Published 12/24/18
When you visit a Danish household, apartments in particular, there tends to be one hard and fast rule....the podcast title probably gives it away, but give this episode a watch and weigh in with your own stories and experiences.
Published 12/24/18
The meal was amazing. The portions were bottomless. You're ready to go home but feel guilty about wasting food. You're also feeling a bit lazy - why cook tomorrow morning? So, you ask for a doggy bag. What's a doggy bag? It's a to-go bag for your leftovers and while it may eventually find its way to a canine friend, the food you save and take home is usually reserved for human consumption as delicious leftovers. At least, that's how we do it in the US. But, what about Denmark?
Published 12/12/18
Yikes! It's a hard topic. What's up with all the Danes wearing fur and working it into Danish fashion? Why is it still so popular in Nordic and Scandinavian fashion when most other regions have abandoned it? I encourage everyone tow atch the full video for commenting, particularly as I know it's an emotional and sensitive topic for most. Right or wrong is up to you, but, as with everything in this series - I aim to better understand and explain the what and the why.
Published 11/17/18
They may be delicious and a simple candy, but that does not mean they're not noteworthy and are without controversy. Tune into this episode of Denmark 101 for a look at one of Denmark's most iconic candied treats!
Published 11/06/18
Starting in late November, the Christmas Lunch / Danish Julefrokost season starts and it is a wild and crazy time. With charming dinners, fancy clothing, wonderful food (and not so wonderful food) as well as inappropriate flirtations and more than one or two frisky encounters - it's quite the cultural experience. Here's a quick down and dirty look at what it is and some casual observations.
Published 09/02/18
WTH is Snaps? Is it the same as Akvavit? Do you spell it snapps, schnaps, akvavit, or aquavit? In this episode of Denmark 101 I take a shot at explaining how Danish snaps is made and its cultural significance in preparation for next week's julefrokost video.
Published 08/04/18
At the heart of understanding Denmark, Danish history, and Danish culture is the Danish economy. To do that, I've put together this video summarizing and discussing a number of statistics that serve as a great insight into where Denmark's job market is centered, where the country's economy is going, potential pitfalls in the future, and exciting opportunities.
Published 07/22/18
For my 50th Denmark 101 episode it's time to circle back around to the topic of Danes and Nudity, this time, let's focus in on beaches, breasts, and general nudity. Is it legal? Is it true that Europeans run around beaches naked? Are the men naked? Do people still go topless? Tune in and find out in this episode of Denmark 101 - and just a reminder for those watching, idiotic or disrespectful comments will be treated with disrespect or re-located to where they belong; the trash.
Published 07/15/18
Do you know the difference between København V, Vesterbro, Nørrebro, Østerbro, Christianshavn, Christiania, Amager and Frederiksberg? Each is widely different with very distinct with their own unique personalities. I do my best in this episode of Denmark 101 to give you a quick crash course run-through. Hint: If you're not familiar with Copenhagen, you may want to also pull up a map for this one!
Published 07/10/18
There are few things more Danish than the Bodega. Far from a local corner shop which might share the same name in other countries, a Bodega is the name for the traditional Danish corner bar. They're small, they're gritty, they're a bit rough, and they're overflowing with charm. In Today's Denmark 101 episode I dive into what a Bodega is, why they're an important part of Danish culture and some of the more subtle observations I've come to learn from my time in Denmark.
Published 06/23/18
Hygge? You bet, but don't forget your candles! In today's episode I dive into the differences between how Americans deal with and view candles (especially southwesterners like myself from warmer regions) and how Danes view and use candles. Five years in, I've got to admit the Danes have won me over completely and I'm now decidedly on #teamcandle and loving the warmth and charm they offer. Though, we're still going to have to agree to disagree on how to use aromatic candles.
