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Todayyy we talk about the power of keeping things to yourself!! Not everything needs to be shared with someone (or everyone). Why its empowering to keep some wins to yourself to build confidence! I also answer a listeners voicemail about how to deal with a clean breakup where you both came to the conclusion this wasn't it. Call 909-817-1742 to leave a “Dear Abbey” voicemail or leave a text with a question or asking for advice!! Love you guys!!
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Todayyyy we first talk about my dubs and L's for the week then we dive into the main subject RELATIONSHIP ANXIETY. I suffered with this and still do from time to time. I speak about a couple ways it showed up for me and what I learned about myself and how to reframe my mindset when it came to...
Published 09/26/24
Published 09/26/24
Todayy I talk about those times in your life where you are struggling with your sleep. Whether it's because of worry or OCD or anything else. I talk about when your OCD obsessions get really loud and scary in your sleep and dreams. I share some ways to help fall asleep and have less crazy OCD...
Published 09/19/24