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MePa1570 via Apple Podcasts · Canada · 01/20/21
More reviews of Dictators
Make sure to cover the biggest little man of the most recent: the business man who has lost more money than he inherited from his rich racist daddy, the man who wants to be a dictator but is missing the main part: T-rump Dingess Drumpf.
yoga.aha via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 02/05/20
A great insight into the motivations and historical context of figures that changed the world.
ZenCowboy3853 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 02/19/20
It's truly disgusting to see you shoving down modern day political agendas down our throughts when talking about something from 100 years ago. There are many things from 100 years ago that can relate to today such as capitalism vs socialism, but trying to insinuate Musolinni is the byproduct...Read full review »
Ramblinroogi via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 01/25/20
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