Published 05/14/18
Root Beer. As an American it's a classic cornerstone of American culture. Even though it's not as popular these days, it's still the definition of iconic for many Americans right there next to a Hamburger shop or Drive in Movie. For Danes though? Whew. Not so much. So, which side of the Root Beer divide do you fall on? Team Root Beer or Team Toothpaste?
Published 05/13/18
Experiencing Danish culture means experiencing Danish alcohols. From Gammel Dansk to Aalborg Gold and Fisherman's Friend in-between, this episode is dedicated to exploring many of the most common Danish hard alcohols. Just writing this description and thinking about how horrible a lot of it is gives me chills and goosebumps. So, on that note, enjoy and...skal!
Published 05/12/18
In the last few years there have even been some very widely viewed TV commercials which tackled the topic, such as Speis' "Do it for Denmark" campaign. But, one thing that doesn't get mentioned much, despite Danes reputation as some of the most shameless and sexually well-rounded folks out there, is condoms and condom use.
Published 05/11/18
You requested I share observations about religion, religiosity and related considerations in Denmark, including some comparisons to what I was exposed to growing up in the US.
Published 05/11/18
When I graduated from Arizona State with my Bachelors there were three separate ceremonies all of which required I purchase and wear a maroon robe. I was initially skeptical of it all, choosing to only attend one, and thinking it was overhyped, a bit tacky, and ridiculous. But, later, I came to realize it offered a sense of closure and bookmarked the end of one chapter and the start of another.
Published 02/27/18
Remember the incredible experience that came with graduating from High School or Gymnasium? The Danes know how to kick things up a notch with their Studenterhue and "wagon" ride around town.
Published 02/24/18
Searching for a job in Denmark was something that ended up being deeply educational, humbling, and challenging. In this episode I explore what I learned during the process, advice I wish I'd known at the start, and some of the tangible first-steps I suggest for job seekers gearing up and hunting for work here in Denmark. The advice is tailored to internationals seeking work in Denmark but will be relevant for both Danes, Nordics and non-Nordic internationals alike.
Published 12/03/17
This episode is dedicated to the subtle (and not so subtle) differences in how Danes write their resumes. I discuss the evolution my resume had to go through and point out a few key differences I've picked up on. Of course, resume varies widely from industry to industry, not just country to country, so use your best judgment.
Published 11/01/17
This kicks off a series of videos looking at lessons learned during my time looking for work in Denmark and shares lessons garnered from helping friends go through the same process. This episode is dedicated to ties, neck ties more specifically. Sound like a strangely specific topic to focus on? Watch and see why I've decided it deserves its own episode including the significance of neck ties during the job search process and when deciding what to wear for public speaking gigs and fancy...
Published 10/05/17
Summer homes are a key and common part of Danish culture. In this episode of Denmark 101 I delve into what they are, how they fit within culture and how I've typically seen them used. When I first arrived in Denmark I found it particularly surprising just how prolific summer homes/summer cottages were. Over time, I've come to realize just how integral a role they play in Danish culture and history.
Published 10/03/17
The Danish tax system is relatively simple (for a tax system). However, it's still quite different than what most of us are used to in our home countries. In this Denmark 101 I discuss what people get wrong about tiered tax systems, discuss how the Danish tax system works, and hit upon how much simpler and more streamlined the process has been living and paying tax here in Denmark compared to doing the same in the US. 
Published 10/01/17
Denmark is a country with a long and rich history. So, it only makes sense that they'd have equally rich wedding traditions. In this episode of Denmark 101, I delve into Danish wedding traditions, things to expect at Danish wedding receptions and discuss some of what you'll find when couples in Denmark decide to tie the knot.
Published 09/20/17
You've asked repeatedly for a video covering biking rules, norms, and suggestions for Copenhagen (and the rest of Denmark). After debating recording a traditional Denmark 101 video it struck me that it would be far better to go out and recruit some locals to tell you a bit about their approach to biking in Copenhagen, the rules...norms...and then to offer up some great (and some really bad) advice.
Published 09/20/17