y'all LOVED part one of this, so we had to come back stronger with part two of relationship red flags that you have to be wary of. this includes avoiding extreme mama's boys, guys that pay for everything just so they can have control over you, girls who have unsupportive friends, and also people who use too much social media...????some of these are also quite common in traditional, south asian relationships so cue the hot takes in this episode...t y'all need to listen before you commit to any...
Published 01/16/24
welcome to the first solo episode of 2024!! in this episode with mohuya, we're going to talk about what habits i'm bringing with me and what i am leaving behind in the new year!! comparing yourself to others? nope, haven't heard of her. holding celebrities to high standards? couldn't be me. so if you also need inspo on what wellness routines to focus on in 2024 and what to leave behind, listen along to this :) enjoy!! keep tabs on us: our instagram:...
Published 01/12/24
we always hear about 'the american dream' and how our parents moved across the world and sacrificed their livelihoods for us to achieve this ideal life. but it wasn't until we got older where we realized that our versions of the american dream is completely different than what we saw on western media and also what our parents expected of us. it's not really about having a white picket fence and it's not really about becoming a doctor to help our parents' reputation, but something completely...
Published 01/09/24
hot topic for the first of 2024!! why do brown people feel the need to always please white people, and have the desire the satisfy them? we were inspired by a tiktok by @azitatoprahman who spoke about witnessing a ton of brown influencers and creators who built their platforms on the basis of being brown but have now been silent about what’s happening in 🍉. in this episode, we talk about where we’ve fell victim trying to please white people, brown on brown hatred, and how advocating for...
Published 01/02/24
last episode of the year!! a lot has been going on and a lot has been on our minds so we wanted to spend this episode sharing a bit bout things we find ourselves closely attached to, how we end up with so much on our shoulders, and learning the process of detachment. whether its detaching ourselves from being so result driven, from family expectations, or just any external source that has too much control over us, the art of detachment is powerful and one that all south asians should...
Published 12/26/23
we made fun of our mom's routines and hated making our bed growing up, but like maybe.... our parents were onto something. now that we're older, we have small self care routines and habits that may seem 'annoying' to do, but make the world of a difference when you're having those rough mental health days. things like washing the dishes before bed so you don't have to worry about it in the morning or waking up an hour before your usual time to have "me time" can be so beneficial for your...
Published 12/19/23
what happens when you have too much or have too little of discipline?? a lot of us struggle with not having enough discipline when having to study or go to the gym, and how exactly do we get over that??! in this episode, we do a deep dive on the importance of discipline and holding yourself accountable, but also knowing when to let go and be more spontaneous. we talk about how we started small to grow our discipline, how it affects our self esteem, the sacrifices we've made in our 20s to do...
Published 12/12/23
growing up with money trauma and lack of financial security can cause south asians to end up super frugal or super reckless with their money, and in this episode, we explore the latter! whether its wanting to show off to family back home, suffering from poor money management, or just wanting to finally indulge in luxuries you were never granted, our community (including mashnun) could really use some help with their poor spending habits. do you really need that 3rd coffee or that $25 chicken...
Published 12/05/23
doctor?? engineer?? both?? our teachers keep asking us what we want to do for the rest of our lives, our friends seem to have their lives already figured out, and our parents have imagined their version of a perfect future for us already, and we know, it's really overwhelming. in this episode, we share some of the key tips and factors that helped us figure out what we want to do with our lives, and finally take our life into our own hands. listen for a cookie! keep tabs on us: our...
Published 11/28/23
welcome to part 2 on this mental health series! we talk about our personal experiences with finally seeking help for our ADHD and OCD and how it's still so taboo to speak on about these issues out loud to loved ones. we talk about the crazy insurance process, finding the right doctors, the long paperwork, medication, and so much more. hope our journeys make you feel less alone and allows you to seek help if you need it :) keep tabs on us: our instagram:...
Published 11/21/23
mental health is a huge brush stroke topic that we hit on every now and then, but we finally chose to spend an episode talking bout how the two of us learned bout our own diagnosed (and ongoing diagnosing) mental health conditions. even though this kinda stuff can be tough to talk about we know it can be super relatable for our listeners and we should celebrate more normalized conversations bout it in the first place!! mashnun talks about his adhd, mohuya talks about her ocd, and we share the...
Published 11/14/23
in this episode, we talk about some of the negative experiences we've had as Muslims in a post 9/11 society. this includes taking off the hijab in elementary school, getting randomly checked at the airport, seeing false stereotypes in media, and so much more. these experiences are sensitive and still relevant today, especially in the climate of the world and islamophobia spreading even more, and we wanted to bring awareness to the severity of the issue. hope u enjoy the paan segment towards...
Published 11/07/23
we had our 100th episode nyc celebration and ended season 2...... but where the heck were we for over 2 months? here's our first episode back on season 3 and we talk about updates in our lives, our new youtube video implementations, mashnun's chess club, the gen*cide going on right now in the world, and so much more. we have so many fun things planned for this new season and we cannot wait for u to see!! keep tabs on us: our instagram: https://www.instagram.com/difficultish/ our youtube:...
