In this episode of our Chinese podcast, we continue with our blind box theme, where each Uncle prepares three questions, and the other two answer them. The theme of this episode is "What scares you the most?" We also discuss, "If you could have an expert give you guidance 24/7, what kind of expert would you choose?" and "Would you want to get a tattoo?" This episode is packed with thought-provoking discussions and fun surprises, making it a great opportunity to practice your Chinese...
Published 09/12/24
Published 09/12/24
In this video, we share how a student used Dashu Mandarin podcast to advance from a complete beginner to an intermediate level in Chinese. We’ll also discuss another student’s story that made the Uncles feel sad and reveal the snacks the Uncles love. As a blind box question podcast, the three of us randomly ask each other questions, providing an engaging and authentic discussion experience. 在本期视频中,我们讲述一位使用大叔中文(Dashu...
Published 09/05/24
In this episode of Dashu Mandarin, we explore "The Chinese Story That Changed Your Life" and discuss the profound impact of certain stories on our lives. We also introduce our specially written Chinese storybook (Chinese Stories for Intermediate Learners: The Talking Cat: Dashu Mandarin Chinese Reader Volume I ) designed for learners. Join us as we reflect on our childhood experiences, the concept of retaining childlike wonder, and how these early years shape who we become. Whether...
Published 08/28/24
Welcome to dashu mandarin store: dashumandarin.com Today, we’re letting our imaginations run wild! The three uncle-hosts asked a hilariously intriguing question: What if Chinese Uncles Turned into Chinese Aunties? In this episode, they dive into a fun and creative discussion, imagining how their lives would change if they suddenly became Chinese Aunties. Curious about their answers? Tune in for some laughs and entertaining...
Published 08/21/24
Have you ever experienced a midlife crisis? How do you deal with it when life hits a turning point? In this episode of our Chinese podcast, the three uncle-hosts openly share their stories and reflections on facing a midlife crisis. Learn fluent Chinese with Dashu Mandarin Chinese podcast! 你有没有经历过中年危机?面对人生的转折点,你是如何应对的?在这一期的中文播客中,三位大叔主持人坦诚分享了他们关于中年危机的故事与感悟。
Published 08/14/24
What if You Lived a Different Life? What would you be like in a parallel universe? 平行空间的另一个你是怎样的?三位大叔将带你进入一个充满想象力和趣味的讨论 — 如果大叔们不是中文老师,他们会选择什么职业,过着怎样的人生呢?这是一次深入了解大叔们内心世界的机会。或许,你也会开始思考,平行空间的自己,会是怎样的一个人呢?Three Dashu—if they weren't Chinese teachers, what careers would they choose, and what kind of lives would they lead? This is an opportunity to gain deeper insights into the inner worlds of our uncles. Perhaps you'll start wondering what your parallel universe self would be like too.
Published 08/07/24
What is your most awkward moment? Today's Chinese Podcast we will play 盲盒问题, of which we will throw questions to each other randomly. Let's learn Chinese together through conversation in mandarin! 你人生中最尴尬的时刻是什么?今天大叔中文玩起了“盲盒”趣味问答,让我们在笑声中一起学习中文吧!
Published 08/01/24
These Chinese men are horrible! 妈宝男,渣男,凤凰男,家暴男,普信男,大男子主义,擦边男... In today's podcast, we will have a fun conversation in Chinese with all the popular Chinese Internet Slangs related to Chinese men. We will explain each type of Chinese boys and share our thought about them.
Published 07/24/24
In today's chinese podcast, we welcome a young Chinese girl in her early twenties, Jieyu, who will share her unique experience of living abroad for the first time. This episode invites you into the world of Chinese Gen Z girls. Their lifestyle and thoughts might surprise you. Join us to hear Jieyu's amazing stories and feel her courage and adventurous spirit! 今天的播客我们请到了一位刚刚20出头的中国女孩——婕妤,她将分享她第一次出国居住的独特经历。快来跟着这期节目走进中国零零后女生的世界。她们的生活方式和想法可能会让你大开眼界,快来听听婕妤的精彩故事,感受她的勇气和冒险精神吧!
Published 07/18/24
Welcome two exceptional Chinese teachers: Suqing laoshi from channel of Comprehensible Chinese, and Keren laoshi from channel of Unconventional Chinese with Keren. Both teachers specialize in using the Comprehensible Input teaching method for Chinese language instruction. In this episode, we will discuss how to learn Chinese through storytelling. Join us to discover how these amazing teachers make Chinese learning both fun and effective! 今天我们非常荣幸地请到了两位杰出的中文老师——来自 Unconventional Chinese...
Published 07/11/24
Planning to study in China in 2025? How to Study in China? Then it's time to start preparing now. We attended a study abroad fair and gathered the latest information about studying in China, whether it's for undergraduate programs, master's degrees, or language courses. Tune in to find out what study materials you need and learn about the new policies for studying in China. This episode will provide you with detailed information and practical advice to help you better plan your future...
Published 07/06/24
What do Chinese think of the Neitherlands? Today we have a dutch guest to share his opinions about Holland. Hope this Chinese podcast serve as a great Chinese listening material for improve Chinese listening and Chinese speaking. 今天的中文播客,两位中文老师跟荷兰人一起聊聊荷兰,聊聊中国人对荷兰的刻板印象。希望大家喜欢我们的中文学习材料,希望我们的谈话能对提高中文听力有帮助!
