After an exciting first day, Marion, Marcus, Sam and Stephen look forward to exploring the so-called Bottomless Pit and collecting samples with the Virgil’s super manipulators. Marion is especially excited to fill the bio boxes in her lab with marine life, but Captain Charlie Dresden seems fixated on dampening the crew’s enthusiasm.  Support Definitely Human productions and get access to extra content at patreon.com/definitelyhuman For information regarding your data privacy, visit...
Published 01/22/20
The Advantage expedition has only just begun, but it is already facing its first challenge. The Virgil is falling into The Bottomless Pit at an uncontrollable speed. Neither Beckett Station nor the adaptive AI can arrest the submarine’s descent. It is up to Marion and the crew to pull together and solve the crisis quickly, before it escalates.  Support Definitely Human productions and get access to extra content at patreon.com/definitelyhuman For information regarding your data privacy,...
Published 01/15/20
The company-backed submarine Virgil has begun its journey to the descent point, where the unexplored Antarctic trench, dubbed The Bottomless Pit, awaits. Old friends Dr Marion Straker and Dr Stephen Frame prepare to spend two days aboard the vessel, along with the arrogant Captain Charlie Dresden, the laid-back engineer Sam Jansen, and the eager-to-please company man Marcus Wilde. Support Definitely Human productions and get access to extra content at patreon.com/definitelyhuman For...
Published 01/08/20
At Beckett Station in Antarctica, Global energy company Advantage prepares for an expedition unlike any other. A crew of five will spend two days aboard the state-of-the-art submarine Virgil, as it slowly descends to the bottom of a newly discovered deep sea fissure. The voyage hasn’t even begun and already marine biologist Dr Marion Straker finds herself at odds with the clashing egos and fawning yes-men of the Antarctic base. And worse than that is the doubt. The inescapable feeling that...
Published 01/01/20
Down is a 24-part science-fiction series about an expedition into a newly-discovered Antarctic trench, dubbed The Bottomless Pit. The company-backed research submarine Virgil is elegant, state-of-the-art, and capable of withstanding enormous pressures. The same cannot be said for her crew. The voyage begins on the 1st of January. You can support Definitely Human at https://www.patreon.com/definitelyhuman, and follow us on Twitter @HumanDefinitely. For information regarding your data...
Published 12/15/19