Go back to school
Calling Ukraine a “Russian countryside”? Really? Go back to school and learn some history! 🤬
Crocodile1985 via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 07/18/21
More reviews of Dictators
Disappointing podcast. Your obvious anti-Trump lean came through. I'm Australian and don't care about US Politics but I do care about world peace and world affairs. Love your shows and the subject but keep it real. I know when someone is pulling my leg and now I have doubts on the...Read full review »
Peter B Australia via Apple Podcasts · Australia · 06/01/20
Ich liebe Podcasts und interessiere mich für Geschichte. Dieser Podcasts wäre deswegen toll, wäre da nicht die permanent vorhandene treibende Musik, die als Soundbett unter jedes Wort geklebt ist. Als Hörer fühle ich mich dadurch fast schon getrieben, die Musik ist permanent aufputschend und...Read full review »
Dirk Primbs via Apple Podcasts · Germany · 01/24/20
You don’t find podcasts these days that are so thoroughly researched and professionally delivered as this Dictators podcast. This show is rich on facts and information and has zero hot air. THIS SHOW is doing such a service by delivering information about what a dictatorship is like and...Read full review »
Ayyyeeeeeeeeee via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 05/29/20
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