Happy New Year everyone. Follow Embrace Your Weird on IG @embrace_your_weird. 
Published 12/31/22
Published 12/31/22
Follow Embrace Your Weird on IG @embrace_your_weird_
Published 10/09/22
A little trailer to a new series called, Escaping Eygpt. IG @embrace_your_weird_ Personal IG @Katia Nalivata 
Published 09/22/22
This is Part 2 of the interesting conversation I had with Ellipsis The Artist on creativity. If you haven't listened to part 1, I highly recommend you do before listening to this one. I would love to keep this conversation going, so DM me with your thoughts on IG @katia nalivata about what we discussed. All and any views are welcomed. Hope you've been challenged and blessed by this conversation.  Sending love and light. 
Published 09/09/22
When most people think of creativity they think artistry. While some people are artistic, every human being is creative. Creativity is an inherent human ability, which transcends artistry. In today's episode Timothy Chawinga, a rapper popularly known as Ellipsis The Artist and I discuss what being creative is, how as we get older we tend to 'lose' our creativity and how as the church we need to "reclaim our creative spirit."  YouTube channel referenced:  Jungle Survival,...
Published 08/26/22
Podcast I mentioned from The Same Room: https://youtu.be/75ZQiQmpras “He refreshes and restores my soul (life); He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭23:3‬ ‭AMP‬‬ “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].” ‭‭John‬ ‭10:10‬ ‭AMP‬‬
Published 08/13/22
Life doesn’t always look how we want it to. Sometimes we find ourselves a million miles away from our destination and other times we may not be so sure of where the destination is. And living in this fast paced, social media oriented world; where it looks like everything is happening for everyone but us, can leave us feeling stuck. Join me as I share how I’ve been learning to find contentment and rest in this season of waiting and stillness.
Published 07/29/22
As someone who stands for everyone embracing who they are, I found myself living contrary to that but we’re back to accepting and loving her. Join me in this episode as a share a bit about the people pleaser in me who decided to emerge from the shadows and why I’m letting it die. (Apologies for the background noise this was an impromptu recording.)
Published 07/15/22
DISCLAIMER: I am not any kind of specialist or therapist. These thoughts are from my own personal experience. But do seek professional help if needed. This is a little casual update on why I haven't put out any episodes recently. To anyone feeling like this I'm sending love and light and a thousand hugs your way. You are loved and I hope we both seek and find the support we need in this dark space. 
Published 02/25/22
In this episode we discuss Tawonga's journey with grief and how she has been navigating grief, not just as an emotion but also all the changes that come with it. We talk about learning how to navigate faith and the pain of loss with God.
Published 02/02/22
"I have been in this state of both losing and finding myself at the same time. I am mourning old versions of myself while celebrating these new versions and chapters of myself that are coming in. And it's happening simultaneously." Bri Hall As beings who are ever evolving, have you ever found yourself grieving a past or multiple versions of who you once were? In this episode I share a little bit of my journey with this and how giving this season of grief I was in, a name, helped me...
Published 01/19/22
Join me as I discuss my opinion on manifestation and the law of attraction. Please share your thoughts with me.
Published 11/06/21
In today’s episode I talk about community and the division that is now plaguing humanity. What do think can be done to cultivate healthy diverse communities within our cities?
Published 10/27/21
Hustle culture is "a prevalent mindset that overworking yourself is the only way to succeed."  In this episode I talk about the dangers of a “hustle til drop” approach to life and how we can actually begin to live in every moment of our lives regardless of where we are (financially, corporately, etc). I talk about cultivating harmony in various areas of our lives and how that may look different for different people.  What are your thoughts on hustle culture? 
Published 10/16/21
DISCLAIMER: Any decision to take any form of medication (increase or decrease of current dosage) should be consulted with a qualified doctor/psychiatrist. My journey with antidepressants have been made with qualified pyschaitrists. Every illness and the response people have to the treatment is different for everyone. Therefore, you may relate to this but ultimately there will be differences in the details of our journeys.   I share my journey with depression with the hope that it can...
Published 10/06/21
Hello, I'm Katia Nalivata. A 21 year old Malawian girl, letting you in on a journey of embracing our weird. This is the first of many episodes to come. Please follow and leave a review thank yew. 
Published 09/29/21