Ep 100: September 11, 2024 - REBROADCAST Retired U.S. Army Sniper Paralyzed by Square-Headed Non-Human & Pointed-Chin Grey Fearless after two missions in Iraq as an Army sniper with a TOP SECRET clearance in the first decade of the 21st Century, “John Doe” is shocked in March 2021 when he wakes up paralyzed with two different non-humans in his bedroom and one scares him.  2021 COP26 - Global Leaders Pledge to End Deforestation by 2030 - Amazon now emits more CO2 than it absorbs  More...
Published 09/12/24
Ep 99: September 4, 2024 - REBROADCAST Missile guard recounts Sasquatch encounter, High Strangeness at Malmstrom AFB. From Flipped 25-Ton-Blast Door and Tipped Over USAF Truck to Sasquatch — High Strangeness At Malmstrom AFB Minuteman Missile Site. A retired Minuteman Missile Security Policeman speaks for the first time about his November 1980 encounters with chaos at Carl’s Site P-9 sixty miles northwest of Malmstrom AFB in Great Falls, Montana — and soon after comes face-to-face with a...
Published 09/05/24
Ep 98: August 28, 2024 - Earth E.T.s  — Friendly?  Foe? Neutral? Luis Elizondo has a new book titles Imminent: Inside the Pentagon's Hunt for UFOs he and his family witnessed green orbs passing through their walls Blue spheres are considered dangerous, causing paralysis and burning Luis was Director at the Pentagon’s ATTIP program “UAP..are perhaps even an existential threat to our national security” “interfering with military weapon platforms” “Why aren’t we spending more time and effort on...
Published 08/29/24
Ep 97: August 21, 2024 - Are UFO glowing orbs NOT benevolent? Feedback from Earthfiles viewer on interview with 2 commercial airline pilots’ encounter with UFO lights in the sky Luis Elizondo’s new book: “Imminent: inside the Pentagon’s Hunt for UFOs”  he writes about personal encounters with “green-glowing orbs about the size of a basketball that invaded his home on and off for seven years” "They did not appear to be benevolent” “We know we are not alone” Interview with abductee and author...
Published 08/22/24
Ep 96: August 14, 2024 - Who? or What? Makes Light Patterns At the Edge of Space? Linda met with Tim Burchett in Washington DC   HEADLINE: “Why is the Pentagon’s UFO office so clueless about UFOs?”   UFO reports from 2 commercial cargo airline pilots “Captain R” on July 4, 2024 flight from Miami to Louisville, then to Guatemala spotted moving lights in the sky over Jacksonville Linda interviews “Captain R” and “Captain G“ “I’ve seen this cluster of lights four times so far” “3 nights in a...
Published 08/15/24
Ep 95: Aug 7, 2024 REBROADCAST Whose 2-Mile-Long Triangle Floated Silently Over Phoenix March 13, 1997?   25th Anniversary of the Phoenix lights March 13, 1997 UFO sighting “covers the whole sky” "it looked like the Borg in Star Trek” “it could be a flying aircraft carrier..it just floated” “easily over a mile long…if not two miles” “it’s a ship that doesn’t come from out planet” “shot straight up…just disappeared”  Excerpt of Interview with Jack Shulman, from American Computer Co.“the...
Published 08/08/24
Ep 94: July 31 REBROADCAST - “Is not an alien force already among us?”   U. S. Pres. Ronald Reagan before U. N. General Assembly, Sept. 21, 1987, six years after a March 1981, Camp David CIA briefing for Pres. Reagan about five different species of extraterrestrial biological entities known to American intelligence agencies. Volcanic eruption in Tonga equivalent to 10 megatons of TNT Update from Adam Burns, graphic artist and experiencer  Ronald Reagan met with several American intelligence...
Published 08/01/24
Ep 93: July 24 REBROADCAST - What are Trantaloids? Are they a threat? Topics:  What are Trantaloids? Are they a threat? March 23rd 200k special episode - 2 hours Interview with Lue Elizondo Send your video questions to [email protected] Extraordinary communication from military source confirming remote viewer’s report SERPO 27a release info recapping 5 different ET races Interview with remote viewer Buddy Bolton“Trantaloids are the sociopaths of the extraterrestrial world” Trantaloids...
