Published 02/07/19
Are you listening to the warning signs? In this episode of Dollars Make Sense, K. Curtis talks about how people will always show their true colors. Our intuition and gut will often communicate important information to us, but we must be listening. A person's track record is the only thing we really know about a person. Follow along in this episode and be empowered to stop ignoring the warning signs.  
Published 01/19/19
We all have this critical negative voice in our head. In this episode of Dollars Make Sense, K.Curtis talks about giving ourselves the validation we need. We play many stories in our minds but do we ever challenge them, and ask ourselves if they are true or not. Everything we believe is a story from our own mind or the mind of others. Follow along in this episode and learn how self-doubt is a learned behavior. 
Published 01/09/19
We all have within us the power to accomplish anything we set out to do, so long as we give ourselves enough time in which to do it in. This also means that we’re going to fail sometimes, and that’s part of the process. Once we fully commit and link it to a strong why, success is inevitable.
Published 10/18/18
As we establish a base level of needs, do what is required in order to stay strong, stay active and protect our mindset, we are able to move forward, regardless of how hard our lives may be at any given time.
Published 10/07/18
Making money was the primary focus K. Curtis had within his life until the birth of his first son in 2006 shifted everything for him. It wasn’t until hitting rock bottom that K Curtis was able to discover the guru that he had been searching for had been within himself all along.
Published 09/20/18