A Chassidisher Derher invites you to listen to the stories and recollections of some of the Chassidim who experienced the precious moments of the final months leading up to Chof Zayin Adar in the Rebbe’s presence. May we merit the coming of Moshiach, when we will be reunited with the Rebbe, and experience these precious moments once more, תיכף ומיד ממש ~ We'd like to thank the following participants (in order of appearance): Rabbi M. Scharf Rabbi E. Zaklikovsky Rabbi Y....
Published 03/05/24
In honor of Chof Daled Teves, we present an overview of the Alter Rebbe’s nesius.
Published 01/05/24
Published 01/05/24
An overview of the city of Yerushalayim, its significance in the Rebbe’s Torah, and his relentless call for its integrity. Presented in connection with the Rebbe’s kapitel this year—Tehillim 122.
Published 12/05/23
Exactly 50 years ago, Egypt and Syria simultaneously launched a vicious coordinated attack against Eretz Yisroel on Yom Kippur. The Rebbe’s leadership during those trying times is a guiding light today.
Published 10/24/23
The history of N’shei U’bnos Chabad
Published 10/19/23
The Baal Shemtov's revelation and leadership
Published 08/28/23
The Mikdash Chonyo built in Mitzrayim and its connection to Moshiach
Published 08/18/23
The life of the Arizal and his role in revealing Pnimius HaTorah
Published 08/07/23
The Rebbe explained on different occasions that many of the things we take for granted in today’s day and age are really forerunners for Moshiach. For example, just as Moshiach will bring wealth and prosperity to the world, so too we in our generation are privileged to live with economic standards that our ancestors could only dream of.
Published 07/24/23
Learn about the Rebbe's transformative approach to the summer. Based on the principle that Hashem did not create anything for no reason, this too must be another opportunity to add in avodas Hashem. The Rebbe does not ignore the fact that summer is a time of freedom and fun, but he also does not see that as a negative thing. Enjoy listening! Click here to read the original article PDF.
Published 06/30/23
Those who have visited the resting places of tzaddikim know that there are some places that have a solemn, constricting effect on the visitors, while others propel an uplifting and joyous mood. The Rebbe’s Ohel is of the latter category. Arriving at the Ohel, even before any contemplation, one’s mood is uplifted. The tone is joyful.
Published 06/22/23
The figure of the Baal Shem Tov is larger than life. From his birth to his passing, all his travels and encounters, and the stories that accompany them, are all cloaked in “Baal Shemske” fantastical excitement. But it is not only his life story that was out of this world, it is also the impact that he had on the entire Jewish world that is incredible. To truly appreciate the work and life of the Baal Shem Tov, it is important to look back at the history leading up to the appearance of the...
Published 06/13/23
Our Rabbeim's struggle to preserve the purity of Jewish education
Published 05/29/23
The Rebbe’s unique and multifaceted Torah continues to gush forth like an endless stream of refreshing water and the Rebbe’s breathtaking impact on the world is only starting to be discovered. It can be felt in every area of Yiddishkeit and resonates in the halls of power and academia. One need not be familiar with every maamar and sicha to know that the objective of the Rebbe’s nesius is to bring Moshiach
Published 05/09/23
His life, impact, and Torah as discussed in the Rebbe’s sichos
Published 04/27/23
In honor of Yud Gimmel Nissan
Published 04/03/23
Over the years, the Rebbe underlined the great zechus that a woman has in maintaining tznius and covering her hair, particularly with a sheitel, and pointed to it as a major source of blessing for her and her family.
Published 03/15/23
This episode revisits the entire story of Hei Teves, pointing out that all along, the Rebbe’s approach to the issue was more than just a legal battle over the seforim. There was a major ruchniyus’dike aspect as well, alluded to very often in the Rebbe’s sichos and ma’anos before, during, and after the court case.
Published 12/29/22
The Rebbe’s revolution: Printing the whole of chassidus.
Published 12/08/22
There are many riddles and enigmas surrounding the coming of Moshiach and the events that will come to pass in the prelude to those days. The exact date of Moshiach’s coming is one of the most intriguing, yet strangely attracting questions that the chachamim have alluded to throughout the generations. The reason for this might very well be because it is a riddle. A riddle found towards the end of chapter 12 of Daniel.
Published 11/23/22
An exploration of the idea of simcha.
Published 11/18/22
For more than 102 years, the Rebbeim of Chabad called the town of Lubavitch home, and from there Chassidus spread around the world. Chassidim from all over would journey to the town of Lubavitch to spend a few uplifting days, weeks, or months with the Rebbe. In this episode, we revisit the incredible experience of Shabbos in Lubavitch after the Rebbe Rashab founded Tomchei Temimim.
Published 09/19/22
What is the Lubavitcher philosophy about studying secular studies in schools? Should all schools be teaching limudei kodesh exclusively? Should parents pull their children out of the secular studies program? Did the Rebbe agree to a secular studies program? In this eipsode, we will explore the Rebbe’s opinion on this matter, taken directly from the sichos and letters on the subject. Click here to view the original article.
Published 09/19/22
The novi Yishayahu tells us, “And the wolf shall live with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid goat. And the calf and the lion cub and the fattened cow together, and a young boy shall lead them. And the cow and the bear shall graze together, their young shall lie, and the lion shall eat straw like cattle. And an infant shall play over the hole of an old snake and over the eyeball of an adder, a weaned child shall stretch forth his hand. They shall neither harm nor destroy on...
Published 09/14/22