This month the N.E.R.D.S. are taking you to the dungeon. I was going to write a parody of Welcome to the Jungle by Guns and Roses about this episode, but it's going up late as it is. ANyway, in this episode Dick is in hot pursuit of a notorious outlaw when he finds himself on a strange and rustic planet. Will Dick be able to catch his crook without exposing citizens of an underdeveloped planet to technology that would blow their minds and destroy their way of life? Find out in Dick Roger and...
Published 06/01/24
Published 06/01/24
This month the N.E.R.D.S. are maybe a liiiiittle bit mean to Mike, but it's all in good fun. They've uncovered a tale of frontier life on Uranus. Dick encounters financial subterfuge while navigating a mystery of misappropriated property and lost social status. Put on your best old west accent and join the N.E.R.D.S. for DIck Rogers and the Left Handed Laser Blaster!
Published 04/27/24
You may have noticed that there have been some late/missing uploads in the last few months. By way of apology the N.E.R.D.S. are proud to present a star studded, if slightly shorter than normal, bonus episode. What stars you might ask? Well... you'll just have to listen to find out. This may be the most innovative and captivating episode of Dick Rogers to date. This is Dick Rogers and the Call to Adventure!
Published 04/01/24
The N.E.R.D.S. have come across something different, something mysterious, something... perhaps negatively affected by corporate meddling. Eleanor and Mike give you the skinny on this Adventure which has perhaps been "inspired" by the mother of all Kaiju herself. Will Vesuvius Rex™ reach the level of destructive power (and notoriety) of Godzilla? To find out leave your ears right here for Dick Rogers and the Planet of Monsters!
Published 03/30/24
Welcome to the third year of the Dick Rogers: Space Detective podcast! While I wish this could be the extravaganza our loyal listeners deserve, this episode is one that may live in infamy. Eleanor happened to "discover" a very peculiar episode. But, perhaps we should just let it speak for itself. Dick goes undercover at a college to get to the bottom of a rash of streaking, and things only go further off the rails from there in: Dick Rogers and the Illuminated Darkness!
Published 01/26/24
This month, dear listeners, our friends Eleanor and Mike have been led astray. That doesn't mean we can't still have a good time right? Some things may be better undescribed, but in this episode Dick is called to investigate what seems like an open and shut case, but the machinations of the victims so-called friends weave quite the web of lies, deceit, and... ads for underwear? If you want to see what I mean you'll have to join us for Dick Rogers and the Case of the Ravaged Room.
Published 12/01/23
Well, if it isn't spooky season again. Time for ghosts, ghouls, and genies? If you haven't heard of spooky genies before, now's your chance. This month the N.E.R.D.S. have done something very special, they've written their own episode featuring fan favorite duo the VanHelsing Brothers. What halloween shenanigans have they dreamt up? To find out you'll have to join us for Dick Rogers Meets the VanHelsing Brothers!
Published 10/27/23
On August 6th the N.E.R.D.S. were invited to DBQ Fest to present a very special live episode of Dick Rogers: Space Detective!  The GIF sends Dick to a planet populated with some of the most iconic characters from Earth's pop culture where he must infiltrate the illegal drone racing scene to investigate a rash or art thefts. Can he solve the mystery, and discover where his loyalties truly lie? To find out you'll have to join us for Dick Rogers and the Swift and the Seething!
Published 09/29/23
This month the N.E.R.D.S. have unearthed another precious nugget of Dick Rogers history. In this episode our titular hero meets his future bride for the first time. Also the President of Space has been kidnapped, and Dick's only hope is to join a wildly dangerous martial arts tournament to save him. Also also,  it's Joanna's last Episode. All this and more in Dick Rogers and the Martial Arts Mystery!
Published 09/02/23
This month the N.E.R.D.S. are bringing you to Venus so you can join Dick, Leeandra, and Bippo as they attend the annual detectives convention. They run into a few old faces, a lot of new ones, and the murder of a very controversial celebrity. Can our heroes solve the case, and bring the murderer to justice? To find out you'll have to join us for Dick Rogers and the Detective Convention Murder!
Published 07/28/23
There are some experiences that will change your life forever, and one of those experiences is riding the galaxies most luxurious space elevator Gigantic. In this episode The N.E.R.D.S. give you just a glimpse of la dolce vita as Dick accompanies some of the solar system's biggest VIPs (and the rest of the plebs) on the gentle ride up and out of the atmosphere. And in the real world Joanna has an important announcement.
Published 06/30/23
In April the N.E.R.D.S. were able to produce the very first episode of The Adventures of Dick Rogers: Space Detective for your listening pleasure. This month they’ve found another milestone, the last Adventure of the Dick Rogers story. As with everything in the history of this radio show, everything is more complicated than it seems, but nevertheless you’re invited to join us for Dick Rogers, and the Deceptive Damsel.
