S07E06: Engagér din ICP og driv vækst med Social Selling
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Ines hjælper dig i dette afsnit af Digital Performance Talks med at forløse potentialet i Social Selling og at skabe indtjening og meningsfulde relationer for din forreting. Med praktisk erfaring inden for både salg og marketing, deler Ines værdifulde indsigter og strategier for Social Selling med gæstevært, Jens Jørgen Jensen.  Ines egen rejse med Social Selling begyndte på LinkedIn for to år siden, hvilket udløste en passion, der har ført til imponerende resultater. Med et stærkt fokus på synergien mellem marketing og salg, giver Ines dig mulighed for at transformere LinkedIn-forbindelser til værdifulde forretningsmuligheder for dig selv og din virksomhed. Gæstevært: Jens Jørgen Jensen Produceret af No Zebra og Podcaster.dk Redigering og Mix: Dennis G. M. Jensen / Podcaster.dk Komponist: Henrik Pahlke Møller Intro: Gæst: Ines Ben Ferhat, Account executive with Dreamdata Vært: Jens Jørgen Jensen. Social Selling. Emnet: Social Selling 01.15 What is Social Selling There are a lot of different opinions about what Social Sellng is. According to Ines, it is selling to a larger audience at once. 02.30 Posting on LinkedIn vs. Social Selling You should not be "selling" but share content that position you as expert in the field that is important to your audience. 04.30 The Human Voice of a Brand Employer Branding & Social Selling all in one. People buy from people. Hard to convey a business brand. you can do that with Social Selling. Most B2B companies can do Social Selling. Social Seling is being present in front of your audience and LinkedIn is the place. Instagram can be a good platform for Social Selling outside of B2B.  09.30 Your Social Selling Strategy Social Selling is vunerable. You want to sound professional. Give your colleagues a framework to operate from. Repurpose the content you allredy have that is aprooved. Find a format that works for them. Celebrate everything. 12.00 The Fear of Posting Many are scared of posting to a large audience. This dissapear over time. When you find your process it works. Get management in on it. The rest of the team will follow in their footsteps. There is no shame in getting inspiration from your team mates. 16.00 Personal vs. Company Brand With managment in the Social Selling game, you get a strong foundation for your Social Selling strategy.  18.00 Prioritizing Social Selling It can be hard to balance Social Selling with other tasks and you need to find you personal motivation. 21.30 LinkedIn Tips & Tricks Never try to beat the algorithm. It drains your energy. Focus on consitency. Figure out, when your target audience is on LinkedIn. Diversify your content. Co-create content. Repurpose, repurpose, repurpose. 25.45 The Results As a sales person - the best thing is that the people already know who we are. Dreamdata have generated both pipeline and revenue with Social Selling. A true personalized brand. 
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