Published 10/31/23
the title says it all folks 3 we're excited to announce our 1st live event to celebrate 100 fun-filled episodes of difficult-ish!!!! august 18th in brooklyn, ny, join us in a night of mingling, connection, and celebration of the south asian diaspora through a live panel, bites, games, music, gifts, exclusive merch, and so much more. find the ticket link below!! in case that wasn't enough, we're just as excited to announce that mashnun is officially moving to nyc, and our next season will...
Published 08/04/23
the two of us got all dressed up and watched the barbie movie last weekend and boy do we have thoughts!! everyone thought the barbie movie would be a cutesy story bout white girl dolls and the color pink but we got so much more. motherhood, patriarchy, beauty standards, the list goes on, and we share our thoughts on it all. enjoy beloved ep 99!!!! see you next week for 100👀 --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/difficultish/support
Published 07/28/23
ep 100 is approaching!!!! we wanted to do a final q+a before our 100th episode for any new listeners that have joined the fam, or old listeners that have had questions are stuff we don't usually answer on the pod. why did we start the pod? what the heck does labyrinthave even mean? how did we tell our parents we're pursuing creative careers? what would you tell your 18 year old self? all answered in this episode, plus some very special news..... --- Support this podcast:...
Published 07/21/23
there are the birthdays that we grew up watching on tv, and then the birthdays that we grew up actually living.... we already know that the infamous tradition for many south asian families is fake feeding cake for the pictures for every birthday celebration, but on top of that, we got gifted gold, had parties with only our parents friends, or got celebrated differently because of our position in the family. with our birthdays coming up in august, we wanted to talk about our experiences...
Published 07/14/23
whether it be financial insecurity, societal expectations, or just family customs, a lot of us grew up thinking there's less time, money, and opportunities in the world than there really is. the scarcity mindset manifests into us from early to late, and is something we have to unlearn so we can start thinking more abundantly! in this episode, we go in depth on where we still struggle with thinking scarcely, where it all comes from, and how we push ourselves everyday to think abundantly....
Published 07/07/23
as south asian kids who grew up in america, we faced A LOT of culture shocks and rude awakenings when going out into the real world. some may be just pronouncing VERY easy words wrong, not getting allowances every week, using an oven as storage, or wearing house sandals instead of outside shoes inside the home. this is a jam packed episode filled with funny experiences where we just felt DUMB for some of the cultural things we grew up with and seeing how people operate in the west. hope u...
Published 06/30/23
first and foremost, the new "shopno স্বপ্ন" collection by labyrinthave is out NOW!!! mou poured her heart into this collection and designed 4 garments all from scratch. show her some love and check it out here: https://www.labyrinthave.com/ in today's episode, we discussed the four main parenting styles, being permissive, authoritative, authoritarian, and uninvolved, but specifically how they look in a south asian upbringing. there are many similarities between each of our parents, but there...
Published 06/23/23
hi hi hi! in this episode, we dissect the different ways that we've celebrated accomplishments as children of immigrants versus some of the culture shocks we've faced when other groups celebrate. whether it's putting the cap and gown on our immigrant parents when we graduate or buying them a house with our big boy jobs, it's just interesting to see the stark disparity in celebration. even with all these wins, it still doesn't feel like we get acknowledged and appreciated for our hard work as...
Published 06/17/23
you guys loved our episodes of physical health and wellness in the south asian community, so we added to go a bit more in detail with today's episode on body image. every person in the world has their own journey with body image, but there are some underlying themes that follow people of the south asian disapora specifically, whether it's the rich food culture, societal norms, deprioritization of physical health, and so much more than we have loads of fun discussing so please listen! keep...
Published 06/09/23
in today’s episode we have priyanka ganjoo, the founder of “Kulfi Beauty,” Sephora’s first ever south asian beauty brand!! she shares so many gems on starting a makeup brand all by herself, including the triumphs as an Indian-American female business owner, the creative process behind formulating and creating inclusive makeup, financial setbacks, and so much more. her conversation with us was so insightful and especially inspirational for POC’s who want to go on their own creative endeavors,...
Published 06/02/23
in this much requested post grad episode, we talk about the uncertainty and burnout after graduating from school and being expected to know what to do for the rest of your life. we both graduated last year and we've learned so many things about post grad depression, taking a break, adult friendships, what success should feel like, structure and stability, overcoming burnout, and so much more. we are so excited to share it with you in this one and hopefully it helps some of you who are also...
Published 05/26/23
this is one JAM PACKED episode because not only do we talk about the taboo nature of health in the south asian community, but our food culture, anti doctors and medications, why it's difficult to seek help as immigrant parents, body dysmorphia, and so much more. we really had a lot to say in this episode on this topic. stay tuned for the next one on the taboo conversation on mental health! keep tabs on us: our instagram: https://www.instagram.com/difficultish/ mohuya's...
Published 05/19/23