Umar visits Father Augustine's Sexual Ethics Class and answers questions: What is Truth?What is Reality?What is evil?What is sin?Can god change the “rules” of ethics if he wants to?Are human beings basically good or basically bad?What is a human being/What does it mean to be human?Does the world need a code of sexual ethics?What is the role of women in Islam?How does the Koran define chastity and how does a Muslim man approach it?How does Islam approach the topic of artificial...
Published 09/06/23
Father Augustine downloaded royalty-free Gregorian Chant (The Dies Irae) and Ramadan music, spliced them together on Garage Band, and here it is: the complete theme song--beginning to end.
Published 03/15/23
Published 03/15/23
In the exciting finale to the finale to the first season...the boys discuss great books, the World Cup, and America's lost moral authority.
Published 02/03/23
The guys discuss the archaeology of Israel, how to eat dog, and inter religious dialogue.
Published 02/02/23
Auschwitz, Antisemitism, and Israel
Published 01/29/23
Umar and Augustine talk liturgy...and other things.
Published 11/25/22
Umar makes a big announcement and the boys talk about saints.
Published 11/17/22
The guys discuss Catholicism,  Catholic v. Protestant liturgy, divorce, and slavery...whew!
Published 10/22/22
Umar Lee and Father Augustine interview a self-professed "reactionary conservative" priest--and things get a little crazy!
Published 08/02/22
Umar and Father Augustine interview convicted terrorist turned religious freedom advocate, Ismail Royer...Part 4
Published 07/28/22
Umar and Father Augustine interview convicted terrorist turned religious freedom advocate, Ismail Royer...Part 3
Published 07/26/22
Umar and Augustine interview convicted terrorist turned religious freedom advocate, Ismail Royer...Part 2
Published 07/25/22
Umar and Augustine interview convicted terrorist turned religious freedom advocate, Ismail Royer...Part 1
Published 07/25/22
The boys discuss politics as fornication, Hilary Clinton and Pat Bucanan, Father Augustine gets the number of Supreme Court justices wrong, and Umar gives dating advice to our listeners...
Published 06/14/22
The boys talk about pro-life, pro-choice, pro-Trump, and the "Insurrection"
Published 06/07/22
Father Augustine and Umar discuss pop culture, contraception, Pope John XXIII and fat saints...
Published 05/26/22
Father Augustine explains Lent...and midway through, a special guest arrives!  Then on to Critical Race Theory, shifting norms, trophy wives, trophy husbands, and what constitutes "attractive" in America, among other things.
Published 04/30/22
Ramadan vs Lent...plus terrorism, a bad word for Catholics, and we plan a paintball crusade: Muslims vs. Catholics!
Published 04/24/22
Father Augustine slaps Umar! Just kidding.  Instead, they discuss the Oscars, the state of Marriage in America, and what it means to be a man.
Published 04/14/22
We talk about the "vocation crisis", the decline of the Church in Ireland (and Islam in SIria), conservatives vs. liberals, and so on...
Published 04/02/22
Father Augustine and Umar discus sex, celibacy, polygamy, feminism, the Incel movement, Dave Chapelle, The Decline and Fall of Mars Hill...and more!
Published 10/23/21
Father Augustine Wetta and Umar Lee read "The Disagreement Manifesto" The purpose of the podcast is not to convince, convert, propagandize or win. Unlike other podcasts, we are two men with wildly different religious, political, and social convictions seeking mutual understanding.  The point is dialogue. The opinions expressed in this podcast are exactly that.  While our religious convictions inform these opinions, neither of us claims to present an infallible—or even an...
Published 10/05/21
In a talk to the Catholic Deacons of Saint Louis, Father Augustine gives his perspective on the racial tensions in Ferguson and tells the story of how he first met Umar Lee.
Published 10/05/21
In this episode, Father Augustine introduces himself...and we throw in just the tiniest bit of provocative content.
Published 10/05/21