...
Published 10/10/22
Hey friends, I'm excited to introduce you to a new evolution of my podcast for its 6th birthday.  In this episode I am sharing some emotional whereabouts and life updates as well as thoughts on what a craft sanctuary can be and what I am hoping to make with you moving forward.  Here are the free queer spirit sessions I mentioned: https://www.yarrowmagdalena.com/queer-spirit/ And here is my creative community, now meeting twice per week:...
Published 10/04/22
Hey everyone, happy equinox! I hope you're doing okay and welcoming the shift into a new season. For this episode I was delighted to speak to Jamee Pineda again, who was also on episode #106. He is such a generous and kind guests and we covered a lot of ground, for example: Integrating pandemic lessons & centring public health Finding new ways to practice hilot and Chinese medicine in community Creating peaceful daily rhythms  Looking to nature when we're thinking about our work and...
Published 09/23/22
Hey everyone, it's that time of the year again. My favorite time. Leafs turning, waves growing, candles lighting but also the sense of returning home to practice and learning and ritualised coziness. As part of that I am offering 50% off all my courses as well as longer payment plans for the Livelihood Community and pay what you can access to the Creative Community I faciliate. This year I am raising funds for my studies and I would so appreciate your...
Published 09/14/22
Hey everyone, if like me you have been thinking about self-trust, belonging and landscape this year this episode Loraine Van Tuyl will have a lot to offer to you. I loved hearing her perspectives and ideas and am excited to hear hear what you think. Here is some of what we talked about:  Working with inner and outer elements Understanding the ways in which our bodies mirror the creativity and abundance of the earth Cultivating relationship with our landscapes  Making a home in the world in...
Published 09/06/22
Hey everyone, this episode is just a short & sweet invitation to my upcoming virtual retreat weekend in September. It’s free, packed with workshops & co-working time and a great chance to meet like minded people. You can sign up here: https://pinkwellstudio.com/free/ Hopefully see you there!
Published 08/25/22
Hey friends, I'm so glad to be back here reconnecting with you via podcast magic. This episode features the wonderful Lara Veleda Vesta, who was also a guest on episode #81. There is so much about Lara I appreciate - her wisdom around chronic illness and disability, her incredible story telling skills, her kindness and generosity and her willingness to be in awe of life.  Here is some of what we talked about:  Building spiritual sovereignty, community and self-trust Relating to myths and...
Published 08/02/22
Hey friends, it's an honour to bring another episode with Nancy Antenucci to you - she was also on episode #56, way back in the before times, and it was so cool to reconnect and see what Nancy has been up to. We covered a lot of beautiful ground and I love how generous and creative Nancy is in the ways she practices with the tarot and is creative in the world. Here is some of what we talked about:  Finding rituals for uncertain times Embodying tarot archetypes for a deeper understanding of...
Published 07/09/22
Hey friends, happy almost summer solstice! This episode with Tara Leaver is inspiring and uplifting, so I hope it adds to all the light around us
Published 06/20/22
Hey friends, this episode is an invitation to join me for the Summer Creative Portal - a sweet group with weekly creative co-working sessions on Sundays. If you're are an existing Patreon you're already IN and if you're not you can join us for the season ahead, no ongoing commitment. See if it works for you, come practice with us & meet some new folks.  The theme for summer is pleasure - I'll read to you about it, offer journaling prompts and hold space for an expansive exploration that...
Published 06/15/22
Hey friends, ah, I am so proud to bring this conversation your way, I truly loved talking to Laura Mae Northrup, whose worked has been important on my journey in lots of different ways. We covered a lot of ground and I hope you'll feel inspired to check her book and podcast out after listening to this. Here is some of what we talked about:  Psychedelic preparation & integration Looking at trauma through a spiritual lens Embodying integrity as a healing practitioner within...
Published 06/09/22
Hi friends,  I'm sending a beautiful follow up episode with Darcy Leigh (who was also on #105) and Harry Josephine Giles your way. These two dreams so generously shared about their lives, visions, creative practice and their trans healthcare fundraiser. It's been a joy of a conversation covering much ground and I hope that you'll love it as much as I did! Here is some of what we talked about:  Running Easter Road Press and self-publishing practices Activist burn out, riding pandemic waves...
Published 06/02/22
Hey friends, it seems like this was a week of many solo episodes (I also talked about embracing upper and lower limits around money over on my business podcast: https://pinkwellstudio.com/2022/05/19/77-embracing-upper-and-lower-limits-around-money/). - in this one I wanted to talk about the darker parts of the last few years and how loss can really become a portal to other, better, sometimes insightful things. I find this hard to talk about because I don't want to stray into victim blaming...
Published 05/22/22
Friends!  Hello from the other side of this epic eclipse magic. While the dust is settling I wanted to share this beautiful, beautiful conversation I've had with Madeleine Keller, who is such a skilled and thoughtful folk herbalist. I really loved listening to them and I hope you will too. Here is some of what we talked about:  Finding our way back to relationships with plants Reconnecting with ancestral practices Building health and resilience in community Being a village witch Madeleine...
Published 05/18/22
Hey friends, how has this new moon eclipse magic weekend been treating you?  I'm bringing a conversation with my friend Jade Mars your way - you might remember that they've been on episode #10 and so it's been really cool to catch up and see what has changed in our thoughts and ideas over the years. Here is some of what we talked about:  Zine writing, DIY publishing & sharing our voices Valuing all kinds of intimacy beyond heteronormative norms Care, affections & closeness with the...
Published 05/03/22
Hey everyone, ah I am so happy to share this conversation, truly. Ever since speaking to A.J. Bond I've been thinking about the ways in which shame shows up in my life and it's been really helpful and potential-gifting to find new ways to un-shame. This is an emotion I think we should all talk about more and I hope you'll love listening as much as I did. Here is some of what we talked about:  The wild power of healing shame Honest communication, boundaries & navigating needs Developing...
Published 04/20/22
Hey everyone,   excited to say that spring enrolment for my business community, now in its 5th year, is open
Published 04/12/22