Published 05/26/23
The N.E.R.D.S. keep uncovering incredible pieces of Dick Rogers History. This week They have adapted the script for a proposed 1990's cartoon adaptation of Dick Rogers. No need to wait for Saturday morning, this is Dick Rogers: Origin.
Published 04/28/23
On this very special episode of Dick Rogers: Space Detective the N.E.R.D.S. have tracked down the very first Dick Rogers script. Unfortunately, due to very poorly timed food poisoning, it's up to the quietest nerd Coburn Washington to present Dick and his autonomous companion Z28 Kamaro attempting to discover the whereabouts of the occupants of Ceres. Can Dick solve this devilish mystery? Will he be able to cope with his robotic companion? What did the rest of the N.E.R.D.S. in? Find out in...
Published 03/31/23
Parents, have you talked to YOUR kids about the dangers of Space Communism? If you haven't had that conversation yet, the N.E.R.D.S. are here this week to help you out. Dick Rogers stands accused, and has to explain how his involvement in the "terrorist bombing" of a rapid fashion sweatshop was all an innocent coincidence. Is Dick innocent, or could he really be a Space Commie? Find out in Dick Rogers and the Kitty Cat Caper!
Published 02/24/23
The N.E.R.D.S. have a very special episode for you this month, the long awaited conclusion of the Frogmen from Neptune story arc: Dick Rogers and the Finale of the Frogmen. They've uncovered this gem just in time to kick off the second year of the Dick Rogers: Space Detective podcast. So sit back, relax, and find out what happened to Dick, Leslie, and Professor Willis after the Frogmen dragged them down to Neptune.
Published 01/27/23
Things got a little chaotic while the N.E.R.D.S. were recording for their Christmas Extravaganza, so the quietest member Coburn Washington put together a more cozy low-key way to listen to DIck Rogers and the Missing Christmas Spirit. So if you're not up for the fun discussions (absolute chaos) of the regular episodes, or if you just want to get cozy and listen to the full story, this is for you!
Published 12/25/22
Well, the **** has really hit the fan at N.E.R.D.S. H.Q. There’s one last part of the Christmas Extravaganza to present, but the troops have been thrown into full blown pandemonium! Presents are flying, and things have been said that cannot be unsaid. Can Mike hold things together long enough for Dick to learn the true meaning of Christmas? You're in for twists, turns, and surprises in Dick Rogers and the Missing Christmas Spirit part 3!
Published 12/23/22
Welcome back dear listeners for part 2 of our Christmas Extravaganza! This week the N.E.R.D.S. are in conflict as the debate over the best Christmas movie rages. Dick Rogers is also in conflict as Xanxus (the ghost of Christmas present) shows him chilling scenes from the life of his associates Leandra Cratchett and Bipo. Can Dick survive this harrowing glimpse into the life of those he takes for granted? Can Joanna and Mike keep the N.E.R.D.S. from splintering into warring factions over...
Published 12/16/22
Surprise! The N.E.R.D.S. are back with a very special December for you! Joanna has mustered the gang for a special 3 part Christmas Extravaganza based on the Charles Dickens classic a Christmas Carol! This week Dick Rogers is visited by the ghost of Professor Willis as well as being Troubled by the Spirit of Christmas Past. Can Dick solve his most confounding mystery yet? The mystery of how the Christmas party on Nakatomi Space Station bruised his psyche? Find out in Dick Rogers and the...
Published 12/09/22
Join the N.E.R.D.S. again this month on a trip back to the 60's that's also a trip into the distant future! Dick Rogers and the Case of the Missing Moon follows our hero and his young ward Caspar Clemonson on a mission that takes them to the edge of known space both physically and spiritually. Can they foil the Starlight Siren, and save the inhabitants of the planet Grogon from certain doom? The only way to find out is to listen!
Published 12/02/22
It's October y'all, and you know that means it's time to get spooky! While Joanna, Mike, and Marchal are getting ready to show you a fun spooky time Xanxus hijacks the feed to present a Spooktacular of his own. Get ready for zombies, kaiju, fanboats, and the return of Professor Willis and Leslie in: Captain Xanxus Vs. the Planet of the Dead!
Published 10/28/22
Welcome back for the newest episode of Dick Rogers: Space Detective! This episode finds Dick Rogers, his plucky sidekick Leandra, and the adorable Bippo on vacation taking in a thrilling hovercar race when a mystery strikes! Who is the phantom racer? How will Dick escape with his life? What is Bippo's deep dark secret? Find out now in Dick Rogers and the Case of the Phantom Racer!
Published 09/30/22
This Episode gets off to a bit of a rough start since Joanna and special guest A.Z. Walter get distracted by cute cat photos, but once things get rolling they roll! The N.E.R.D.S. are happy to present the last of the livestream performances, Dick Rogers and the Family Jewels! A mystery woman hires Dick for an exciting caper, and there's absolutely definitely no genie at all.   Featuring Sound effects obtained from :   https://www.zapsplat.com Facebook sound design   And the following music: ...
Published 08/26/22