"Dinosaurs" is a six-part series that delves into the fascinating world of these prehistoric giants. Starting with the Mesozoic Era, it explores the evolution and diverse species of dinosaurs, from the colossal giants of the Jurassic period to the dynamic predator-prey relationships. The series also highlights the discovery of feathered dinosaurs, their link to modern birds, and the various theories behind their mass extinction. Finally, it examines the enduring impact of dinosaurs on popular culture, showcasing their influence in movies, literature, and public education, keeping our...
Dive into the fascinating world of the Triassic Period in this engaging episode. Explore the aftermath of Earth's greatest mass extinction and witness the rise of the first dinosaurs. From strange marine reptiles to early mammals, discover the diverse cast of creatures that shaped this pivotal...
Published 08/31/24
This episode explores the dynamic relationship between carnivorous and herbivorous dinosaurs during the Mesozoic Era. It examines famous predators like T. rex and Velociraptor, the defense mechanisms of herbivores such as Triceratops and Ankylosaurus, hunting strategies and pack behavior, and...
Published 06/28/24