For a company to maintain a strong brand and reach full potential, the brand must be lived internally. Luz Erhardt, Chief Client Officer at Saffron, gives insight into how to engage the workforce in an effective way. Post pandemic, the need for a strong Employee Value Proposition is ever more important and motivating employees and creating a sense of brand ownership may seem a more complex task. Luz draws on her years of experience to give key actionable tips on how to achieve this.
Published 06/16/21
We can all picture the iconic logos of brands Apple, Nike or Coca-Cola. But brand design goes beyond logos and colour schemes. Gabor Schreier, Chief Creative Officer at Saffron, explains how design brings brand strategy to life, making it visible for both internal and external stakeholders. But when it comes to a design project, what are the different phases and challenges to consider?
Published 06/04/21
In today’s competitive times it is no longer enough to have an incredible service or product. In order to differentiate themselves, brands need to go further. In this episode, Fernando Ortiz-Ehmann, Chief Strategy Officer at Saffron, explains the importance of brand strategy as the guiding light of an organization.
Published 06/04/21
Apple and Netflix are among the world’s most successful brands. How did they get there? Jacob Benbunan, Gabor Schreier and Benjamin Knapp, authors of the book Disruptive Branding, talk about creative innovation and how crucial it is for brands to have a disruptive mindset. The key is to become the disruptor rather than the disrupted, especially in these times of change.
Published 06/04/21