Is there ever a perfect moment? And if there is, should we wait, or rather work for it?!
Published 02/22/22
Just something out of the blue. This makes me think, how amazing spontaneous things can be... They have their own beauty. Well, I hope it made you feel good.
Published 11/29/21
Live gives its lessons in the weirdest way. It's difficult, sometimes, to catch up. But, eventually, when we do, things seem to make sense. As I say, life is a constant process, of development, change, to something better, and we'll ride along where we take it. Unwind and just be. All love, Dimple ♡
Published 11/21/21
Life is like a spiral staircase sometimes. So beautiful, dangerously graceful and admirable. At times easier, and at times, not so. The one thing I've learned is, sometimes, holding on, whatever the situation might be, being there and believing in a better time and working for it is just what we need.
Published 10/18/21
Situations are very perspective dependent. Taking a different mirror to look through, might help to actually positively learn setting from it. Have you ever had such experience?
Published 09/25/21
Hey, there. It's so good to see you again. I know it's been a while. And I have so much to say. I just hope you're doing good. And, I believe in you. All love, Dimple Thakar♡
Published 07/01/21
The wait part is the devil, cause we never know why or what we're waiting for. Maybe we're scared, maybe not. But we all know that the right moment doesnt come with a name plate. So all we can do is keep trying it until we achieve it.
Published 05/28/21
Life as we all know, is a balance of dependence and independence, i.e. interdependence. And that balance our own life will gradually create. All we have to do is keep checks that you're appreciating yourself among all the things you do♡
Published 05/26/21
Had an insight, and shared with you. Be sure to know your worth, and that you have the power. Hold on to it, realise it, and apply it.♡
Published 05/23/21
It's always good to make small deeds. Every single thing that we do counts. Every action counts. So make sure you dont oversee them, cause they are very little:)
Published 05/16/21
Becoming into any age number, sometimes people interpret capabilities with a certain number. But it's super weird. What you really want to do, where you belong is a question in vogue, but it is always uncertain. And the expectations of our surroundings make us anxious with the rising expectations. Well, my secret, push em down and enjoy. We never know what will happen next. Just believe and be.
Published 05/15/21
Every memory isnt supposed to be savoured, nor is every memory supposed to be forgotten. Every one has their own opinion and this is your life. No one can force you to change things. Just believe in yourself and do what you know you should do. All the best.
Published 05/12/21
Believing in something and wishing something is different. Be careful on what you practise.
Published 05/11/21
Well, I believe every breath of air we breath is a chance to start something new. And as we know, well begun is half done, just put on a new intention whenever you start, get your mind straight to the target, and tada! Your work is half done, you just have to implement. So, here's to a good start.
Published 05/10/21
The power that your mind has to make you feel on the top of the world for one second and a speck in the universe the next leaves me awestruck.
Published 05/09/21
Just to go back, trace your footsteps and see things in a different light. Donling the same old tasks, makes us monotonous, but just a different perspective makes it so much better.
Published 05/08/21
Theres this one practise I've come across and use almost everyday in my life, when I'm confronted with situations or heavy circumstances. I'm just sharing it with you. Hope it helps. And remember, it will only work if you'll believe and try!
Published 05/06/21
Rushing or being. It's a choice you make. Well, I'd obviously choose being. It's a bit high rated and that's the reason I think we try to avoid it. But I promise it's much better than most of the things you know.
Published 05/05/21
Things come and go in our lives. Situation we've dealt with in our past looks smaller now. It's just an indication that every thing we go through always makes us stronger. So, dont run, just confront it.
Published 05/03/21
Things that go in our heads are very high fashion. Sometimes they get us through, sometimes that make us drive over. But whatever it is, remember, you wont know if a certain idea is good or not, until you let it breathe. So, dont let it go.
Published 05/01/21
Sometimes, some people (including me) like to do things from the start. So something that I'm trying this week, thought would share with you. It's called intentions☆
Published 04/26/21
Everybody has an opinion and there are haters everywhere. But to be a lotus in that pond of mud is an art. And I know you can do it. Everyone is responsible for their own opinion. But dont forget, you're responsible for your actions. Only you.
Published 04/24/21
Amidst everything that goes around, the balance that you require to feel okay doesnt always satisfy. But being nonchalant doesnt help, as per what I've know. But being aware and vigilant does.
Published 04/23/21
Discover the amazing power that you have in you and try it on one thing today and see!
Published 04/18/21