Acompanhe nossos três programas: "Starting Up", com conteúdos para o nível iniciante, "Way Ahead", para quem já está mais avançado e preparado para acompanhar um conteúdo 100% em inglês, e "The Blah Blah Spot", programa em que os teachers Carina Fragozo e Fábio Emerim batem um papo sobre algum assunto relacionado à língua inglesa em português, em inglês, ou em uma mistura dos dois idiomas.
As technology advances at an unprecedented pace, the idea of "perfect robots" grows closer to reality, yet remains elusive in critical ways. In this episode we explore the complexities and challenges behind developing robots that could one day match or even surpass human capabilities. From...
Published 11/09/24
In this episode of BTL, as you could see on the title, we will cover the importance of time. Are you anxious? Do you want to get there or do you enjoy the journey? Do you compare yourself to others and want to be rich, be fluent, be in shape fast? Well, also, let’s take a look at Chris Brown’s...
Published 11/01/24