Published 07/25/24
Ep 92: July 17 REBROADCAST June 22, 2022 -  Did President Eisenhower Do A Treaty with These Grey Biological E.T.s? More from Linda’s source Mystery of “Blue Eisenhower November” and OPRPNemesis Protocol “time travel… the greatest threat to humanity” March 20, 2022 episode on Trantaloids Trantaloids are hostile, with ability to manipulate timelines “1,000 years more advanced than ours…maybe more” “Temporal technology exists and is used almost exclusively by the Trantaloid insect...
Published 07/18/24
Ep 91: July 10, 2024  - REBROADCAST Dec 7, 2022 - What happened to German E. T. investigator close to this Grey type?   Mysterious blast of light is a black hole pointing straight at Earth, scientists say8.5 billion light years away “a star is squeezed like a toothpaste tube..in a tidal disruption event” 100 times more power than the strongest gamma ray burst ever seen Southern hemisphere’s largest radio telescope joins search for extraterrestrial tech MeerKAT will increase the number of...
Published 07/11/24
Ep 90: July 3 - REBROADCAST - What does it feel like to be near a Tall White? “Senate holding new hearings on UAPs April 19” - Roswell Daily RecordDr. Sean Kirkpatrick from AARO (All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office) in Pentagon to speak Reader feedback on glowing orbs, ETs, out of body experiences, UFO craft Interview from 2021 with “Benji”, an aerospace engineer, describing being in the presence of a tall white “earth humans might have been annihilated a long time ago by reptilians” “their...
Published 07/04/24
Ep 89: June 26, 2024 REBROADCAST - Part 2: America’s Minuteman Nuclear Missile Program Has Been Haunted by UFOs. Part 2:  USAF Staff Sgt. (Ret.) Mario Woods — “Why did huge UFO above Minuteman NOVEMBER 5 missile site have shelves filled with old Earth appliances?”  Interview with USAF Staff Sgt. (Ret.) Mario Woods “November 5“ missile site alarm near Newell, Wyoming lights in the night sky flashing huge glowing craft hovered over missile site 5 missing hours, then a huge white wall...
Published 06/27/24
Ep 88: June 19, 2024 - Are hostile E. T.s based deep below Earth oceans and lands? New Unclassified FOIA documents reported by Motherboard “Newly-Released Documents Shed Light on Government-Funded Research Into Worm Holes, Anti-Gravity and Invisibility Cloaks” warp drives, extra dimensions, anti-gravity Interview with experiencer Adam Burns after hypnotherapy session HealingsAcrossTime.com "humans are working off-world with advanced beings” “the most malevolent towards us…the...
Published 06/20/24
Ep 87: June 12, 2024 - Does Hopi Blue Star Prophecy Still Expect Apocalypse? Executive order 13526 - signed by Barack Obama all classified material over 25 years old will be considered for “automatic declassification”  Interview with Miriam Delicado, author of Blue Star Fulfilling ProphecyExtraterrestrial contact has been happening for all time “Their technology is so far advanced that we cannot comprehend how it works” “I had a massive 3-hour download of information” “Understanding the...
Published 06/13/24
86: Jun 5, 2024 REBROADCAST - Part 2 Jerry Wills - Alien Intelligence Puzzled by Life Forms in This Universe After speeding in a mysterious “transparent bubble” through the cosmos,  Jerry Wills ended up in an all white, glowing room where a male Voice reveals that Jerry is no longer in Earth’s universe, but in another parallel universe. The Voice is puzzled because life forms weren’t part of its test.   Worried residents report loud booms in Clarksville, Tennessee, September 4th,...
Published 06/06/24
85: May 29, 2024 - REBROADCAST Sep 1, 2021 - Is There A Doorway Between Universes Near Lake Titicaca, Peru? On November 11, 1998, at 11 PM local Peru time, Arizona resident Jerry Wills and his bride Kathy were standing in front of what ancient Incans called Aramu Muru, Gate of the Gods, a mysterious, small “doorway” cut into solid red sandstone. A local shaman said it linked to another dimension and taught Jerry the secret to passing through. Kathy watched Jerry kneel at the “door,” suddenly...
