Season one of Design Downtime is ending on a high (musical) note, as Brad Frost joins us to talk about how much he loves making music. Brad recounts the early days of his musical journey, playing bass guitar in a family band, and his taste evolving from classic rock to punk and ska, and eventually embracing a wide musical spectrum. He talks about shedding the pressure to commercialize his music and how it allowed him to enjoy it purely for fun. This culminated in organizing "Frostapalooza," a...
Published 06/27/24
Published 06/27/24
Angelina Severino joins us to talk about her love of poster art. She discusses the evolution of the poster from a practical advertising tool to a recognized art form, and her personal project to celebrate poster graphic design, detached from its commercial use. The conversation gets quite philosophical as Angelina explores the intersection of design and art, and questions the traditional view that design lacks personal expression. Guest Bio Angelina Severino (she/her) is an inspirational...
Published 06/20/24
Grab your clay and join us as Amelia Marschall-Miller shares her journey with pottery, rekindled after a long hiatus since her childhood fascination with ceramics. She is self-taught and enjoys the creative and experimental process of wheel-throwing, where getting comfortable with unpredictability is the key to having fun. Amelia describes her artistic style and influences, and looks to deepen her expertise while keeping pottery an enjoyable and fulfilling activity, rather than a stressful...
Published 06/13/24
Put on your bicycle helmet and join us in the bike lane, as Justin Godard talks about his lifelong passion of cycling. Justin reflects on the changing role the bike has played in his life, from childhood, through teenage years, to adulthood. He shares how the bike offers a balance of exploration and physical challenge, and how it fosters a bond with his daughter. Guest Bio Justin Godard (he/him) is a design leader with extensive experience in cultivating collaborative, innovative, and...
Published 06/06/24
Start your engines, as Julie Tait joins Design Downtime to share her passion for car racing. Julie tells us how she fell in love with the sport of autocross, and her journey from an enthusiastic fan to a seasoned driver. She highlights the lessons she learned along the way, being part of a community of racers, and her efforts to promote the sport, especially among women. Guest Bio Julie Tait (she/her) is a passionate, award-winning creative person and Design System lead with 15 years in...
Published 05/30/24
It’s story time on Design Downtime, as Laura Costantino joins us to talk about their lifelong love of stories. They take us all the way back to their childhood in southern Italy, to their father's folk tales, their grandmother's wartime stories, and their aunt's classical literature narratives. Laura tells us how that interest led them to study film and eventually curate film festivals, drawing parallels between the communal experience of oral storytelling and the shared experience of...
Published 05/23/24
Podcasting all-star Davy Fung joins us to talk about… podcasting?! He tells us how he went from being a listener to trying to create a podcast himself, and how it evolved into an ongoing creative outlet. Davy shares insights into the technical aspects of podcast creation, from equipment to editing, and reflects on how important authenticity is in building a successful podcast.
 Guest Bio Davy Fung (he/him) is a Product Design Lead, supporting the Meta Business Design System. Previously he’s...
Published 05/16/24
Noelle Lansford enters stage right to tell us about her love of local theatre. She takes us through her journey, starting from her high school days up to her recent involvement in community theatre, and touching along the way on her love for musicals, memorable productions, and the challenges of balancing theatre with other commitments. Noelle shares her transition from acting to backstage roles, and reflects on facing her the fear of imperfection. Guest Bio Noelle Lansford (she/her) is a...
Published 05/09/24
Joining us on the field is Taylor Cashdan, who’s here to tell us about his love for sandlot baseball. Taylor talks about the approachability of the sport, how inclusive it is, and how he was drawn to the community aspect of it. He touches on the challenges of maintaining a casual and fun atmosphere while accommodating players of varying skill levels, and the rituals and preparations involved on game days. Taylor highlights how he’s grown through sandlot baseball, which he sees as an...
Published 05/02/24
Mordechai Hammer joins us to talk about the world of improv comedy. He talks about his journey into learning and practicing improv, joining a local troupe, taking classes, and performing on stage. Mordechai explores the building blocks of improv, such as the importance of making bold choices or building trust with fellow performers, and reflects on how far he’s come, as well as what skills he’s still working on. Guest Bio Originally from Los Angeles, Mordechai Hammer (he/him) graduated from...
Published 04/25/24
Ben Callahan shares his journey and passion for coffee, a fascination that began in childhood. This curiosity led him to explore the science behind coffee preparation, and his quest for the perfect cup of coffee led him to experiment with various brewing methods, equipment, and even water quality. Throughout the conversation, Ben emphasizes his love for sharing coffee with others and his enjoyment of both the ritualistic and authentic aspects of coffee culture, highlighting his deep passion,...
Published 04/18/24
Holly Camponez shares with us her lifelong passion for cooking which began in a tiny kitchen at the age of six, how it’s been a way for her to contribute to her community, and the shift in her cooking approach that led her to view food as medicine. Throughout the conversation, Holly emphasizes the joy, creativity, and sense of service that cooking has brought to her life, and reveals the one dish she still struggles with. Guest Bio Holly Camponez (she/her) is VP of Design & Head of Adobe...
Published 04/11/24
PJ Onori joins us to talk about his lifelong love of photography. He discusses his introduction to a manual camera in art school, finding deeper meaning through street photography, sharing his art (or not) with others, and the essential role the camera plays in documenting his family throughout the years. Guest Bio PJ Onori (he/him) has been working on software for close to 20 years and has been most focused on design systems for the past decade. He's worked for companies like Adaptive Path,...
Published 04/04/24
Ermi Isais joins us to share her fitness journey; from viewing it as a mere obligation to discovering its transformative power. Through the unexpected challenges of obstacle course races, Ermi found joy and fulfillment in pushing her limits. Now, she reflects on the importance of embracing new experiences and viewing failures as valuable lessons. Throughout her journey, Ermi learned to overcome inhibitions and fear of failure, finding strength in vulnerability. Guest Bio Ermi Mendoza-Isais...
Published 03/28/24
We talk with Raquel Breternitz about her love for comics. Raquel has a particular interest in indie comics and autobiographical work, appreciating how they can tell unique and often painful stories. She recounts her personal history with comics, starting with reading them as a child, and rediscovering her passion for them during college through works that profoundly impacted her life. She reflects on how comics blend the literary and visual arts, creating a unique medium that matches the...
Published 03/21/24
In our first episode, we talk with Emilie Mazurek about her passion for travel. Emilie discusses her first time traveling solo, and how that adventure has shaped her approach to life. She highlights the importance of adaptability in addition to planning, the joys and challenges of traveling with others, and her preference for quality experiences over quantity in her travels. Emilie also shares surprising destinations she's visited and her future travel aspirations. Guest Bio Emilie Mazurek...
Published 03/14/24
Have you ever felt the pressure to constantly hustle, grind, and push yourself to the limits in your design career? I know I have. In a world where hustle culture reigns supreme, it's easy to get caught up in the frenzy of productivity, always striving for that next big breakthrough. But here's the thing – it's okay to hit the pause button. It's okay to slow down, take a breath, and enjoy the simple pleasures of life beyond the confines of our screens and workstations. That's why I created...
Published 03/10/24