This audio drama series paints a captivating picture of love, peace, and friendship, transcending time and space.In 1901, a young American boy named Milton Gardner set foot on a life-altering journey to Kuliang, China. For a decade, he immersed himself in the enchanting marvels of this distant land, forming deep bonds with his cherished companions, Dashan and Haiyan. However, as his family bid farewell and returned to the United States, Kuliang and the memories of his childhood friends became eternally imprinted in Milton's heart. Throughout his lifetime, Milton yearned for a...
In this episode, Milton, Dashan, and Haiyan say their goodbyes under the grandpa tree and promise to meet again someday. What gifts did they exchange as they parted? What did Dashan and Haiyan share with Milton in their letters?
Published 07/19/24
In this episode, Mitton, Dashan, and Haiyan took their teacher, Ms. May, to the newly built tennis court. There, they encountered Dr. Edward playing tennis. Why did they bring May to the tennis court? What romantic story unfolds between Edward and May? Watch this video to find out!
Published 06/25/24