Published 05/30/24
Ep 84: May 22, 2024 REBROADCAST - America’s Minuteman Nuclear Missile Program Has Been Haunted by UFOs A retired USAF Senior Airman Security Specialist stationed at Ellsworth AFB in November 1977, describes how a pulsing unidentified light in the sky led to an encounter with non-human beings. - Robert Salas, launch officer had March 1967 incident with UFO sighting and nukes mysteriously going offline.- He is organizing October 19, 2021 press conference in Washington DC Robert Salas’s Facebook...
Published 05/23/24
Ep 83: Part 2: Has U.S. Navy Secretly Printed E.T./UFO I.D. Pamphlets Since 1990? May 11, 2024 - rare G5 geomagnetic storm Viewer feedback about interview with John Smith, US Navy SURTASS tech that witnessed USO coming out of water Part 2 of interview with 17-year U.S. Navy Veteran “John Smith” John Smith received pamphlet containing of EBEs pictures of 10 different craft and 4 different creatures Nordic..white hair, white skin, bright blue eyes…metallic looking suit 3-4 foot grey, solid...
Published 05/16/24
Ep 82: How do UFOs burst out of ocean waters completely dry? “Unidentified Submerged Objects” - USO Underwater hydrophone program called SOSUS SURTASS - Surveillance Towed-Array Sensor Program Interview with 17-year U.S. Navy Veteran “John Smith”OTA Analyst for prototype research “tracking things up to 700 knots” “they would just pop into the water…speed up to 700 knots” “they have full control of the skies and water” “When it breached the water, it was completely silent. There wasn’t any...
Published 05/09/24
Ep 81: May 1, 2024 - Has NASA finally found evidence of life on another planet? HEADLINES: “Scientists finally find life on planet twice the size of earth.” the first planet atmosphere to have DMS gas, produces by phytoplankton more DMS than Earth K2-18B   “Scientists find new evidence of mysterious 9th planet” “10 times the mass of the Earth” Is this Niburu? Video of UFO over NYC Video of strange lights in the sky on a beach in England   ==== LINKS: Earthfiles YouTube Channel podcast:  ...
Published 05/02/24
Ep 80: April 24, 2024 - REBROADCAST Mar 22, 2023 - Whose Silent Triangle Craft Hovered Over Three American RAF Bases in December 1980? ​​Linda is on assignment this week so please enjoy this special rebroadcast.   Interview with “Smith Jones” about UFO encounter, December 27, 1980 - same craft spotted at RAF Croughton and RAF Bentwaters - Jim Penniston, John Burroughs witnessed RAF Bentwater incident - large triangular craft at RAF Upper Heyford - large viewing windows in front - large...
Published 04/25/24
79: April 17, 2024 -  Is Earth In An E. T. War Fought Through Human Bodies? Interview with insider source   Interview with Lorraine McAdams “I had contact with the Nordic ETs” “I feel like they were calming me down” “I suddenly became very bright.. I was about 11 years old”   ==== Books mentioned:   Phantoms in the Night or ETs?: My Lifelong Experience of Contact with the ParanormalBy Lorraine McAdams   https://www.amazon.com/Phantoms-Night-ETs-experience-paranormal/dp/1803413050   The...
Published 04/18/24
78: April 10, 2024 - What is “Europe’s Roswell” 40 years after impact? Sunday Express UK Jan 23, 1983 - “Strange debris out of the sky” Irwel Evan found hundreds of pieces “Police took away fragments for analysis” “Pieces as light as air”   Interview with Mark Olly, Archeaologist, author Documentary “Europe’s Roswell: UFO crash in Abersytwyth” Lab tests found large amounts of lanthanum “It just sprang back” “Coated with thousands of hexagons” “It didn’t weight anything…extraordinarily...
Published 04/11/24
77: April 3, 2024 - UFO Headlines and the 4-minute bell with Linda. UFO HeadlinesMultiple UFO sightings over New York State Nuclear power plant becomes UFO hotspot with ’10 sightings in a single month’ recent ufo flying in a peculiar zig-zag pattern Missile Tested By N. Korea Is in Range OF U.S. Bases NK launched intermediate range ballistic missile US president would have 6 minutes to launch retaliation missiles Interview with remote viewer Jay from Australia ==== Books Mentioned: Nucelar...
Published 04/04/24