Published 06/29/24
Curious about what makes Chinese culture so unique and the language so captivating? In this video, we uncover some surprising and lesser-known facts that will leave you amazed. What hidden gems lie within the traditions and linguistic nuances of China? Join us to find out and prepare to have your perceptions challenged in delightful ways! #chineseculture #chineselanguage #china #chinese...
Published 06/20/24
His experience in China has two completely different phases: starting with zero Chinese language skills for the first few years, then becoming fluent in Chinese and able to communicate with locals. How did he achieve this transformation? Today, we have a special guest on our show, a Mexican guy named 乐文, who has been living in China for over 10 years. Let's listen to his stories of China and his journey of learning Chinese together!...
Published 06/12/24
Unbelievably, our Chinese podcast has reached its 100th episode! In today's special episode, we will be hosting a Q&A session to address questions collected from our listeners. We want to express our deepest gratitude to each of our over 16,000 followers. Your support and companionship have fueled our passion to create more Chinese learning content at Dashu Mandarin. Let's celebrate this milestone together and cherish the emotional connection and growth we've experienced along the...
Published 06/05/24
Which is more important, Chinese input or output? We will explore a learning model: 80% Chinese input and 20% output. Today, we have invited Tebby, a passionate Chinese learner, and also the designer behind our background music. And what types of Chinese input and output are crucial for Chinese learners? Let's listen to Tebby's insights and experiences together! 今天我们邀请到了一位热爱汉语学习的学习者Tebby,他也是我们节目的背景音乐设计师!我们将探讨一种学习模式:80%的中文输入和20%的输出。究竟中文的输入和输出哪个更重要?哪些中文的输入和输出对汉语学习者尤为关键?让我们一起听听Tebby的见解和经验!
Published 05/29/24
Finally, a Beijinger guest is here! Can you understand Mandarin with a Beijing accent? Mandarin accent is fun, our guest will join us to explore the changes in Beijing, discuss the unique charm of Beijing dialect, and share his experiences living abroad. Beijing dialect, as a branch of Chinese dialects, is known for its rich and colorful expressions and unique phonetic features, presenting both intrigue and challenge. Join us as we delve into the charm of Beijing...
Published 05/23/24
Today's podcast episode is all about the 6 interesting destinations in mainland China and Taiwan! Each dashu will recommend two destinations they believe are worth visiting. These destinations could be popular tourist spots or hidden gems off the beaten path! Through our conversation, you'll not only get travel inspiration but also learn a wealth of Chinese vocabulary related to traveling. Join us as we embark on this journey to explore the joys of travel! Check out these 6 Places to...
Published 05/16/24
In today's mandarin podcast, we are honored to have a special guest - an Indonesian guy who speaks Chinese better than most Chinese! And joining us is our dear friend, the lovely chinese teacher Peipei. This Indonesian gentleman, who once studied performing arts at a university in China, is now an entrepreneur managing several business projects between China and Indonesia. This includes a Chinese language education project in collaboration with Peipei - Real Talk Mandarin. Their vision...
Published 05/08/24
We've got a special guest again — Dolores! She's a teacher who excels in role-playing contextual teaching methods, creating courses filled with engaging videos that make learning Chinese a lot more fun. Her course designs are not only creative but also help learners master the most authentic Chinese expressions in real-life contexts. Today,let's dive into the stories behind her creative process!...
Published 05/05/24
Will you quit job and travel the world? 你会辞去工作去环游世界吗? Today, we've got a super cool Chinese teacher with stories! Not only is he a mandarin teacher, but also a true world traveler with a wealth of stories and unique life experiences. He always carries this enviable relaxed vibe and sometimes even throws in some unexpectedly cool moves. His stories will not only broaden your horizons, but also give you a whole new perspective on life! So, let's dive in and hear what he's got to share!...
Published 04/28/24
Today, we are fortunate to have Keren from Unconventional Chinese join us to discuss "How to Stay Motivated to Study Chinese." With her expertise in comprehensible input methods, Keren brings a wealth of experience in teaching Chinese. She will share with us the intrinsic motivation and sources behind learning Chinese. Whether you're a beginner or have some prior knowledge, there's something valuable to learn from Keren's insights. We hope this conversation will inspire and motivate...
Published 04/17/24
We have two outstanding Chinese influencer teachers, Peipei and Roots, in today's Chinese podcast. Peipei, a hardworking Chinese teacher, has risen from being a chinese teacher to becoming a team leader. On the other hand, Roots is not only an excellent Chinese teacher but also a funny content creator for Chinese learning. Together, Peipei and Roots have collaborated on many entertaining mandarin projects on Instagram. Today, we will delve into the behind-the-scenes stories of Chinese...
Published 04/14/24
What do you think of Chinese Gen Z? Chinese millennial is open-minded or conservative? We've invited a millennial Chinese young people, Chen Kefan, to share with us his experiences as a chinese student studying abroad, as well as his perspectives on love, life, values and his future plans. Let's hear what this young chinese boy has to say about these topics. 中国的零零后是怎么想的?很开放还是相对保守?我们邀请了一位千禧年的中国年轻人陈柯凡,他将与我们分享他的留学生活、情感观、生活观和价值观, 以及他对未来的打算等等。让我们一起听听这位年轻人对这些话题的见解和想法。
Published 04/04/24